>mfw I will keep using Win7
Mfw I will keep using Win7
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Enjoy your unsupported software & hardware. Just try not to help the creation of too many worms and botnets whilst you're at it.
>Too dumb to realize that Microsoft released a security hotfix for Windows XP this month
>When XP has been unsupported since 2014
That's just isolated patch. It's still unsupported and obsolete. Windows 7 is now older than XP was during the release of Windows 7. Let that sink in.
Just do all of us a favor and upgrade to Windows 10 before everyone loses patience with you.
>Windows 7 is now older than XP was during the release of Windows 7
>Windows XP: 2002-2014
>Windows 7: 2008-2019
I love your retard math.
if xp was 6 yo in 2008, and win7 was released on 2008, win7 is 11 yo right now
Windows XP was 8 years old when Windows 7 was released. Windows 7 is now 10 years old and will soon be just as unsupported as Vista and XP.
There's no reason to punish yourself with an old, loathsome OS like Windows 7, embrace the future. Even Valve has dropped Steam Support for Windows XP, soon after Chrome. And they are always the last to drop support for old Operating Systems.
>he runs a deprecated and unsupported OS
>calls it "comfy"
by who? Microsoft? LOL
itt: Lincucks and BSDtards think XP is unsupported when it still receives security patches
>by the only company who has the source code and can possibly fix issues
microsoft's "support" is worthless
I would honestly like to try to explain something to you but you're too stubborn and too much of a faggot who is just going to say "hurr accept the future, upgrade to win10, unsupported deprecated, it's a decade old durr"
If it's getting patches still, it's out of the goodness of Microsoft's heart, not out of obligation. Official support ended 5 years ago, and have you tried connecting an XP computer directly to the internet in recent years? It'll be like that for 7 soon.
If you're going to use botnet, use supported botnet, and install your patcches like a good goy.
>and have you tried connecting an XP computer directly to the internet in recent years?
I have. My copy of Firefox 2.0 still works and I can access Google on my IBM R51 with it. The only problem is screen resolution.
Mind you, there's also a maintained browser for XP that supports full HTML5, called MyPal.
Let me guess, you were behind a router. So you were protected against the various worms that infect Windows XP default services.
Yes; behind my ISP's router. No other router or anything. I'm not retarded to think that XP users get instantly infected on connection.
>have you tried connecting an XP computer directly to the internet in recent years?
I have, got an XP box for a few select early 2000s games that work better on XP then 7/10 also to use with a USB MIDI+DAC that I've got thats unstable as fuck on anything other then XP.
Had zero issue browsing since Firefox 52 is supported on it, and I can get later community releases of FF and Chrome as well. XP literally has zero issues online even today.
What do you mean? My Pentium 4 works just fine for browsing 4chin, programming forums, and programming low-level C/ASM (the only languages worth anything).
>but muh videogames
>but muh webdev shit bloated IDEs
Pajeets are not allowed on Jow Forums.
>but muh modern websites (social networks, netflix, modern news sites, etc).
Illiterate normies are not allowed on Jow Forums.
It will be unsupported by just about everyone. Browser Support will likely be dropped after 2022.
At this point, the only SECURE browser is MyPal.
How do you handle ca certificate updates? just update manually?
CA certificates are updated automatically, by browsing a website with a browser that supports certificate updates.
How does the browser know the "new" CA isn't bullshit?
very cute, just like me
It doesn't
That is where "trust" comes it
>Not knowing how CA certificates work
Please do more research before you shitpost.
It gets shipped by the browser (at least FF does it), but if you eventually have to use an older version, how do you get the updates? I'm probably just retarded and missing something, but asking questions doesn't hurt
You are missing something; the fact that the browsers that are supported and updated for XP are forks of other web browsers that deliberately dropped support.
Makes me wonder why people are so afraid of Windows 10? Like what is so bad about it?
I used to be super heavy on WinXP, then a friend forced Win7 on me, liked the system much. When Win8 came tried it, didn't like it went back to 7, 8.1 came out, tried it out a little, but stayed with 7, upgraded to 10... don't see any issues or hinderances, aside of some graphical updates, UI is still as garbage as Windows's UI is lul
Inb4 spying, botnet etc. Well, Win7 sends shit to MS, hell even XP does. 10 Used to send tons of shit at the beginning, new system, ms gathering info how it works etc, kinda understandable, nowadays the traffic is low, can be blocked in the router if someone really doesn't want to give any data.
>mfw using ryzen with window$ 7
>mfw everything just works
>Makes me wonder why people are so afraid of Windows 10? Like what is so bad about it?
Telemetry aside, I despise the UI workflow changes and I have several application compatibility issues with it that even after the years that 10 has been out are still unresolved (I keep a 10 VM around to update when new releases come out to periodically test on).
Literally everything I run "just werks" on 7.
>he openly defends ms taking your data
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
>Not using DOS Shell because Windows 1.01 is shit
How about an idiot software company that can't figure out why people don't want their "new and improved" and keep making the same mistakes?
>t. too dumb to understand the unique position XP is in that 7 does not have
But you keep telling yourself whatever you need to be able to sleep at night and see if anyone gives a shit.
It's all so tiresome, and there isn't an imageboard mod in the universe who would ever take action against corporate and political shills. They're just allowed to run loose.
This never really happened though. People got 95 if they had the hardware since it was a quantum leap upgrade over Win3. Plenty of 486 machines with 16MB of RAM were still around in 98 chugging long, those usually stayed on 3.1.
Also in 2010 there was still TONS of P4 machines with 512mb of RAM, XP flat out just worked better on those then 7. You need minimum 2gb for 7 to be smooth.
t. Someone old enough to actually have owned a computer in the early 90s
>XP's in a unique position that 7 isn't in
Don't you love how incapable of thought NPCs like are?
>XP's not supported, but it's still supported
>7's soon to be unsupported in the same way as XP
It'll always be supported as long as something critical requires Microsoft to keep its 87% market share over every other OS.
You know you can always report users as either spamming/flooding, or advertising/begging, right?
You think MS doesn't know what it's keeping W7 users from switching?
They just don't give a shit.
XP was used on a lot of embedded devices with a lot more reliable hardware than whatever the minimum specs for W7, but why I'm expecting rational thought from a faggot who unironically uses the word NPC.
>Muh feefees are hurtening
Jow Forums is neither your tech support, nor your emotional support. and stop being an NPC.
Same, never made any updates and only have the packages that games need. Disabled nearly everything including samba and all that other networkcrap. Pretty happy and never had a problem. 99% of my programs run portable anyways.
>retard that unironically uses the NPC meme is also stupid enough to no understand that a ton of legacy software ONLY runs on XP and thus it's getting security updates still
Whatever you say you knuckle breathing mouth dragging troglodyte.
>No comeback or valid argument to counter the fact that he's uneducated
Bro... You really are retarded to think that every Windows XP user is using XP Embedded in a corporate environment. As a matter of fact, I got the security update for my copy of Windows XP Home edition; nobody uses Home Edition outside of homes.
So how is it living with paranoid schizophrenia?
not the one you are replying to but windows XP really still gets updates. For example because of the security shithole that is RDP with the exploit called BlueKeep (CVE-2019-0708) WindowsXP got a patch too. These news are partly from today because the BSI in german send out mails today.
op looks like comfy babby in bundle.
>No comeback
There was a comeback, you're just too retarded to notice
>or valid argument
To what? your great non-argument?
Listen here kiddo I know you're used to everyone having usernames like on reddit, so seeing everyone posting as anonymous and having similar arguments you might thing they are samefags, but if you look at the right upper corner you will see an IP count, if you're smart enough you will understand how to tell different users apart, good luck and welcome to 4channel.
>updatefags still think new=better
>Still being too mentally handicapped to debate properly
>Insists that no comeback is the comeback
>Ignoring every fact presented to him
The present state of sufferfags
This was my first post in this thread. Sorry user kun that you get offended by security patches for windows XP. But I see that you are mad at that other guy like and try to get a 'comeback'. Seeing you last few posts, this seems to be the only thing you care about.
I guess you are too
>Struggling to point out samefags
I'm not are ... I'm
So we both seem to have the same position and mentioned the security fix for XP and you still attacked my post. For what? Shit what the fuck did I do wrong to you? I just posted from the frontpage of the board and not from inside the thread, of course I didn't read every post. Sorry.
>Muh feefees are hurt
did you know that microsoft uses a list of over a 1000 ips to connect to when you try to block their telemetry?
the list is probably constantly updated on every update
and i assume they will make the system not want to work if you somehow disable updates.
You just look at these and tell me.
I don't know, but reading their paranoid schizo ramblings is great even if it is barely comprehensible anymore.
>He's never heard of Destroy Windows 10 Spying
>Last update Apr 27, 2018
>47 Issues all of them about new updates breaking their shit
Yeah works great.
>Pajeets are not allowed on Jow Forums
Pajeets are literally half of Jow Forums
Windows 7 is the chad of operating systems
I would use 7 if it weren't clunky these days. I've noticed many programs and drivers only support 8 and 10 now, so there's those updates gone.
I haven't noticed any