I hid data in this image

Solve the puzzle.

Attached: unnamed.png (6x6, 180)


Nice ransomware

do your own homework

Opened in hex editor, couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Give me a clue

does 4chinz allow urls in comment section? i wonder

Attached: 1545103154155.png (499x499, 175K)

solved it


180 B
I hid data


Any file that has a size contains data.

solved it

yeah, you definitely hid some colors on that file. Too bad we can all decode them


Sent you a PMS

Done, ez

For any of you who haven't figured it out by now:
OP is a fag.

DMed you the solution

i kinda see what you did there, but i'm not smart enough.

Attached: loss.jpg (1400x1050, 169K)

>OP is a fag. Drink your ovaltine!


Now that's some delicious pizza

Attached: TIP~.BMP.gif (1366x728, 222K)

>Solve the puzzle.

Attached: 1532685097430.jpg (204x191, 17K)

00000230: 3536 3738 393a 4344 4546 4748 494a 5354 56789:CDEFGHIJST
00000240: 5556 5758 595a 6364 6566 6768 696a 7374 UVWXYZcdefghijst
00000250: 7576 7778 797a 8283 8485 8687 8889 8a92 uvwxyz..........

pm'd u the info


Since this issue has been fixed,
I am locking this thread.

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”
― Harold Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Attached: forumfag.png (148x275, 7K)

>comment section?
Alright, back you go.