Now that the dust has settled, let's face it, this is a very good DE. Polished and slick and just werks out of the box.
>Inb4 gnome version from 10 years ago had bugs or other bs
Now that the dust has settled, let's face it, this is a very good DE. Polished and slick and just werks out of the box
I prefer window managers but gnome is literally my favorite DE. if awesome or fluxbox didn't exist I would be using gnome. I'm actually impressed they fixed the performance issues because I thought you couldn't get any good performance out of javashit. Ktards need to chill
What OS?
Have you tried Material-Shell for gnome? Adds nice tiling support
Feels a bit clunky for a desktop IMO, but it's really good for laptops and that sort of thing. Personally I use MATE on my desktop just because I like the feel of GNOME
Fedora Rawhide, Gnome 3.33.4
>removing features everywhere
>memory leaks everywhere
>UX worse than on aqua
>incompetent asshole devs
yes, that's a very good DE
>single-threaded javascript piece of shit that needs nearly a decade before it's barely even tolerable because the devs are ADHD mactards
year of the systemd/gnu desktop anytime now!
GNOME3 was released 8 years ago. If it took 8 years to make a DE good, that would still be a problem. However, the reality of the situation is that GNOME is neither polished nor slick and certainly doesn't work out of the box (everyone uses extensions to make it a semi-functional DE)
the only extension I need is topicons plus. also I have to disagree with it not being polished or slick. gnome is literally the most polished DE out there and nothing comes close
Nautilus is still a piece of shit though.
>everyone uses extensions to make it a semi-functional DE
No. The people who are most frustrated with GNOME are those, who try to "fix" it with extensions and shitty patches. Either you like GNOME in an (almost) vanilla state or you should look for a different DE.
>you should look for a different DE
I did 8 years ago and never looked back. Enjoy your tablet DE on your non-tablet device
Samefagging retard.
Gnome has no memory leaks nor is it single threaded. Keep up with the times gramps.
MATE is shit
Not linking my post that clearly states I gave up on GNOME 8 years ago with the other posts that clearly states that GNOME is 8 years old.
Linking me with two other posters.
You seem to be legitimately retarded. No question about it, you are a GNOME user
I tested it this month and it sucks.
I'll just stick to dwm or i3wm again, thanks. OP.
No it's not, it's probably the best looking and most usable DE
>Enjoy your tablet DE on your non-tablet device
I do. Although I enjoy it on my tablet as well.
KDE and XFCE are king fuck all your other garbage.
not him but belive it or not. there are people out there that don't like things you like. I think gnome is great but there's no need to get angry over some user's opinion
I hate xfwm and kwin
Yea essentially. I always end up back on it. My only complaint is the immensely incompetent deva.
MATE is better than those
MATE is also the only one that doesn't constantly break.
Gnome from 10 years ago was literally perfection, gnome2 that is. Everything about gnome3 is aids. Nowadays not running an DE and using i3 is the only serious option.
you're an idiot, people were complaining about GNOME 2 when it was new as well.
>having to manually set every fucking thing up yourself in a featureless shithole of a window manager is good
Fuck you, no.
Ubuntu 7.07 was literally peak linux desktop. You had no idea how much better it was compared to all other competing distros at the time. Every other distro was essentially a proof of concept for a linux desktop distro, fucking mandrake was the main competitor at the time. I will always have fond memories of this time. Gnome 2 was extremely functional and lightweight, entire OS used 40MB RAM idle
I never got why people use i3. window managers like awesome offer the same stuff i3 has and more. though i3's learning curve is pretty small
I can literally feel your anger just from reading that. calm down you fucking retard and stick with what you're using then. jesus christ
It's irredeemable dogshit, You could fit KDE5 into GNOME nearly twice, and at least it's multithreaded.
>for me its XFCE, ideal productive work environment
>just works bro, you need to relax and stop worrying about little things about desktop environments
>technology forum on place called Jow Forums arguing about best desktop setup?
>I dont know bro, I get all my information from programming books and digital manuals
>KDE and XFCE are king fuck all your other garbage.
Pantheon (ElementaryOS) is not very customizable and flexible but it does feel polished if you don't go too far out of the box.
>being this defensive that my tiny passive-aggressive post about how *I* don't like i3 gets *YOU* irrationally mad
>all the UI elements like the dock, the quick launch, the toolbar, the overlay, the workstations and the WM itself clash
>eats up noticeably more memory than the other "bloated" DEs like Cinnamon or KDE try to at least fix their shit
>horrible waste of screen real-estate even in material mode
Gnome 3 is a complete failure even if you pick any single metric to rate it by. Single. Now put all of those together. Hard pass. I don't care what DE or WM you guys use but stop pretending this specific trash fire does anything right.
>the other "bloated" DEs like Cinnamon or KDE try to at least fix their shit
Mint devs are even worse when it comes to performance improvements.
nice crosslink newfag
Actually I was there and I do have some idea about how much better it was than other distros at the time, and the answer was "not by that much" it was basically Debian with an ugly skin and a couple of extra utilities. It was...fine, I guess, but unremarkable compared to Fedora Core and Debian proper.
fuck off back to r*ddit
I don't think you were there, 7.07 would've been released July 2007. At this time, you had to manually install wifi drivers, which was an absolute PITA, but this worked out of the box on ubuntu without having to do anything. Next their was graphics card drivers, which was the same story. Then there was DVD's, DVD software cost money at the time due to licensing fees, so to play DVD's you have to install pirated shit. Then there was downloading the ISO's, 07 broadband was pretty shit, and downloading a 700MB cd took ages, but Ubuntu would literally mail you out a cd for free to anywhere in the world..... and your telling me fucking debian was better than that?
I left out the DVD part, basically to get DVD's working on linux you had to install priated software, except on Ubuntu where Ubuntu would literally pay for the software for you.
Actually, yeah. Debian's TUI installers were and still are top notch and a breeze to use, and they also always had "net install" CD's where you just downloaded a small image with the bare essentials and installed everything else from repositories.
You might be right about Wifi support, but I pretty much exclusively use desktop machines and never had to worry about the weird random crap they use in laptops, and the one or two times I did install Linux on a laptop I used Ubuntu and still ran into various issues with sleep, wifi support, and some of the laptop buttons not working, so *shrug*. I've also never once played a DVD on my computer either.
I do remember having to deal with graphics card drivers, and I can't remember if at that point there was a debian repository that had the drivers in them or if I was still installing them by hand, but in any case by 2007 it was smooth sailing, with the issues I do remember I was having circa 2003-2004 with driver updates breaking shit pretty much non-existent.
>good for laptops
>drains your battery
pantheon is how gnome should look visually if its developers really care about the design and use of their programs
Looks good, for a tablet.