Will there EVER be a Linux desktop that comes close to the justwerks, OOTB, UI perfection of MacOS? And no, your pathetic KDE rice with a Mac skin doesn't count, nor does your GNOME or Pantheon garbage. I mean, shit, you guys can barely even come close to the Windows XP desktop.
Will there EVER be a Linux desktop that comes close to the justwerks, OOTB, UI perfection of MacOS? And no...
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Back off, iToddler.
Yes, MacOS has always been great. Even modern MacOS is still 1000x better than anything the Linux desktop has to offer.
MATE is literally perfect, I don't understand how you cucks overcomplicate shit lmao
>What is Elementary OS
MATE is based on an outdated desktop paradigm.
Don't mean to be rude but "outdated desktop paradigm" just sounds like a bunch of buzzwords. What are some concreat issues that MATE has? I've never used it so I wouldn't know.
>The amount of bait in this thread
>desktop paradigm
Ok, that's epic
MacOS is far from perfect, you screaming fairy.
mac ui just werks as opposed to Linux
on Linux any app anytime has literally a 50-50 chance to hang
Linux uses software, free open source software that you compile from source.
Apps are for faggots
>on Linux any app anytime has literally a 50-50 chance to hang
What are the odds of you hanging? Please respond.
>oh a consumer unix
>let's praise the closed source part of the thing because we paid good money for the hardware to run it, and if people don't think it's good we'll look like fools.
well, for one example, the two panel layout of gnome 2 (and by extension, mate) was intended for 4:3 displays where you didn't have as much horizontal space to cram shit
it's not a big deal but if you're being autistic about UI there's not much purpose to that design in the 16:9 era
1000 x 0 is still 0
Sure. In exchange for "just werking", the OS literally only works *out of the box* on like 10 types of computers. At best. Great job!
>Linux uses software, free open source software that you compile from source.
Yes yes, we know that Linux users are autistic retards that like to waste their own time compiling shit and manually hunting around for dependencies instead of just being able to click on something and have it install. We also know they like to screech about open source software as if it's an intrinsic good, even though they've probably never actually looked at the source code of or contributed to a single program they use (nor is any of that software likely to have ever been audited by anyone else). You didn't have to remind us.
>MacOS just works OOTB
Then why doesn't my Intel wireless network card work in MacOS then? It works fine in GNU/Linux.
>In exchange for "just werking", the OS literally only works *out of the box* on like 10 types of computers. At best. Great job!
And yet, those "10 types of computers" are substantially more common than Linux desktops, which commands, what...1-2% desktop market share? Maybe 3%? Huh, why is that...maybe it's because they, you know, "just werk", *out of the box*.
Because you are using a shitty wireless card instead of Apple's Airport card.
Oh please, don't try to pretend that 95% of Linux installs don't end in some kind of weird fucky issue where something doesn't work right. When you purchase a Mac, it works. Even the miniscule number of laptops that come with Linux -preinstalled- can have issues sometimes.
Apple Airport was discontinued
Doesn't answer my question.
If we're making the argument that popularity determines whether something is good, we'll be forced to say that Windows is the greatest operating system.
>Doesn't answer my question.
You're arguing with a macfag.Why? They're like flat-earthers.
Actually, it does. Mac works, Linux doesn't 95% of the time. Mac targets specific hardware and always works well on that hardware. Vendors target Windows, so everything works on Windows. Linux tries half assedly to target everything and nobody actually targets it, so the end result is a half-baked mess that is miraculous if it actually functions post install, and if your peripherals will even function with it (for example, have fun getting some printers or controllers to work in Linux, not a problem on MacOS). Even then, you're at the whim of an update destroying your system or breaking some kind of functionality because open source developers are amateur retards that don't give a fuck about quality control.
Keywords is OOB, you're probably using some sort of Hackintosh since you're bringing up peripheral cards
Windows is popular due to getting a footing early on. Even then, and with the premium pricing of a premium product, Macs still command a large percentage of the desktop market share. Meanwhile, Linux developers can't even give their trash away for free.
Still didn't answer my question.
But we're talking about MacOS, not Macbooks.
If Linux is such a great out of the box experience, why is my printer unable to scan to it? Why is graphics switching such a fucking janky nightmare? Why do some DEs screen tear out of the box, and why do my windows artifact even with a compositor? Why are most DEs (and Linux software in genera)l unable to handle high refresh displays, particularly in multi monitor setups? Why does my entire DE break when I update my drivers? Why do so many Linux programs lack hardware acceleration? Why are adaptive sync technologies completely broken on multi monitor setups? Why is my controller a cunt to get working? Why is drag and drop busted for certain programs? And lastly, going off of your problem...why doesn't my Broadcom wireless card work?
Still didn't answer my question
Street shit harder iJeet.
Mac is somewhat popular due to getting a footing early on. They got even their rivals to put their software on the platform (MS Office). Apple is only alive today because of Bill Gates showing pity on it.
It's pretty pathetic to campaign for your operating system by shitting on others. Especially when it's owned by the world's richest company (or maybe it's Google this month) and they won't share the source code with you.
>Mac targets specific hardware and always works well on that hardware.
This answered your question.
Besides, installing another operating system on random set of hardware is not an "out of the box experience".
>two panel layout is outdated
>mac os is ui perfection
in what way is aqua not a two panel """"desktop paradigm""""?
>always works well on that hardware.
pajeetOS is an abortion and regularly shits the bed in any program using over 1GB of RAM
A dock is not a panel.
Oh, so what you're saying is that MacOS only actually works "out of the box" on certain hardware configurations. You should probably clarify that in your original post.
Imagine the smell
loonixfags BTFO
imagine if you did this for long enough that you gradually optimized that whole deal to the point of having a 1 click all-in-one executable? that would be so epic bro, cuz then you wouldn't have to keep doing it over and over again!!
the dock is literally just a panel with launchers and a window list on it
XFCE is peak user interface design
Apple killed macOS consistency when they started pushing their flat shit. Now even Linux DE are more consistent than macOS.
t. macfag
> mac blah blah
but what if i'm hetero?
no (you) for you, faggot
ubuntu xenial was like this
now the only thing i can think of that is like this is slackware.
Pantheon is actually pretty good. I run elementaryOS in a VM for all my Linux needs.
MacOS already is a blatant copy/theft of what is Linux. So Linux really always comes before toddlerOS
I'm thinking of trying it, the lack of a global menu seems shitty though. I've also seen people recommend Deepin as a MacOS-like distro, but it seems like more of a weird cross between MacOS and Windows. KDE can be configured to work like a Mac on the surface, but the rest of the UI is really nasty and inconsistent.
>dude just learn how to use the terminal for everything just learn how to use vim just learn how to fix any driver problem just learn how to write bash scripts it's easy dude
Are you retarded? How is it a copy of Linux in any form?
Who cares? If I wouldn't care about configuring things how I wanted I wouldn't be using a tech enthusiast website and Linux.
If you care about the OOTB experience try Reddit.
>tech enthusiast
user i don't think you understand what that means
>It's good because it is popular
Are you retarded?
People who have an interest in technology? And not mindlessly buying the latest apple/Samsung/whatever every year and use it how it comes OOTB?
>for everything
No, just for the things that it can do more easily.
>just learn how to use vim
Or don't and use any other code editor.
>just learn how to fix any driver problem
>just learn how to write bash scripts
If you do not care about learning, why are you here?
are you retarded? you can still buy any product and be interested in technology using linux and having to fix every small problem doesn't make you a tech enthusiast it just means that you don't value your time enough fuck face that's why you see people in workplaces using mac
I mean, I get where you're coming from, but:
>just learn how to use vim
>just learn how to write bash scripts
Both of these are incredibly easy to do.
>If you do not care about learning, why are you here
you just told me to google stuff instead of "learning" how to fix them by myself
Some people view an OS as a tool used to tinker with other things, not something to be tinkered with in and of itself.
>you just told me to google stuff instead of "learning" how to fix them by myself
Where is the contradiction?
You learn by googling.
Also I legitimately haven't watched porn in months.
>Some people view an OS as a tool used to tinker with other things
Yes, exactly. I do not tinker with the Linux Kernel.
But on Mac/Windows you can not even make basic changes to the software you are forced to use.
Can you even switch your window manager or just your fucking theme to something not apple approved?
>people in workplaces using mac
>t. startup manager
>Can you even switch your window manager or just your fucking theme to something not apple approved?
Yes. Quite easily.
Serious Linux users use tiling WMs instead.
>UI perfection of MacOS
Why do people hold up macOS as the gold standard of UI's? It sucks ass. So clunky and awkward to use. The file browser doesn't even have an address bar or proper navigation, so when you want to go to a folder that isn't one of the built-in ones you have to spend like 5 minutes trying to find it.
>Can you even switch your window manager or just your fucking theme to something not apple approved?
Yes, but it means using a different display manager (i.e. GDM) so most applications will not work, unless they have a version that uses GTK.
I barely give a shit about how the UI looks
That said i'd like to try MacOS. Too bad it's a vendor lock-in OS.
yes and it's called crhomeos
>Yes. Quite easily.
You can replace aqua with something like KDE or other wm?
Never have seen that...
>The file browser doesn't even have an address bar
>View -> Path
wew, that was so hard, i better lie down
>using one of the unices
>not using the terminal emulator
Absolutely plebeian
Not him, I'm . But
>You can replace aqua with something like KDE or other wm?
>Never have seen that...
Do you reasonably can't if you want a properly working system, good to know...
>most applications will not work
You can create a barely functioning OS.
Depends on what you mean by working system. If you mean using built-in apple software, like mail, preview, garageband, etc., then no, it's not trivial to replace the display manager. If you don't use any of those things and would do with using a regular desktop environment like Gnome or KDE, then yes, you can replace it.
>>Never have seen that...
That is a different Operating system that has nothing to do with the proprietary software that apple puts upon it's open source parts.
You can easily replace the window manager with something like xnomad. Replacing the desktop environment is more difficult, but can be done. KDE is a desktop environment.
Write something yourself then. Darwin is free software, so nothing should stop you.
See By your definition, Linux is a barely functioning OS then since none of the Linux distros run macOS applications.
>same kernel and coreutils
>different OS
Bruh, is Xubuntu a different OS than Kubuntu? Is Ubuntu a different OS than Fedora?
why can't linux into proper visual representation and user experience? It is really shitty and I am really scared to work on any real files on it because of compatibility issues and problem of softwares lagging and dying all of a sudden.
Even Windows 10 is good with visual presentation these days and I don't think I need to tell about reliability of it and osx in general.
>inb4 some faggot brings up BSOD issue from age of vista and win10 of 2013
this doesn't happen now
Can't' you configure that shit? You can in Xfce and Mate is basically GNOME'd Xfce but idk
>is Xubuntu a different OS than Kubuntu?
They aren't even different distros.
Exactly. If GNU/Linux is an OS, then surely XNU/Darwin-core is too.
>Is Ubuntu a different OS than Fedora?
Yes, I would say so.
It seems quit reasonable.
Also you are ignoring the point. Barely any apple user uses it, they all use Macos with the proprietary apple parts.
>Yes, I would say so.
No, they're distributions of the GNU operating system.
>Barely any apple user uses it
Why would that matter?
>why can't linux into proper visual representation and user experience?
KDE is better than Microsoft.
Dwm is the best though.
Are you retarded?
On macos your applications will stop to run if you make changes to the system.
On Linux they won't.
How retarded are you?
>Write something yourself then
Can you not read?
Why should I care about an OS which I have no interest in because it doesn't come with very basic features?
>Yes, I would say so.
You're wrong, they are different distros. {Open,Pure}Darwin and macOS are different distros of Darwin.
>It seems quit reasonable.
Actually, it doesn't. See >Also you are ignoring the point.
What point?
>Barely any apple user uses it, they all use Macos with the proprietary apple parts.
user, I _am_ an apple user and except for browser and email, I spend most of my time ssh'ing to my workstation at work. Also, why would it matter what most people do? We are talking about what is possible to do here, not what is most practical.
>Why would that matter?
Because we are talking about the apple OOTB experience.
Yes, you can install Linux on a Mac, does that mean that MacOS is the superior OOTB experience if you need a different OS for basic features?
>Why should I care about an OS which I have no interest in because it doesn't come with very basic features?
It isn't missing anything important.
>Also, why would it matter what most people do?
Because the subject of this threat is the apple OOTB experience which is apparently do garbage that applel users are telling me to install a different OS just to change the fucking wm.
>On macos your applications will stop to run if you make changes to the system.
What do you expect by replacing the window manager and its API? Also, it's not like core utils stop working, only the graphical stuff.
>On Linux they won't.
Try replacing X.org with Wayland and make that claim again. Or removing GTK+....
>replacing the DM
>OOTB experience
You're not making any sense.
>It isn't missing anything important.
If you do not care about basic features, it isn't.
>different OS
>Ubuntu is a different OS than Fedora
No, you're just a baby duck.
best post
>change the fucking wm.
Holdup, are you talking about display server or window manager? There are plenty of window managers you could use, but if you're talking about KDE and Gnome those require a different display manager.