[SECURITY] What do you call this kind of attack?

Let's say I'm trying to bruteforce a web login password but there is a password attempt limit that won't let me try more than 5 passwords in X minutes...

To get around it, I find the same user on a different website that doesn't have a password attempt limit, bruteforce their password there, and then use it (or some variation) to login on the original site.

What do you call this?? What can I search to learn more?

Attached: 1.jpg (1050x1400, 164K)

This is the kind of #womenintech I can get behind.

Attached: womenintech.png (1300x869, 1.5M)

>What do you call this?
Credential stuffing

Does anyone have that picture where it showed what all she was able to shove into her shoes? Cuz that was pretty fucking cool ngl



i got bad news for you

fuck i love china

Shes sick
Rip your wayfu

Attached: 1424468231507.jpg (1335x2048, 373K)

Normally they use leaked email addresses and passwords for this.

its amazing how much asians look like monkeys
no wonder chinks are going after africans

harty kek

Man I used to watch this guys videos constantly many years ago. Hes still going.

Kek, nice
Flat as a board

Have you considered that you might just be ugly?

>t. butthurt asian macaco

Used to watch them as well, but nowadays it's mostly whining about how bad China is, which is fine but not what I liked about his videos.

Bad? He used to talk about all the good things about China.

Lately he's been talking about a lot of the bad. It's for good reason though.

Like what? Social credit and what not?

That, and just the societal problems the country faces in terms of the way some people act

I dont know what you mean by that, or how it could change so much in just a decade or less since I used to watch his videos.

Kind of bad in my opinion for an immigrant to go around shitting on his host country.

Side channel or credential stuffing