C language is almost 50 years old

>c language is almost 50 years old
>young people are very tech oriented and familiar with technology

who would advance technology more?

1. a small group of very smart nerds from the old times,
2. an army many million strong, of modern tech savy retards

Attached: index.jpg (259x194, 8K)

1, obviously

It seems like that to me too and it's strange, shouldn't there be geniuses in this modern generation too? But somehow nothing really happens.
Is society fucked beyond repair that a genius just gets overlooked, everything is about connections now or what is going on?

the new geniuses are there, but all the shitty legacy infrastructure gets in the way. the old geniuses had a clean slate, but here are the new geniuses, making cool products, but making them with stupid ancient shit like posix in mind.

we need a new genius that also has the nuts and work ethic to make something new from the ground up.


The new "geniuses" here have to deal with more distractions than the old guard.

Not to mention, that the industry is sort of organized to stop people from standing out.

>modern tech savvy retards
how many people out there are actually tech savvy, as opposed to just users of whatever the latest crapware is?

I have a feeling we will have a Warhammer 40k style dark age of technology by 2050. We will have all this technology that people know how to use, but no one actually knows how or why it works.

isn't that what they claim about the moon landing already?

The latter because the former can't fill the manhours needed.

That's because we ran out of Nazi rocket scientists to run our space program for us.

Are gifted children still encouraged in schools like they use?

no, they are told to be quiet and given some medicine to make them dumb

the smarter you are the harder the education system works against you.
exhibit a: try solving anything in maths with a method other than given by your teacher.

Old nerds for sure
Kids today are more interested in making up new sexual identities and being outraged at pathetic shit then actually doing something productive

because of and they are basically forced into the herd
homeschooling would work for these children but retarded parents don't know that

real geniuses come around every 300 years or so.

bell labs, xerox and eth zurich made the world we know today.

People have taken a bunch of badly worded and badly thought out statements made to buzzfeed reporters and youtube interviewers about our inability to just build another saturn V, they take it out of context to convince people that NASA is lying

It's jew bullshit, but of the newspaper variety, not the shady loans variety

>bell labs
less than bell labs, imo

what did eth zurich do that is so amazing?

Knowing how to use niggercattle ware is not a skill

A real world example of #2 writing bloated JavaScript websites (but definitely advancing and sometimes regressing) causing #1 to optimize and add new features to browsers, devolop and advance networking. Even specific instructions to processors have been added by#2 to aid #1. #2 is doing all the background fundamental work while #1 is making discord for example.