Attached: Snapchat-1081169243.jpg (1320x2560, 1016K)

yep lmao

Attached: 1564586851224.png (825x661, 477K)


I shoved it up my arse and when I pulled it out one of the pins was like that

t-there's a potential that It would work??
...Try it, report back if it fries your mobo and CPU

Probably not. That's just a common ground pin. There are like 7 others. I wouldn't want to use it, but if it's all you have, it should work. Try it and let us know lol

Disclaimer: I know more about cars than computers, where all the grounds are connected through the body. I don't know if there is something that is specifically only grounded through that pin.

If you are using ISA peripherals, yes. Otherwise, no as a lack of -5V is pretty standard these days

>That's just a common ground pin
No, it's -5V

You are fucking retarded

Attached: file.png (261x237, 18K)

Should've gone modular.

Re pin it you mong

Too hard :(

>have modular PSU
>Retard shoves my PSU cable up his ass
>Replace PSU 24-pin with a new one
>how can non modular fags compete

Fix it? Pretty easy familam. Could probably superglue it back if you're too much of a pussy to solder it.

No. Do you want to be?

Attached: g.jpg (2000x1236, 63K)

You can even get cables that match your coding socks.

Attached: file.png (840x709, 185K)

LMAO shut the fuck up. Google Lutro customs you dirty, unwashed Google. He has all the crimping shit and guides online.

I have no clue what you just said

Why are you gay?

Do it like the 8-bit boomer and stick a paper clip in there.

hang yourself

Only using it bc my phone takes pics that have files too big to post. Also you are a neckbeard fag with no friends, neck yourself

not at all OP, worst case scenario you can completely replace the header

annoying but not fucked

Guy in PC modding named “Lutro Customs.” Has JewTube channel! That’s good! Easy video for stupid to not read! Show how to re-pin cables! Save money by not buy new PSU!!! And now you know not to buy non-modular PSUs! Good job retard!

That's the pinout of the port you absolute mongrel

You are fucking retarded


Attached: IMG_20190801_111311.jpg (3984x2988, 3.33M)

Are you incapable of reading a fucking diagram? Look at the shape of the pins, jesus christ.

Move busted pin out of the way then put tinfoil in
-t. EE

you are even more retarded.
Look at blue is -12v, green is ps_on, you should know the rest.

oh no, he's using an app that your social awkward self does not because it reminds you of how socially inept you are! ban he!

Repair it faggot.

Just recrimp it, faggot.

What the fuck am I supposed to see here