Why yes, I use bluetooth headphones. How could you tell?
Brain Cancer
Other urls found in this thread:
These 5g speeds are incredible
Imagine being so retarded you think non-ionizing radiation causes cancer
>5g bad
>4g good
Uh oh an ms paint infograph from Jow Forums said something so it's a fact now
>There are 5 posters in this thread
>6 posts
fucking samefags
Bluetooth made my life easier!
Worth it! Enjoy your poverty speeds, loser!
>everything is made of atoms so one thing can't be superior or inferior to another
Zoomer detected
These apple airpods are great
>pic related: the brain imaging of a person who can’t into the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
Post your flappy man tits op, bluetooth headphones are the go to choice for Jow Forumsizens
Can this retard get banned?
No u
I actually have a ba degree in radiowaves, both ionizing and non ionizing
Would you put your head in a microwave then?
t. I got a D average babyyy!
Every board has a guy like that. On Jow Forums there's this one autist who's been at it for at least a year, making the same anti-coffee threads over and over and screaming about how caffeine is a drug and rotting your brain. Probably a mormon, but he refuses to open up and discuss kolob with me.
>caffeine is bad
>probably megadoses caffiene in his pre workout powder/pills
5G isn't made up of atoms based retard
U recieve hundreds of quadrillion times more EM radiation from being near wifi compared to the background radiation
inb4 some brainwashed bigtelco retard goes on about muh non ionising
shove it faggot tripfag
>Never used a smartphone or Bluetooth
I smoke too much it doesn't matter
>Why yes, I use bluetooth headphones. How could you tell?
You have nothing to fear, OP.
It only affects the brain.
>replies to the namefag anyway
1mW vs 1000W
>5G gives you cancer brah
>lower in wavelength than visible light, of which people are bombarded by copious amounts on a daily bases
tell me more about chem trails and this flat Earth tho
Would you go out in the sun? Well then, I guess that means you would also stick your head in front of an industrial CO2 laser.
Any recommended resources to educate myself on this kind of radio waves shit?
>degree in radio waves
Just because you have brain cancer doesn't mean everyone's going to get it.
The rest of you retards need to go back to .
Do you goyim really believe this shit?
You're a dumb nigger. Major 10 year study literally proved cell phone radiation causes cancer. Keep living in your fantasy world lmao.
Citation required.
imagine being so retarded you repeat reddit epic le r/science memes instead of using common sense
>Why yes, I too support 5G and shill for any three letter agency, how could you tell
I’m not that guy but caffeine does fuck with your mental health. I would gladly discuss it. I used to drink 20 cups of coffee a day and have been going through withdrawals for 14 months. Ask away.
Correlation is not causation
>national scientists from US/Spain/France confirming results are wrong
Nice delusion there flat earther.
The second sentence of your first link says
>New studies show a correlation in lab rats
Correlation is not causation.
On top of that all your links deal with rats. Rat physiology and human physiology are not the same, even when you adjust the amount of EM radiation to be proportional to mass.
Just because something is true for mice and/or rats does not mean it is true for humans.
Cope you dumb retard.
Correlation is not causation. This is one of the first things you learn in any statistics class.
shut the fuck up retard.
>20 cups a day
Fucking retard. If I also spent 24 hours on a skyscraper roof baking in the sun the sun would hurt me.
Non ionizing radiation does not cause cancer. Why is this so hard to understand.
>Correlation is not causation
Causation absolutely requires correlation dumb faggot
There are plenty of causes that can lead to the same correlation. Again, this is very basic statistics. I didn't even pass my probability class.
>Correlation is not causation.
This statement is literally objectively false. Go back to your rick and morty subreddit.
Like the dumbfuxk you are you're parroting a meme and dismissing legitimate science you don't like with muh correlation when you don't even know what you're talking about
Frequency you dumb shit 5G doesn't even begin to approach enough to be considered a hazard
fuck off there is no way you were drinking 20 cups of coffee a day, on average a cup of coffee has about 95mg of caffeine so you are saying you were drinking 20 cups of coffee a day that would mean you are consuming about 1900 mg of caffeine a day and that's complete horse shit
Nice moving the goalposts. Stop spewing categorically false shit and pretending like you know what youre talking about.
This is the post there is issue with. Dont change the topic:
I'm not dismissing science, I'm being accurate about it. Rat biology is not human biology. So even if you assume the rat studies are valid it doesn't change anything.
Humans are not rats. Experiments on Rats often do not say anything about how those same experiments would go on humans.
You are making assumptions based on incomplete evidence, and then going "SCIENCE" to justify your awful logic.
ok yeah don't fall asleep on a fucking radar.
and even then you would get burned not get cancer.
lol how does non ionizing radiation cause cancer?
I'll let someone else link the study since I'm banned from uploading files. It most definitely can, that isnt debatable. The debate is whether or not 5g is enough.
Ask someone from the 1920s how uranium harms you. Not understanding something is not proof against that thing's existence.
ok now I see how dumb you are.
Look at a microwave, now ask that question again.
>ur dumb
Ok retard go back to plebbit and Morty now.
>puts hand in microwave
It's ok bros it's non ionizing
antennas are magic, man, i'm telling you, man
Is there Any credence to this image. The relatability scares me
microwaves are harmful even with nonthermal effects
This uranium shit looks pretty cool though
Yep, there's nothing healthy about a super sharp 2.4GHz 1100W spike that goes straight through your body.
>5g - bad
meme is dumbest and one of the funniest I saw past years
>5g - good
one of the dumbest and most shilled memes i've seen over the past years
Wait, what's wrong with eating fruit?
a giant worm starts growing inside you
First it's important to know the terrain, and the environment these phenomena are occurring.
From Adey 1993 - Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields:
"In cellular aggregates that form tissues of higher animals, cells are separated by narrow fluid channels that take on special importance in signaling from cell to cell. These channels act as windows on the electrochemical world surrounding each cell. Hormones, antibodies, neurotransmitters and chemical cancer promoters, for example, move along them to reach binding sites on cell membrane receptors. These narrow fluid "gutters," typically not more than 150 A wide, are also preferred pathways for intrinsic and environmental electromagnetic (EM) fields, since they offer a much lower electrical impedance than cell membranes. Although this intercellular space (ICS) forms only about 10 percent of the conducting cross section of typical tissue, it carries at least 90 percent of any imposed or intrinsic current, directing it along cell membrane surfaces.
Numerous stranded protein molecules protrude from within the cell into this narrow ICS. Their glycoprotein tips form the glycocalyx, which senses chemical and electrical signals in surrounding fluid. Their highly negatively charged tips form receptor sites for hormones, antibodies, neurotransmitters, and for many metabolic agents, including cancer promoters. These charged terminals form an anatomical substrate for the first detection of weak electrochemical oscillations in pericellular fluid, including field potentials arising in activity of adjacent cells or as tissue components of environmental fields."
Reminder that right now, today, if you put a cell phone directly to your head, or directly against your body, you're exceeding exposure guidelines by several times.
Gandhi 2019 - Microwave Emissions From Cell Phones Exceed Safety Limits in Europe and the US When Touching the Body
See also:
Gandhi 2012 - Exposure Limits: The underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children
Om P Gandhi was active during the making of these standards, and worked in the Brooks air force base research / propaganda apparatus. Like many from that era, he did a hard 180 later on.
There is literally 120+ years of literature on this topic. We know damn well it's biologically active and harmful
I stopped eating fruits after was diagnosed with giant worm inside me.
based gandhi, he did it again
the "it's non-ionizing, bro" is a meme, there are many other ways in which microwaves could have harmful effects on the human body
Can't heatcha, can't hutcha bro! Non-ionizing? No problem!
This is probably the most redonk research I've ever come across. Voltage gated calcium channels open up every fucking time a neuron fires, if that diagram is true we should all be dead by completely inflamed brains. This is a complete waste of grant money ghandi should switch careers.
Sodium influx is the initiating factor in nerve firing. Calcium leakage can happen and not provoke an impulse. This is why calcium channel blockers help during strokes.
Tolerance and addiction are a lot stronger than you think zoomer. I didn’t just wake up one day drinking that much took me about 10 years. A cup of coffee is 6 ounces. I would drink 7 cups before work, 7 cups at work and 6 before bed.
Do you think being on a skyscraper is going to make the sun more intense? lol holy shit
Maximizes your exposure to the sun and means youre less likely to get shade, so yes? Youre thinking about this way too autistically.
lol thanks for the laugh
ZOOMER ZOOMY ZOOM fuck off you are lying on the internet and it's obvious go kys and find something else to do in life
uranium is an alpha emitter user
Stop being a fucking faggot. If you've ever worked at an office before you'd know at least one poor retard with a fucked caffeine habit. It's not that hard to believe.
god fucking dammit you fuck face there is a difference between having a caffeine habit and consuming 1500+mg caffeine consuming that much everyday will put a toll on your fucking body you fucking retard
Epic low IQ /v/eddit bait.
epic low iq shitposter
>/v/eddit reaction pics
Gas yourself
lmao u are delusional buddy keep on shitposting thats the only thing u are good at in life fuck faceee
>BTFO with actual sources
>resorts to irrelevant reddit one-liner
Who is the retard now? What, you don't "fucking love science" if it doesn't support your notion of reality?
>US government propaganda
>actual sources
Cope harder, autismo.
>US gov propaganda
>also French gov propaganda
>also Spanish gov propaganda
TAD is gone forever.
i have looked at a microwave. now i am asking the question again