What is the best technology for someone who is over 40 years old and a woman?

What is the best technology for someone who is over 40 years old and a woman?

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Electric chair

Wireless vibrator

LOVENSE Hush Butt Plug (1.5inch), Powerful & Intense

....for the good of all of us... except the ONES WHO ARE DEAD....

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Vacuum cleaner and stove


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i gotchu

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why wouldn't you just use a to-do app like wunderlist or trello for this?

I ask this because my mother's birthday is in two days, and she's been using a beat up Toshiba Satellite for the last 5 years... The battery doesn't hold a charge, there is a streak of dead pixels in the top half of the screen, and it uses Window's 10.

She face times everyday, and she's stuck in the apple ecosystem. I'm thinking of buying her a 13 macbook pro, but she's extremely accustomed to 15 in screens. But.... I think the 15 inch model will be overkill for her and my wallet. I'm also buying a case and a keyboard cover.

Guys... I don't want to make this purchase. I would rather buy a thinkpad, install an SSD, and a battery upgrade. But... thinkpads will never have facetime, and she uses that every single day. Why is this so difficult for me?

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tell her that Jow Forums hates apple products

Tell your mother she is faggots and should kys herself.

Cheap surface pro?

What kind of ungrateful son are you?

But there's no facetime, and nothing shines more bright in the eyes of an Indian woman than an apple product, unfortunately

What sucks is that I watch Louis Rossmann every day, and I know all the faults of the newer models...

I love her to death, and I'm going to buy it for her. It's just that this purchase is extremely difficult for me to make... I feel frustrated that there are no 15 inch models that fit her needs. I feel frustrated that apple products are over hyped. I feel frustrated by apple's ecosystem.


We understand your pain when buying anything Apple

get her a decent tablet, moms love tablets despite what Jow Forums tells you about them getting obsolete.

iNiggers prey on the technologically deficient. My condolences that your mother fell victim to their schemes.

Get a thinkpad then buy a webcam.
How is this an issue?

>he wants women to use smartphones

Thank you, I feel a bit better now.

She still works on her Toshiba though, for emails and more. She mostly stays in one spot, and so a tablet would be annoying for her to hold, especially when face timing.

No facetime, and it's make me seem like a scumbag who only cares about myself

Buy her an iPad Pro and keyboard case.

get the keyboard addon, don't be jewish user, she is your mum.

>No facetime


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try to get her off FaceTime. Can't she use WhatsApp? Skype? Duo?
If not, then just get her an iPad. If she's a typical boomer, what does she even need a proper computer for anyway? What else does she do on the internet?

>WhatsApp? Skype? Duo?

Have you considered a making a Hackintosh? You could create a nice desktop computer for her with all the iShit she wants, at a fraction of the price.
Of course you would have to know how to do it. I don't!

Honestly, the best thign would be to get her off FaceTime. If you could get her to switch to Skype, you could create a very nice comfy desktop setup for her for cheap.

Wearing dresses doesn't make you a woman.

Buy a 2015 MacBook Pro. That's a Louis-approved model.

Why do you want to kill OP's mom?

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Block all Apple services ports on her router to break Facetime and convince her to respect her own freedoms.

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>for emails and more
a lot of hr marketing queer types use tablets with keyboards so it should be viable

A dog if you are white

You need to explain to her that you are no longer her son. You are her GNU + Son, and that it is time for her to stop being an iToddler.


Buy her a $329 iPad, it's literally made for moms.

I agree with the iPad+keyboard case.
Honestly, talk to her about it. It doesn't have to be a surprise.

obviously if you'd rather forgo the trouble then you could just buy her a macbook, but i imagine using an ipad (even with the keyboard) to write emails on would be a pain in the ass. a good laptop + hackintosh means she can have a comfy and durable system as well as facetime


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Buy her an iPad

This made me chuckle. Lmao, thank you user

Just get the mac, it's not the hardware you're paying for (it was always overpriced, and now it's not even high quality like the early Win7 era MBP's were), it's that it's "easy" and the Apple Store / Genius Bar will solve most minor to moderate software support issues for free. My mom brought a whole goddamn printer to the Apple store so they could install the drivers for it on her mac, and they did, and it worked. Save the Thinkpad for yourself, mac has the boomer/genX crowd dialed in and can give them what they want.
-t. nu-Thinkpad user


This too desu if a macbook would break the budget too much. Great for reading the morning news and can probably do all of what she needs. Probably a little more convenient for Facetime too.

How about a pen and paper?

I've never done it so I don't know if it's even viable but what about hackintosh on thinkpad or another laptop?

Why is a gift so hard? I gifted plenty of things to people I don't like but they did.