Will 6 cores 12 threads be ok for the next 3-4 years or should I go for 8 cores 16 threads?
Considering buying a 3600 here
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get a 2600 now
3600 is 75% more expensive for just 20% more fps
save the money to upgrade to 3700x or 4700x in the future
What the fuck do you need all that performance for? Fuck, most recording studios which perform some of the most taxing tasks for CPUs don't have that.
6 cores is good enough for the next 8-10 years...
depends on what you wanna do bruv. Want to play gaymes? 3600 isn't a bad purchase. Want to do "work"? Get a used 1700x for like $130.
>t. 2700 owner who justified the purchase on basis of doing work but really mainly plays gaymes.
The 2700 isn't a bad bet either, if you've got a decent cooler it can regularly boost up to 4.05 GHz in gaymes.
1600 user here. I play with the thought of upgrading to a 3600/3700x.
I bought a decent mobo for this exact purpose 2 years ago. I have a vega 56, does this really make sense for me? Do I see higher fps in Pubg, mordhau and LOL?
okay for what? bideo games? Yeah, 6c/12t should be fine for the next gen, honestly, and if that's not the case you can always do a cheap upgrade a few years from now to a 3900x for pennies.
Video games are very rarely bottlenecked by the CPU anyway. It really doesn't matter at all.
4 cores 4 threads is enough, don't listen to these amdrones
You need 16 cores, 32 threads in order to be future proofed
next gen is using 8cores.
If gay and man
AMD 1440p $1050
1440p GAMEMAXED $1500 intel + nvidia
Doesn't really matter. The current-gen consoles used octocore CPUs as well, but a 4c4t CPU like the 2500k still would've lasted someone through the entire generation.
Obviously more is better, but the point I'm making is that it's not like you need to get the same cores/threads as the consoles or you're fucked.
3600 has 12 threads dude not a problemo to keep up with "console 8 cores/threads"
But if consoles have 8cores + multitrheading you are fucked lol
You are me. Pubg I went from 99fps to 144fps when I first load into the game and look at all the other players.
Upgraded from 1600 to 3600x. Wish I had gotten the 3600 since it's basicly the same cpu.
I have a piece of Shit b350
current gen consoles are using shitdozer arch where 8 cores = 8 ALUs/4 FPUs, next gen is going to be 8/8 (and I would assume typical SMT so 16 threads). IMO 8 cores would be way better to go with than 6 cores if you want it to last 5 years. 12 cores is even better, but you could just find a used 12 core or 16 core zen 2 CPU in 2 years time for relatively cheap.
Case is wrong btw soz
You want a micro-ATX like nr400, mesh mini, nzxt h400
>8cores + multitrheading
They do. But it doesn't matter. The 6c6t will be enough for years for games if you take into account the frequency
>mesh mini
FD Meshify Mini C
How much difference is there between 6c/12t and 8c/16t for handbrake? In their documentation they claim handbrake scales well up to 6 cores with diminishing returns above that
games are almost entirely gpu bottlenecked, even if you have a 4 y/o cpu right now you'll be ok.
3600 will probably last you 3-4 years and even more if you upgrade GPUs
8 if streaming
Handbrake scales well with multi threading no?
Buy 3900X or you are not making $ with that pc
Never mind the 2500k for plebs late to the party. The first gen i7 920 is barely getting too weak for a bunch of games now, and most other software is still ok.
Whether you want to still use it for power efficiency reasons on server/compute farm use might be the main question. But not Jow Forumsay desktop use. And the new Ryzen should again last for a good while on that kind of use.
Do you really need to encode a bit faster? Nope
8 core is a minimum these days. AMD is pushing game devs to work on more and more cores. Every console uses AMD. Any gamer worth his shit is using AMD. Getting anything less than 8c is setting yourself up for a limited future.
6c/12t is the budget gaming futureproof option if not streaming, i doubt 16 threads will be used in a game ever.
Only if you game, for anything else anything will do the job
Are you really going to haggle your future over saving $100?
You mean a placebo effect?
imagine being this poor and stupid.
>See all these comments saying even a i7-950 is doing fine
>GPU the bottleneck
>Turn up max settings for the Witcher and end up with my 1070ti sitting at 40% whilst my CPU is throttling to hell and back at 15fps 100% usage of a stuttering mess
I'm too afraid to comment but you guys are wrong.
>imagine being this poor and stupid.
Sadly I am poor and only need 60fps to match my TVs 60hz.
3600 price is fine $199 price if you want a good performing CPU that matches Intel. A more conservative price/performance oriented would go for 2600 @ $130 or even more so 1600 @ $80-100 mark.
Wait for Intel's response. Prices will be lower and then you buy. Never buy a product not on sale, never buy it at launch. Especially if it's witha new chipset, you'll be the beta tester.
I can always sell my old CPU and just pay the difference for a new one if i see fit in the future, not that hard.
I went from a four core 4770k to 8 core 3700x and my fps went up on average by 10 (1440p), but the biggest difference was the disappearance of stuttering.
it's been amazing for rts games. So much smoother. I reckon this is another 6 year pc, I'm very happy
you can't compare the next gen console of 3ghz 8c/16t to desktop 6c/12t 4.2ghz+. desktop is still stronger
3-4 years EASY. The issue is that computers don't last 3-4 years bub honestly they're trucking along for 8-10 years these days.
Still the vast majority of users are going to rarely push all cores to their limits to the Ryzen 5 3600 is simply going to be the better buy for a larger cross-section of users.
The Ryzen 7 is compelling if you're a heavy user though because you have many years to extract value out of that extra horsepower... and buying a better CPU lets you go longer without buying a new mobo or memory which is a nice value add.
you need to turn back, wintoddler.
Buy the 3600/3700x when Ryzen 4 drops and the Ryzen 3000 series gets huge price drops. That's gonna be a bigger deal than the Ryzen 4k processors themselves.
if you have an extra $130 get 3700x
20% more FPS is actually very good when you compare the price difference to the cost of the entire system.
Problem with cpu and gpu bottlenecks is that it's case by case. Reality is that both do matter if you like to play a variety of games.
they are wrong, what they mean to say is that thy're not perceptive enough to notice their CPU bottleneck, there definitely is one though.
not get anything slower, like 2700x
Dude a 3600 is 200€. Waiting for a 200€ cpu to drop in price is kinda retarded. I could get a job flipping burgers for 1-2 days instead of waiting a year to save 50-100€
Dude wait for Zen 3, it's gonna be so much better
>current gen consoles are using shitdozer arch
Wow you don't know shit do you? Current gen uses Jaguar architecture which has nothing to do with Bulldozer. It seems to be actually derived from K10 as a low-power architecture and it's even shittier than Bulldozer even though cores don't really share anything.