Homescreen Thread

Post your Android Or iPhone Homescreen. Find your inspiration and rate others ricing ability.

Attached: Screenshot_20190802-221138.png (1080x1920, 1.26M)

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looks like it's time to binge watch serial experiments lain from start to finish

>current year
>hasn't watched lain
absolute state of Jow Forums

Kys weeb

go back

>Fgt library poster

OP id R8 an 7/10

Attached: Screenshot_20190731-142812.png (1080x2160, 1.91M)

good lain, but i don't like the style of much of her fan art. this looks washed out and bad resolution, i dont know if that's intentional

cute 2b, but you could at least add some white to the image to get rid of the disgusting letterboxing. just my two cents.

Attached: photo_2019-08-02_19-09-43.jpg (606x1280, 107K)

Attached: 88623A19-6DCE-4054-A879-CA37560BC1F6.png (750x1624, 393K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190802-182031-720x1280.png (720x1280, 1.32M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190802-212221.jpg (1440x3120, 1.27M)


Cell phones cause brain damage and sterility, lainon.

Attached: 51989445_p0.png (881x750, 616K)

it's fine, I'm already sterile.


>homescreen thread
>posts lock screen
>doesn't even have fingerprint unlock

why have the button at all? just make it a gesture so you swipe up to open the app drawer. Easy to do in Nova, and Smart launchers, I think it's default behavior in Google's launcher.

this one's interesting, because he has decided 6 icons is the limit. personally I can handle more

not a homescreen, pls leave the thread

Keep it simple stupid

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-031907_KISS launcher.jpg (1440x2960, 1.25M)

>not a homescreen, pls leave the thread

Attached: scan41.png (625x465, 278K)

are you retarded? the xs and the xr doesn't have a fingerprint unlock you fucking retard

Attached: 1564485966966.png (485x443, 26K)

like i said
>doesn't even have fingerprint unlock
did i stutter

Attached: 1563921171928.jpg (640x360, 54K)


i got a new phone a couple days ago so i had to redo it

Attached: Screenshot_20190802-223124.png (1080x2220, 936K)

Here’s my home screen bro

Attached: B3F111E2-D036-48A2-BB40-2CD179C51E19.png (750x1624, 3.1M)

pls no bully

Attached: 1564290247673.png (720x1280, 764K)

6/10 because
>2 clocks
5/10 because
nice consistent style

nice homescreen but be honest, did you actually enjoy kill la kill?


What else does a man need?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02-23-21-31-384_is.shortcut.png (1080x1920, 1.7M)

to each their own, i guess

Icon Contrast.

Attached: 1560912970490.png (512x154, 68K)

I was going to edit it but i am a lazy piece of shit

I would post my lockscreen bit i dont want to dox me and a mate

Pls r8

Attached: Screenshot_20190803_014644_com.teslacoilsw.launcher.jpg (1080x2340, 487K)


what do u guys thing

Attached: 1564811860310.jpg (720x1280, 513K)

Comfy life (+gestures)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19-14-06-11-302_com.teslacoilsw.launcher.png (1080x2280, 1.29M)

Attached: 20190803_020217.jpg (1440x2960, 284K)

Looks neat and simple, I like it. Has this oxygenOS style

Is pretty average since I guess only the wallpaper was changed.

>JuiceSSH and whatsapp999+

Are you responsible for a server at a company? I don't think any person should have this many messages on WhatsApp, except you are some businessman.

whatsapp 999+ are mostly unread group messages and juicessh for when i'm too lazy to get out of bed to restart/start some service on my pc

why have lain as your wallpaper if you're just going to have jewgle and discord shit on it

>uses discord
obviously a tranny

For the feeling, which is the reason why people rice in the first place

>Not posting trebuchet.

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-132141.png (1080x1920, 684K)

I tried man, ok? First the japanese original, but I couldn't stand every woman sounding like an infant. Then the English dub, but the voice actor for Lain was still making a baby voice.
Finally I found the russian dub, which has a voice actor that sounds like she's actually 12 and not 4. But then the English subtitles I found didn't align and I didn't feel like aligning them.

>fingerprint unlock
Sure, just give out your biometrics. Why don't you go ahead and just unlock your phone witch a fucking DNA sample.

right user, since your face is much more secure. especially if you're chinese and your coworker looks exactly like you to Apple.

why do you need alarm everyday at 6;15 am?

Attached: Screenshot_20190803_185802_com.teslacoilsw.launcher.jpg (1080x2340, 516K)

>not taping over your fron camera

simple but I enjoy it

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-080048_One UI Home.jpg (1080x2220, 893K)

Lemme get that sick wallpaper bud
It looks cluttered, user.
Nice, simple , shin
Very comfy
Favorite here so far

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-111731_Nova Launcher.jpg (1080x2220, 802K)

R8 fags

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-03-19-23-39-642_lockscreen.png (1080x2246, 3.02M)

What MIUI theme is this?

I'm b& from uploading images.

share the pape faggot. please.

kiwi is cute, what is it?

Kiwi browser. It's usually a cyan icon, but I made my own 250x250 .PNG.

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-143624_Nova Launcher.jpg (720x1560, 186K)

Seriously OP please give me that lain pic.

Attached: xoUmpi.jpg (1600x1000, 296K)