
Do you use it, Jow Forums? Or f.lux?

I'm a Redshift man, myself. Literally can't live without it.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 16K)

yes, redshift for linux and f.lux for windows. They are a game changer, it really feels good and you can get to sleep without problems.

>he can't adjust his monitor to not display blue

flux is nonfree software

Is this true, does the blue light really impair sleep?

well I can get to sleep normally now. You should try it, if it doesn't work just stop using it. It's great with movies, your eyes feel more relaxed.

Change the color temperature depending on the hour of the day. Higher during daylight and lower during nighttime but there is only recommended values. Try one and see how you like it.

I use 3500K for nighttime and 5700K for daylight with lowering brightness a little too.

if its a laptop

I use the one built into my operating system.

This doesn't adjust it for you on a schedule.

What? get the fuck out of here retard