Why do people dislike systemd? please give non meme answers im genuinely curious. the only thing I ever hear is because its 'too big, monolithic' but like, so what?
Why do people dislike systemd? please give non meme answers im genuinely curious...
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People have opinions that are different, that's why.
Main reason: systemd is big attack surface. It ignores Unix philosophy.
but like, so what?
That's the problem everyone should be happy about systemd, those who oppose us are on the wrong side of history and should be put into camps.
>big attack surface; so many things can go wrong, many possible bugs opening vulnerabilities
why would you pretend to be retarded?
you should ask yourself that first if you think systemd is any more of an attack surface as most everything else people use on linux.
Is your machine personally attacked very often?
Do you really think that one blob of a program replacing smaller and simpler programs doesn't have more chance to fail?
Are you implying that security doesn't matter?
well, I mean are there examples of it being exploited, or of something going terribly wrong, or would I just be choosing to use a worse system for no reason than 'something could go wrong maybe'
>I just be choosing to use a worse system
I don't remember GNU/Linux being worse before systemd. I'm not that old, but Ubuntu 7.04 worked just fine without systemd.
Don't be naive. Something will happen and then I make thread about it to remind you.
guess thats a no on the examples question
Fuck off collectivist.
look up yourself.
Too big, no way to properly audit it, shit tons of critical security holes, they killed a man to force it into Debian.
That's enough.
It works too well that's why the hipster fucks here hate it. They're scared it'll make linux usable ending their gay sekrit club.
its scope is too big for an init system. i don't get why an init system should have a dns client, for example. this feature creep also hurts some software that should, in theory, be independent of the init system (the leading example is GNOME, which, unpatched, no longer works on any init system but systemd).
>wrong side of history
Yikes senpai
It has a worse process of shutdown than other init system
Why the heck should I have to wait an hour for my system to shutdown because systemd can't do anything about it?
You're much more likely to be at risk from installing Steam than you are with systemd anyways
But I acknowledge that it is becoming convoluted and other systems should be considered
how can you be baited so easily
genuine autism please consult a doctor
You are lost user, this is not a windows thread, steam runs with user privileges, systemd runs as root and PID 1 at that.
>they killed a man to force it into Debian.
Search Ian Murdock
>Are you implying that security doesn't matter?
works for me
unix philosophy was dead before systemd was adopted. bash was never first class on anyones system.
Defaults to Google DNS if yours fails
Made by a nazi