Why are Russians and Ukrainians so good in IT/Computers?
Why are Russians and Ukrainians so good in IT/Computers?
They really are.
What is this from? Waifu sale for western customers?
Do you have any proof that russians are better than anyone else or that there are more russian devs than onthers in top tier positions or some shit? Or perhaps you just wanted to start a shitty thread with no purpose?
because there is nothing else to do so they learn to code.
also afaik going to study in a university is enough avoid conscription
Also, strong math background in the past.
Russian gamedev is awesome as well.
I'll tell you from personal experience
They have shitload of maths especially in uni, which always help in programming, their informatics and programming classes at least in better unis are being held by old lecturers that teach from barebones. A friend of mine who is doing his doctorate in EU uni had a few russian exchange students who were light years ahead of any other pupil, in practical and in theoretical knowledge.
In the early 2000s, cctv software was done by usa and russia and maybe some other countries. American software required modern hardware and beefier systems while russian software worked on win95 old system, i still to this day have home cctv server from 2005, not to mention im not the only one, and it used practicly no resources. Im not saying they are the best, there are a lot shitty programmers there as well, but math background, shitty hardware used to develop software somehow draws out the better percentage over others. Im not sure if thats true today but in the 2000s ivans were developing on potatoes made for potatoes, just look at heroes 3 for example or other russian/excccp countries.
Just how small is her waist, exactly? She must be 5'6 at least, discounting the heeled boots.
>30 year old
No, that's a typical 45-55 year old slavic woman.
Because we have nothing else to do besides drinking and/or wasting our lives away doing some autistic shit. It's a form of escapism I guess.
Post-communist godless school programs teaching kids nothing but pure maths and sciences. Same thing with China. We should accelerate and do the same in the USA desu.
>not counting hot seat HoMM II-III
there is always one guy with a pentium II
where did this meme come from I wonder? many photos of alcoholics and drug addicts?
woman on the right is in her 60s
Going outdoors means getting fucking frozen. Stay in and drink vodka at computer. Get very good at computer.
Why don't Russian hackers get rich by hacking banks, overthrow the oligarchs and establish a new Russia?
Sure, look up microsoft research team. Got some balkan folk and others in them.
average education in russia is terrible
the only reason why there are good russian/chinese/indian programmers among the sea of absolutely useless ones is because if you are autistic and creative enough you could escape the shithole you where born into
>in her 60
wrong. he's a 30 y/o boomer
they're not dumb enough to get caught by FSB
No, Ivan, you aren't. Not even close.
Please go back to your ghetto.
Rich parents
This snownigger gets it
I don't disagree with that but it sounds a little commie...
USSR paid for people's education. The Slavic states were surprisingly educated unless you were thrown in a gulag.
I got through US high school only having done two math classes. An algebra course in 9th grade and then a class that did like geometric proofs, some algebra applied to the "real world".
It's pathetic. I love math but I don't have the background to keep up in even precalc now at 26 years old.
Oh and I have an associates degree in computer programming and a laundry list of certs.
Typical russians.
So even in the most positive estimate I would only have about 20 years with a woman attractive enough to have sex with before she became so revolting you wouldn't want to touch her and couldn't get an erection?
Should have got married at 16.
Late 20s just means it's a waste of time because the wall is so close.
Im not a snownigger! And neither are most Russians who leave Russia with their families.
Every Russian ive met (who isnt bidlo who has rosetinted glass of Russia because they lived in central Moscow and went to private school) after immigrating to AUS has never refereed to themselves as Russian, we want to assimilate and just become that countries' citizens
People who come from Russia dont even go back to funerals (I wont either and my grandparents understand) since until 30 we are still under the watchful eye of the military.
Because they are cool. I love russia, russians and russian and I'm actually trying to learn russian right now.
Fucking awesome country.
Maybe because no circumcision.
which adult movie is this?
Because it's cold. They spend more time indoors, which inadvertently leads to more time on the PC.
Same with trannies. Rejected by society, they spend more time isolated in front of their PCs and naturally gravitate towards programming as a hobby and subsequently profession.
You cannot into sarcasm, Ivan. Too stupid.
Russian "hackers" just use ready-made tools they are buying with govt money. It is that simple - they just buy it and use.
This is how these fucking "GRU" degenerates hacked Shillary. Just by following the instructions.
Fuck off, Ivan. You are a metastasizing cancer of whole humanity.
Yes, Ivan, you are. You just too much proud of being able to buy your way out of Russia. But you are a snownigger nevertheless.
>Seething Jow Forums janny that can't delete this picture
Ivan, I...
This is literally IQ70 level analytics.
First, Eastern Euros have a natural talent for mathematics and the "lego making" though process that goes well with programming. Second, Soviet IT industry placed strong emphasis on good and efficient coding because of the Soviet backwardness in electronics (mass production equipment and processes to mass produced electronics to be more exact). Third, the Soviet educational system was efficient, pragmatic and harsh (in a good way) and Russian educational system maintains this philosophy, Ukrainian not so much since it's an Americanized shithole.
>buying your way out
You have to put in effort to be accepted into countries like AUS - my whole family had to learn English and allot of lore about Australia + ive known family friends who couldnt make it because they didnt try to learn the language and where "too proud".
So yeah, i am proud for being able to immigrate and assimilate into this country, i love this country - especially now that Im about to finish my CS degree here in one of the best universities in Australia and top 20 in the world for CS which definitely makes me and my family proud
Oh God I wish that was me
Strong math background and computers are easy to get into. Even a poorfag slav can get an old pc to work with.
>have a natural talent for mathematics
ancestors of slaves the krepostnie? really? how so?
> the Soviet educational system was efficient, pragmatic and harsh
fuck off, Ivan. The soviet system could not even grasp Genetics and Cybernetics and anything at all except Greek and Hegelian abstract bullshit.
Just face reality, fucking snowniggers.
So, your parents paid you through. Ok.
She is at least 55 there are bearly any young teaches in slavland.
> Strong math background
Like what, Ivan?
Thinking about Russia is really sad. The only place where you can achieve something close to a meritocracy is on the internet (which apparently might go 'Great Walll of Russia' really-soon™) which is why artists/gaymers/programmers are doing so well right now.
The land is cursed, and that's about the most logical reason I can come up with as to why every single Russian ruler in history has been either: a drunk, an idiot, a thief or a murderer
"Wake me up in some 100 years & ask me what's going on in Russia.& I'll say they drink & steal " - M.Saltykov-Shchedrin
Damn, going from slavland to becoming a bay tech worker must be like hitting the lottery for them.
The purpose of education in a democratic state is to create good critical citizens, hence its education focuses on literature, art, philosophy, politics, and (especially) history.
The purpose of education in a non-democratic state is to create good worker drones, hence its education focuses on mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry, etc.
Why governments throughout the West have been going on a "STEM is everything!" focus recently is left as an exercise to the reader.
If attributing other people's effort and success to luck/happenstance is what makes you sleep better at night , then sure.
Don't worry about Russia hohol, they will continue marching into the future as they always did and will continue to see their enemies going to the grave as they always did. Worry about the Butthurt Belt being flooded by niggers and arabs instead...
>The purpose of education in a democratic state is to create good critical citizens
Laughed out loud.
No, they want good slaves who vote the right way and don't get "crazy" ideas.
If you believe that people have a "choice" in a democracy you are thoroughly retarded.
>Why governments throughout the West have been going on a "STEM is everything!" focus recently is left as an exercise to the reader.
Because they need to compete with China and the US.
She got a job at one of the biggest tech companies in the country straight after graduating MGU (people outside of Russia dont take top tier University degrees from Moscow seriously let alone fucking MGU...)
I genuinely doubt that she is living the comfy developer life that you think she is, unless of course, she is trustfund-kid or married an American - then it makes sense
Other then the aforementioned possibility I genuinely dont know how someone going from MGU and working for 4 years doing "internet" related stuff and only has a C++ certificate from Yandex can make it as a fully fledged software developer at facebook. Congratz to her if Im talking out of my ass though and she really is that talented
>Why are Russians and Ukrainians so good in IT/Computers?
good in bed too
It's because it is very cold in Russia and they spend a lot of time indoors
I have been to Russia, even the shithole outskirts of Moscow have more soul then all major US cities combined.
>They will continue marching into the future
"not if i have something to say about it"
Literally the last person who didnt absolutely destroy the country was Putin, and things are just stagnating
Lmao, dont even bring up Ukraine, they have a comedian for a president ... there is little left to make fun off
i made a typo about MGU , i ment to say MGU is the only place they sorta will take seriously (not completely laugh in your fucking face)
I'm russian and I am better than all of you fucks.
Checkmate atheists.
She's probably really good. She worked with a literal genius (google him).
The oligarchs hire better hackers.
Republicans were right that poverty is a motivator?
>post-communist math
is it really better than US?
what I was learning in school in my country (not slav, but post-communist country):
- logarithms
- trigonometry
- probability theory and statistics
- geometry, vectors
- introduction to differential equations/integration
- functions, systems of equations
- introduction to matrices
at university it was mostly integration, matrices, statistics and probability theory (much more expanded classes than in school), only new stuff was imaginary numbers. I might have forgotten a thing or two.
So, what's it like in your school? Don't you learn these or what? (I doubt that)
Never heard of ukranian.
The best programmers are russian/french followed by chinese and then Italian
pure white genetics, high iq, resourcefulness, general slavic supremacy
> literal genius
Oh, just fuck off, Ivan. You have no idea what does it amount to be smart.
Its like saying "Bullying is good for kids because they learn to step up for themselves", just look how we turned out ?
You are trying to force correlation = causation, while doing so you also assume a negative predisposition in life would create a need too strive for more - while all it causes for 99% of the Russian population is suffering.
Please dont think about suffering as a means to an end, we live in a time where such schizophrenic ideas should have been long forgotten, i also bet you're saying this as someone who's never gone through what most successful programmers in Russia went through and simplify everything
They aren't. This fucking meme needs to die already. They are regularly worse than pajeets and I'm not even kidding.
>slavic supremacy
Fucking pathetic snownigger
supermacy of genetic inferiority after 1000s of years of negative selection
Just. Fuck. Off.
chinks > pajeets >>>>> fucking slavs
ok, enlighten us then
who do you think is 'smart'?
t.white aryan
>most successful programmers in Russia
Could you, please, point to some code on github?
Don't bother with tdesctop, it is a fucking crap made by ignorant bidlocoders.
Thank you.
Balts are superior to slavs tho. Member when we expanded to Black sea? :^)
Last ones to take cuckstianity
fucking slavs ruined it
For example.
>good in bed too
The women maybe? Russian guy are dicklet and they are ashamed of licking pussy
>white genetics
Slavs aren't white thought.
So is this this guy why bing and yandex are actually useful for image searches?
Snownigger cope. I avoid slavs and eastern euros and prefer pajeets over them whenever I have to hire.
>UCF places over MIT
Ahahahahah MIT BTFO by a shitty state school
there's no balts anymore. the people who call themselves balts nowadays are just slavs who speak a funny language. balts have been murdered by slavs and germans and died out a long time ago.
Programmers who went onto create large businesses and don't have to write code for a living is what I would call a successful programmer
Serg and the VK dude are notable example of programmer success stories from Russia
I'm not slav, dumb fuck
>math background
I know. white people are trash. slavs aren't white. they're superior to the genetic nigger loving trash that are whites
Except nobody gives a shit about these competitions. Actual good people invent stuff in real life and make money off it, and don't waste their time for a fake gold medal and a handshake.
It's like winning at the special olympics and there are only retards competing.
Balts have been Germanized, yes.
That's why they are so superior to Slavs.
Germans have been dabbing on slavs for over a thousand years, only thank to the USA and Britain do they still exist.
>prefer pajeets over them whenever I have to hire
well, there's companies who prefer to hire niggers, faggots and trannies. so you're not _that_ special
I've noticed this a lot. People who are in IT always claim to be good at math but they are usually dogshit at it , so much so that most errors in software and engineering are because they are unable to identify edge cases or do simple type conversions (which means they don't understand what they are actually doing).
>generalising a whole subset of people instead of each person based on their merit like a true objectivist who wants to see his company actually make money would
yikes, have you tried having sex with women ?
stop larping. you're just a russian in denial. kinda like ukrainians.
wrong, where I am from, we never had slavs invaded our lands, only germans. I don't have slavic or german blood, pure Balt (unless some grand grand grand parents mixed, which I doubt)
I hire them because they are better based on merit. Slavs and eastern Euros are worse than pajeets, and will actively try to fuck you over in every situation they can.
It's just how people here feel about the H1B pajeets. I'm in a first world country where we pay huge salaries and most applicants are from Eastern European univs while the pajeet and chink ones are international ones from a local university (top 10).
The slavs almost always exaggerate their knowledge and perform poorly in the interview testing.
Maybe there are better ones who leave their countries to study abroad but the ones educated in their home countries just aren't that good.
>self learnt randoms are unreliable
more news at 10
They aren't. Name one important technological advancement developed by Slavs. Just one, I bet you can't.
They just do lots of maths. I known plenty of slavic people, their maths knowledge just pales in comparison to what we get taught. One russian kid transferred into my highschool and he would literally btfo the teacher every single week and go up to the board to solve shit. He failed pretty much every other class because he couldn't speak any fucking english but he passed maths with a perfect grade. Think his family moved to London after that.
Pajeets are smelly, clannish people though. If even one manages to get into a high position in your company they'll only hire other pajeets
And chinks... They're all fucking commie spies and thieves. 'Nough said.