>OC ryzen AND rx580
>apartment is still freezing
OC ryzen AND rx580
fucking kek
The Ausie freezing temperature of 15ºC.
Should've got an Intel(tm) spaceheater.
its currently 12c FUCK OFF
>muh freezing
says the euro sitting in a central heated stone house with a fire roaring
>OC ryzen
You managed to push it to 4 GHz?
>overclocking Ryzen
fake and gay
sorry meant to say testing different configs atm
>idling at 40 degrees
I give you six months before you give up and switch to Intel
idle at 34c, that was after a stress test. 48c under load
>ryzen master
try to maintain those clocks in cinebench or prime without crashing
RM gives very inaccurate readings because its stress test sucks willy
okay I'll dl prime and see what it goes up to on base profile
>I-I'm idling at 34c, I swear!
Stay fucked.
Gets to -5 here in Canberra
Should have bought i9 9900k and two vega 64 brah.
its like 4 degrees here in Melbourne mate, just turn on a heater
Wow you got BTFO, No come back?
How cold can Australia get?
Here in the Florida Panhandle it usually gets in the lower 20's (Farenheit), a bit chilly but not bad, snow every 2 to 3 years.
southern parts of the country are quite far from the equator, and a few select mountainous regions have seasonal snow. It's not a notoriously cold part of the world, but it certainly gets cool in the winter.
went once to visit someone, never again. the apartments have no insulation, windows are fucking useless (apparently they never heard of insulating windows), fucking heaters.
>at least is good for your CPU
Even my house fire 9900k 2080ti can't heat up my room, last night was cold AF in Adelaide.
>not buying and overclocking both the 9900k and the Vega 64
You played yourself desu
What's everyone's plans for summer?
Everyone undervolting?
Double stacking anti-vibration paps in preparation for 100% fan speed. Liquid metal HDDs so they don't swell and burst.
Snows consistently at Mt. Hotham, in winter it averages a low of -5°C and in summer it averages a high of 17°C. Not that cold, but definitely not warm.
>not the VII OC'd to 2100MHz
*turns the ac up*
Can you even buy a VII?
proven to cause cancer
should have bought a 290X
Just run a 9900k at stock voltages :^)
I know that feel southern bro. I have an electric heater right next to me.
Just get a blanket
It's already summer in the USA, AC is mandatory because my room gets 85F with it and my PC running.
>AC is mandatory
Retard. I switched from an i7 to a ryzen and can you guess the i7's idle temp?
Hint: it's not below 40
Fuck off, its not even cold up there.
god you poor bastard
i feel cold below 20, that just sounds like hell
Are you me?
Hahaha just wear clothes mate
Take heart in the fact that those euros are currently burning to death in those houses during this heat wave because they have no air conditioning.
It's pretty nice here in Tasmania. It straddles 0 ºC at its lowest but usually caps at 25 ºC in the summer. The rest of the country feels like a burning hellscape and I have no idea how they deal with it in the summer.
I'm doing fine right now. Comfy 18-20c here
That's with the AC on, it's so hot the AC can't keep up.
Outside during the day it's around 95 to 98F, with a 100+ heat index.
I don't even need to undervolt
>Snow every 2 to 3 years
Lying fuck it hasn't snowed in FL over 10 years. Rarely ever drops below 20 unless you live on the state line.
Thick walls and insulation are great for hot weather too though. It's way cooler in here than outside on hot days. Retards who open the windows and let all the hot air in are the problem.
My skylake idles at 50C. Fuck off shill.
Wrong the heatwave is over, it's a very comfy 24C right now
t. smug euro