You don't have to use a Linux distro systemd Jow Forums
You don't have to use a Linux distro systemd Jow Forums
Tried void, unfixable screen tearing for me personally
other than that great distro
That's every distro though. You have an nvidia GPU?
nope, intel integrated. screen tearing fixes ive used on other distros with the same lappy didnt work on void. bad luck senpai
Yeah must be bad luck. can't fix nvidia screen tearing on any distro on my PC.
on my desktop force composition pipeline full and compton with glx backend usually does it
Create your xorg.conf via
Xorg :1 -configure
And modify the parts at section "Device" for your intel card like this:
Option "VSync" "True"
Option "SwapbuffersWait" "True"
Option "TripleBuffer" "True"
Option "TearFree" "True"
There are more options but this one worked for me.
But user, I like systemd.
Tearing on Intel graphics ? Oh, well then you're just an idiot
have sex
This distro is actually pretty interesting but I'm always afraid of one man distros. I tried it, liked it, but it's not for serious work, at least yet. Sadly too many projects that aren't actually forks of Debian and Ubuntu or Arch get killed because they're most of the time a 1-2man project and they have to come with everything themselves, there's nothing to fork off of.
Every Linux distro is the same
Just go on with your life
I use CRUX tho
This. Fuck init scripts and fuck having no standard way of managing your OS.
Intel driver?
Just use the modesetting one.
xbps-remove xf86-video-intel
and fuck shills like you on Jow Forums
That's why I use Devuan, free of systemd, free of trannies
>a-ancient packages
Don't care, they work and keep working no matter what I update/upgrade.
Just use FreeBSD or OpenBSD. It's like GNU/linux but the diff is that it works
just use wayland bro
This is actually likely the problem
>daddy please make everything depend on one giant heap of code that is hard to audit
Were init scripts really that hard to manage? Really?
but xbps is so slow.
But I don't use systemd OP.
Why are you lying?
>I’m a script kiddie who wants to have every piece of software bend to the might of systemd
When lying on the internet goes too far.
wew lad.
You'd like CRUX, is all you want but with the advantages of the Linux kernel.
>an operating system so minimal, it doesnt even exist
Is there a version with systemd? I don't want to give it up, it's pretty useful.
Void lacks ton of packages and is unstable as fuck, gentoo is pain in the ass to work with to because of its package manager, there is no good distro without systemd
>unstable as fuck
That is a complete lie. I'm using void as a daily driver since two years. This is the most stable distro I used so far.
Even non rolling release distros like debian can't compete.
The trick is that you don't use package that introduce generally a lot of code volatility like systemd or Gnome.
Of course if you are retarded don't know how to use computer you don't belong to the target audience.
Go install windows, faggot.
Policykit bug with live CD, how is it possible ? Why Void don't recreat a proper iso ?
Because you are supposed to use sudo.
Policykit is a flawed concept anyways.
>That is a complete lie. I'm using void as a daily driver since two years. This is the most stable distro I used so far.
>Even non rolling release distros like debian can't compete.
Kill yourself.
Fuck off retard. Go stick your head up potterungs ass
Why does a policykit bug in the live CD matter? You don't need working polkit in order to install the latest version of Void, which polkit works on just fine.
I am not lying. I experienced it.
Go to the forom, a lot of problem with update who broke policykit. Bad linux distro, can't recreat a proper iso wtf
xbps is way faster than apt and pacman for your standard tasks (installing, update, search, uninstalling).
You are doing something wrong.
if you want windows just use windows
Policykit is a retarded garbage concept anyways.
I can see why maintainers don't spend much energy on it.
True, the best result I've gotten is manjaro with bumblebee, sadly I got hybrid graphics and it's a pain in the ass. Will linux always have such shitty driver support?
Ok but tell me why dev don't replace policykit on New live cd
I agree that they should put out a new live cd every quarter or so.
But still. You don't need policykit to install your system. That is why nobody cares.
I agree with you. But having such a bug on a live cd is bad publicity for professionalism
Currently using void, switched after Debian 10 update fucked up network device (my fault, long story but hey, isn't it better to just scapegoat' your distro?) honestly I didn't expect the Proton/WINE performance i got (able to run A Hat in Time at 30fps stable UH preset, before 30 was peak at super low)
Because systemd is extremely comfy and simple to use.
> simple to use.
You never used runit then.
> comfy
Only complete tranny faggots use that word.
Stay away from void. It won't be for you.
Not the guy you're replying to but it seems very interesting. Its on my to-try list.
No you didn't. You're an idiot that thinks xbps speed is repo connection speeds
Also you'd like crux of you like a shitty, complete broken os that still can't figure out how to responsibly deal with footprints and signatures
Actually I can
i daily drove void for about half a year and updating broke muh xorg every few weeks. every nvidia update failed to install the kernel modules using the hook, so id have to manually reinstall nvidia drivers to install the module every time. i still like void, but i think im gonna stick with gentoo
Daily driven void on my main desktop for about half a year and for bit longer on my thinkpad. Love the distro and its lovely in most cases. I have a comfy setup with xfce. There are sketchy aspects to the distro, especially with nvida drivers (but its not that great with other distos any way)