This thing is actually great. Why do you people hate it again? I'm going to use it a lot more than my Windows laptop
This thing is actually great. Why do you people hate it again? I'm going to use it a lot more than my Windows laptop
Shit keyboard
Shit thermal throttling
Shit jtag connector that fries your cpu
Shit design that has no way to get your data from the soldered on ssd
Shit glued together
Shit T2 chip
t. rMBP 2013 owner
2019 keyboard is fine actually
I use my Windows laptop for high intensity applications
AppleCare for the rest of that.
>keyboard is fine
No it's not. Friend of mine got a new one for work one month ago, already has repeating keys. The reason why I can still use my old laptop from 2013 is because it is not designed to fail, just like every butterfly switch keyboard made by apple is. Fuck off. The second Apple doesn't do warranty on your laptop anymore, it'll become unusable, why? Because they glued the fucker in, you first have to disassemble the whole bottom to then rip out every single key just because your spacebar or some shit is fucked. Then find a new one to put it in the case. This us a waste of money as well as materials. Apple is contributing to e-waste by making shit designs like this.
I have a macbook pro 2017 and like it but i am sorry to tell you the 2019 has the same keyboard
This keyboard feels entirely different from the keyboard I tried in store. Much better. In any case with the Keyboard program they have I don't need to worry. Also this isn't my only computer.
it's sad how children are seemingly incapable of educating themselves to even a basic degree
Its the same keyboads. I bought a keyboard cover. You should consider it
Its the same keyboard
learn English before posting here street shitting ijeet
Also keep in mind the 2018 keyboard was tweeked and it also failed all the same so so buy a cover if you dont want it to break
You asked why people hate it. I answered. It would be your problem if you had to deal with it. If they replace your keyboard you lose it for at least a week, AND their repair service is so shitty they out the WRONG SCREWS in the wrong holes so that your motherboard and chassis will get fucked without you knowing.
Dame keyboard. I tried to help you
Same* i am drunk. I am still right though
tweaked = modified = not the same
it would only be the same if it were without modification, please learn basic semantics before shitting up my board
2018 model was tweek signifacantly too learn to cope dude fuck off this is why everyone hates me when i talk about my mac is faggots like you
learn English rasheed gupta
Same switches, same symptoms, same problems, same repair program.
no symptoms or problems at my job, so it must be fine. the repair program is obviously in place for damage control, but it isn't explicitly indicative that they would have the same problem
its almost like nobody on this board has never had an actual job
Thank you
Cope. Dont impules buy shit and post here about it. If you did your homework youd know this and would either accept it or not buy it
>Cope. Dont impules buy shit and post here about it. If you did your homework youd know this and would either accept it or not buy it
I'm not op, learn to read third world esl faglord
Im sure apple started the repair program out of the goodness of their heard and nothing is wrong with the keyboard
>It hasn't happened to me yet so every single device is fine
Fuck off. I already said that my friend's device got fucked. Same issue. SAME REPAIR PROGRAM. Apple wouldn't give out free shit if they weren't going to get sued for it, retard.
You are op learn to cope buy a keyboard cover
>Im sure apple started the repair program out of the goodness of their heard and nothing is wrong with the keyboard
>Fuck off. I already said that my friend's device got fucked. Same issue. SAME REPAIR PROGRAM. Apple wouldn't give out free shit if they weren't going to get sued for it, retard.
do you not understand how actual business works? if one product has a failure, you extend support for the problem to every subsequent model for a certain amount of time. please go to college.
I'm not op though, I have a 2015 MacBook Air, a 2015 MacBook Pro, and a libreboot t400
>"Let's damage the reputation of ourselves even more by just putting this computer that just released already on the IT-WILL-BREAK list!"
Yeah sure, faggot.
>"Let's damage the reputation of ourselves even more by just putting this computer that just released already on the IT-WILL-BREAK list!"
do you not understand that, by providing extended hardware support for a newer version of a previously defective model is to retain customer trust? it costs more for any company to get new users than to keep users. please go to college!
You are a retard
t. mad he can't speak English. This is an American website, rajesh
2015 MacBook Pros are objectively one of the worst, their fan curves are altered so the CPU is in a constant cycle of throttling and cooling down. Because Apple thought it'd be better for a pro machine to stay quiet instead of having decent performance and your CPU not frying itself.
>I use my Windows laptop for high intensity
Why not just have one machine that can actually do some heavy lifting and cake work? More money than sense.
I have hardware monitoring on at all times on my MBP and it always sits on a cooling pad, never had any issues with it. I just leave it at home and vnc into it from my MBA when I need it (or otherwise can't use my actual server for whoever task)
>This thing is actually great.
yes, but i wouldn't pay full price
If i hear a 2015 macbook pro fan spinning at work it means it is hitting 100c. My 2017 model at least bothers to spin fas at 80c its an i5 model i doubt the i7s are any better than the 2015s
Once you have a macbook pro it is nice but it really is hard to cope with the price. At least i dont have to to use lenovo shitpads or dell xps
Yes. The other fag that replied is literally denying facts. There hasn't been one single decent MacBook Pro since the late 2013 retina model, and I fucking hope Apple finally makes something decent otherwise they fully lost a long time Apple customer.
Ye i am holding out and will actually be sad if apple fails to make good macboom pros in the future because i dont like lenovo thinkpads. If thos gen was actually good i wouldnt of cheaped out on my personal macboom lro
Because the Razer Blade has shit battery life and is heavy/thick.
The Air is thin and with great battery life.
Imagine being a cuck for 10 years and desperately waiting for your pimp to come back and fuck you in the ass.
Apple customers are brain dead troglodytes.
As much as i hate windows laptops that oled razer latop has reallt sparked my intrest. Water prood oled laptops are my ideal
Fuck you. Unlike all other Apple sheep I only buy the decent shit hoping they get the message like capitalism should work.
Mentally ill. Imagine if your mom heard you talk like that
>OLED on a laptop with static UI
>Let alone, OLED that decalibrates the higher you put up the brightness, on a laptop meant for most likely color work
yeah, smart
I don't have OLED, I have the 144hz 2018 version.
1. Wrist curls.
2. Cease anoreceptive activities before its too late.
Boomer arguement
the keyboard is still a deal breaker. Having a faulty component that breaks, and required replacing almost all the internals is completely unacceptable.
>zoomers like burn in and inaccurate colors
By the way you must be over 18 to post here.
Lcd is garbage and always has been
Posting from my amoled s8 with dark theme clover right now. I sure love those accurate blacks. Going to trash by samsung lcd tvs and buy lg oleds eventually. Lcd is shit and only micro led might save us from this hell