"Then I went Mac,and never want back"

>"Then I went Mac,and never want back"

Why is James Rolfe such a macfag?

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Wow he aged 10 years in... oh

Because he doesn't know how to use a real computer.

Back then final cut was good. He's not necessary a macfag, he's just old.

He thinks Macs are way better for video editing even though PowerPC hardware for them was killed off years ago.

I thought you meant this when I first read that.

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Two main reasons.
>1.him and Mike are literal boomers who don't really know or care about modern games and tech and know next to nothing about it.
>2.he's been a macfag for years. Look at his YKWB iTunes video and you'll see he owned a iMac G3.

I don't have anus pains because I'm not a gay as fuck mac user.

What is the best video editing suite for GNU? Face it, there is nothing that compares. macOS is the only real OS that supports decent art software.

This was in 2009-2011, he had a good point in using a mac back then.

Just use Kdenlive. It's not as powerful as it's proprietary counterparts but like GIMP,it'll do most of the stuff regular users will actually need.

Literally look at the intro of his newest AVGN.

Yes someone like James Rolfe, whose only source of income is film making, should use something that is merely "good enough".

>macOS is the only real OS that supports decent art software until osx mountain lion
Fix'd for accuracy, you can thank me later

Why do you think the software started being shit by OS 10.8?

>whose only source of income is film making
That's just poor life choice, it has nothing to do with technology

Why do you think that is poor life choice?

Have you seen his latest AVGN episodes?The editing and greenscreen is dogshit.

>Have you seen his latest AVGN episodes?
No, I don't use googtube.

Because then your life is a huge gamble. He worked almost his entire teenage and adult life in honing his filmmaking skills. And then when he finally got to make his feature film,the JEWS took advantage of him and made it awful.

>the JEWS
Here's your (You).

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That explains why nobody watches him anymore.

He has always used Macs. His first episodes were done on a Power Mac G4.

He's a content creator, no shit he uses Mac.
I've been on Linux full time since 7th grade but I occasionally DJ and doing it with Linux is simply not an option.
Native software is non-existant and emulation comes with too many ways where it can go wrong, especially when you're doing it for a living.

Suck more Tim Cuck cum, you retarded faggot

Found the butthurt film school failure.

final cut is so shit, apple bans employees from using it

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Oh, I didn't realise you were making things up about my post.

DaVinci Resolve for video, Reaper or Bitwig for audio.

Is powerPC somehow better for video editing than modern x86-64?

To be fair that listing is for an assistant editor, which has to use the same software the main editor is using, and editors usually get to use the software they're the most comfortable with.

By design. He takes his inspiration for special effects from old shitty monster movies.

No, the user is always right. kdenlive and gimp suck balls compared to proprietary software. Face it.
And? He should use broken amateur software with 0 support?

I'll be bashing the fuck out of apple until I can afford a mac myself.

It was better than x86 in its day.

Because women prefer men who use premium technology and not gamer trash.

t. never seen a woman up close

You don't really think women consider what kind of desktop computer a man owns, do you?

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>muh final cut pro

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DaVinvi Resolve for video editing. Made by actual professionals for Hollywood movie production.

this happens to anyone that has invested enough time in using macos

For a long time it was. Until core2duo came along.

because Mac Book is based

Attached: Mac-Book-says-get-a-Surface-Laptop-3.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

real question here is simple;

Why are you so mad that someone prefers to use something you dont?

Link to video?
I scrolled a year down into his video timeline, and the only thumbnail with that shirt is a review of the newest Predator movie.

Yeah. That happens.

> literal boomers
> literal
He's GenX, retard. Boomers are in their 60s and 70s. James & Mike are in their 40s.

For handmade props retard. He simply doesnt have someone competent in digital editing because he wants to do everything by himself+mike.

James is seriously a brainlet. He lacks any basic understanding of technology.

>WOW isn't it amazing you can use a Genesis controller on a 2600?!?!?


Off-topic but is the X in GenX pronounced like Mac OS X or Sonic Xtreme?


X, as in the letter.
GenX. In their late 40s or so.
GenY are the Millenials, now in their late 20s or so.
GenZ are the Zoomers, or iGen, who are teens and kids.
Boomers are "Baby Boomers," as in, they exist because their parents fucked a lot when soldiers came back home from World War 2, and there was a "baby boom." They're in their 60s and 70s.
Those in their 80s and 90s are "The Silent Generation," because they grew up being told that children should be seen, but not heard.

Not sure why the X, Y, Z thing started, or what they're going to do next.
I don't understand why every kid on Jow Forums thinks GenXers and Boomers are the same thing. Boomers are GenX's parents.

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Proprietary software does not allow freedom for the user and therefore is always inferior.
>0 support
You can pay someone for the support.

It's called a may may you literal silent generation boomer.
Ask your wife's great-grandson about it.

it's the AVGN behind the scenes from like 10 years ago

I think that's much more true of James than Mike, Mike just seems to be good at putting up with James' boomer tendencies.

James has talked about having a hard time with tech, especially digital video editing. No surprise that he would like an OS that simplifies everything. Not everyone likes to spend hours making Windows10 bearable or editing conf files in Linux.

that's jewniggers for you

>no lost generation

>Why is James Rolfe such a macfag?
because he's (((creative)))


If you can't do everything in ffmpeg then you don't know how to use a computer.

He old meme

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