>China is not ahead of Amer-
China is not ahead of Amer-
Looks dangerous.
Like all things made in china, it looks great on the outside, on the inside it's abut to collapse any second due to incorrect material usage to save money.
>china is ahead of america cause their buildings have rgb built in?
>he doesn't
Typical amerimutt cope.
At least their government doesn't blow up twin towers to start a war in the ME.
"Look, we made a spectacle! Such innovative architecture and bright, flashing lights, so distracting!"
"Pay no attention to how most of them were designed by non-Chinese architectural engineers."
"Pay no attention to how they're full of state-controlled surveillance equipment."
"Ignore the overwhelmingly enormous amount of our country that is not only living in abject poverty, but whom we actively oppress and brutalize."
"We definitely didn't cut any corners on these projects either."
"China strong."
can they set the leds to all blue to stop global warming?
that's the beauty of china. they have an abundance of people.
they built this thing very quickly and yeah, there's probably a small risk that a bunch of people die in there because the safety regulations aren't that strict but so what? the next ants will take their place.
compare this to berlin where they sunk billions into an airport that's still not done and maybe never will be because there's always some minor fuck-up. oh, look there's a handful of wall plugs who might not hold the weight in case the wall is already burning down in an inferno. better shut down the whole project.
And Take Serbia,Croatia,Greece,Turkey,Bulgaria and Hungary for an example, they do the opposite which is why Eastern Europe is better than USA and China
>tfw no RGB city
All I see is some boring office architecture with muh gaming RGB, and completely wasted taxes for muh curvy and 'artistic' buildings.
>Serbia,Croatia,Greece,Turkey,Bulgaria and Hungary
Have you ever seen the socblocs they live in? Even in Russia we have new modern buildings but those lazies are still living in 50 square metre apartments with zero sound insulation.
The weak fears the strong
Fun fact: chinese main battle tanks are indeed made of steel and trivially easy to penetrate with modern russian or american APFSDS
Meaningless statistic.
RGB increases the fps. You're probably a console player. You wouldn't understand 144hz buildings.
Horribly bad Quality steel
Something about this seems off. Somehow the fact that China produced more in 3 years than what the rest of the world did in 200 years doesn't sound favorable. It's more like their quality was so terrible and shoddily made that they had to produce far more than they needed and getting it right the first time, hence all the videos of Chinese infrastructure collapsing or malfunctioning on its citizens.
Sadly, this. Germans are overengineering against their best interests.
The only ants in Germany are eastern immigrants and refugees. It's an aging nation that values its assets.
>Even in Russia we have new modern buildings
Bullshit, Ivan
You have a fucking crap made by forced slave laborers from Central Asia with everything stolen and spoiled.
Fuck off, Ivan
You have to go back.
Our prisons are like that but take a walk around st. peterburg
Everyone blaming chink steel is missing the point.
China is a totalitarian regime. If they want to spend billions making swanky buildings they can.
Elected officials in the US trying to balance a shoestring budget can't do this.
Time will tell which system works better but I would rather spend the coming century in the run down streets of the USA than take my chances on how communism works this time.
What is great about that? No, it's not bad, but what is remarkably great...?
Eh, China is actually getting competent at engineering. You see it in the consumer products and everywhere.
I don't mind, not like I want their billion to build and rebuild all their shit constantly.
>walks across the street, get run over
>walk up the escalator, a panel gets loose and I get grinded up.
>Walk into elevator, the elevator starts to rise as I walk into it and it chops me in half
>Get to my floor, a chemical plant down the street blows up and destroys everything in a 2 mile radius.
Who are you shitting?
China is ahead of America in many things, like air and water pollution.
>5th day into the month of august
>already 5 mass shootings happened
Big whoop. It's better to have one mass shooting where police storm the dude and jail him forever than spread-out criminal activity like in europe.
Wow that is beautiful
>It's better to have one mass shooting
stopped reading here
no one cares about your pathetic whataboutism attempt
More soulless cities?
I used to work as an engineer at a medical equipment company. We have this hot 6' chinese engineer woman coming twice every year to do training. I looked her up and on her wechat she uploads videos of her dancing to korean songs in revealing clothing.
Each training session she always shows this weird chink propaganda video. She was very proud of her country. I miss her bros
This is what terrifies me about China's roading constructions. They have some of the highest bridges in the world, longest, long sections of raised expressway that are ridiculously high but don't count as bridges and they're extending their motorways at insane rates.
tall chingchong women (female) are my fetish
sad that there are so few of them
>stopped reading here
Ignorant cope.
RGB gap is a security problem. Video related, youtube.com
skip to 0:29
If your buildings/consumer items/drones don't have RGB they seriously arent compete
How much of it is in danger of collapse in the next 10-20 years?
>"Pay no attention to how they're full of state-controlled surveillance equipment."
You think Western offices aren't?
Sorry boys but China nuba 1
There is new boss in town and it has slant eyes.
American mutts can reeee as much as they want it wont change a thing.
You missed the I
what does this remind me of
>Hey look my build has RGB lighting everywhere therefore it's superior to your setup
rent free
> Hong Kong
> China
pick one
t. aras
boomers are this much retarded
Until I read the last line, I though you were talking about USA.
Well that is impressive. The building fell but it didn't break...
Totalitarianism works much better.
Ask yourself this, for all the talk about democracy and freedom and cooperation, why so many workplaces are highly regimented and authoritarian? Basically mini tyrannies. And why you see so little co-op, worker owned, no boss, democratic workplaces? Is it because hippie communal workplaces get raided by government?
No, because tyrannical organizations are far more efficient.
This is the big elephant in the room, that you don't need democracy or freedoms to gain a large economic boon. Not just China mind you, take a look at Singapore, where there is far more market freedom than China but still as authoritarian as Chinese in some other places.
You can really achieve tremendous gains with a short period of time. Stalin did the same, he was praised even by people who hated him for turning a backwards agricultural empire that suffered famines to an industrial power with nuclear and space program. Read From farm to Factory.
I highly suspect, in near future, we will see a comeback of authoritarianism. Especially with an increased number of plebs demanding less business friendly regulations like anti-immigration, better healthcare, better working conditions etc. They won't let masses to change the system.
That looks fucking awful, I would feel terrible all the time if I had to live there. Still better than america though unless you have a comfy house in wyoming or something.
I would pick them up and throw them in my trunk and take them to a cliff.
t.El goblino mulato
the difference is that the chinese surveillance state operates as openly as possible because their shit never runs correctly so they have to rely on psychology and big brother. the five eyes surveillance state operates on being as unseen as possible so you'll never notice it.
>Fun fact: chinese main battle tanks are indeed made of steel and trivially easy to penetrate with modern russian or american APFSDS
doesnt matter when the tanks are cheaper and more numerous than the ammunition that "easily" defeats them.
also when you have just one chinese tank not matter how shitty sitting at the gate to your APFSDS factory what does it matter?
Guys, watch SetpentZA' YouTube channel.
China have the biggest crime problems, it's never reported and not comptabilisés as well so people don't know how many people die each day to mass stabings, organ trafficking, accidents, etc..
Most buildings literally fall to the ground after 3-5 years, fraud is endemic and the education system is completely fucked.
I laugh hard when people criticise mass shootings happening in the USA on a regular basis. Imagine mass stabings happening every day for retarded reasons.
China is a cesspool and they should be contained.
Yeah, they just commit straight up genocide against their own people
>b-but muh quality!
China Number One nation, only nation able to produce LED bright enough to shine through superior, enhanced Chinese air!
Lol... uh sure. I can't wait for the day when I can proudly proclaim my chink shit is competently made. What a stringent standard to seek.
This thread is just propaganda to gain mindshare and overshadow the mass protests happening in Hong Kong today.
Pretty sure weight has to do with the fps a gook falls at when they jump off the roof
kek, shut the fuck up mutt
It would be cool if HK thwarted mainland China. I hope they succeed.
>people in a dictatorship with strong rulers live better than people in a democracy with weak rulers
Who would have thunk.
>country has some pretty skyscrapers thus is advanced and a good place to live
how to spot a brainlet
>dumb vlogging expat who can't even speak the language
stopped reading right there
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
It's not a matter of authoritarianism vs freedom.
It's a combination of
>average country IQ
>economic freedom
>(correlated to economic freedom) the amount of influence you give non contributors
In the US and Europe, IQ is trending downwards due to Hispanic/Muslim invasion.
Countries with more economic freedom always do better than those with planned economies. Economic freedom in the US and the EU has been trending downwards for 50+ years, but they're still way ahead of China and likely always will be.
The real difference is how the US and He treat non contributors. They house them, feed them, give them free shit, and let them influence elections via voting. In turn, these people vote for more free shit which leads to less economic freedom for actual contributing citizens. China just kills/enslaves these people (based). They have an active eugenic force at the bottom of society. The west does not. The west's gene pool is doomed.
And finally population. There are so many chinks now that they are literally disposable. The US should have invaded China years ago before their population grew to this point. Now eradication would be extremely difficult. China has unlimited workforce and unlimited waves a meatbags to send into war. Scary for the future.
Immigrants contribute to the economy though, they work cheaper, bolstering the profits and a good source for replacing the aging populations.
They do have their problems correct as you mentioned, low iq, susceptible base for votes etc (take a look at singapore on how they threat their immigrants for example)
But that being said, I do believe people in 1st world want to have their cake and eat it too.
They are okay with capitalism and economic freedom as long as it doesn't bite them in the ass. If Juan from south take their job or if their factory is moved and their job is shipped to Lee Nguyen at Vietnam, they cry havoc and ask big daddy guburmunt to save themselves.
You can't have both. You either have protectionist statist socialist economy, or rampant free capitalism. Socialism for me capitalism for thee doesn't work and will eventually break.
Who are you quoting
Like 45% of the populations live in literall mud holes carved into a mountain and have no acces to modern health care education or whatever.
Grozny, capital of Chechnya, also looks splendid in those type of pictures but the reality on the terrain is that they are a bunch of low-IQ mountain dwellers that would be a shithole if it wasn't for Russian tax rubles. Pictures have an amazing capacity to lie to you.
Private security cameras =/= state-run monitoring cameras
Blue just gives you Arctic cold temps, green is what you want for eco friendly
It's a shitty place to live in.
Trust me, foreigner.
>Immigrants contribute to the economy though
Hispanics are not self sufficient. Just saying "they work" doesn't paint the picture.
Hispanics do work. They also collect welfare (70% of families, 90% of they have kids). They take more in welfare than they pay in taxes, and they vote for more socialist policies and send money back to their home country.
>You can't have both. You either have protectionist statist socialist economy, or rampant free capitalism.
Neither of these things have anything to do with an open border.
You CAN have a racially homogenous society with a closed border and high economic freedom.
See: the US before 1964
when they make literally everything, there's bound to be a few bad apples.
>genocide against their own people
Why do people say retarded shit like this?
When a country commits genocide on a MINORITY ethnicity it not "their own people".
Hitler didn't consider Jews "his own people"
Turks didn't consider Kurds "their own people"
Han Chinese don't consider other inhabitants of China "their own people"
What's happening.
We extended two H1-B offers in 2016 and 2018. Granted, we're in an industry that is severely lacking in talent. Some of the foreign workers we interviewed really are just way more impressive than locals. Ofc these are just outliers.
Suburban retard
Here in Australia that doesn't work on us kid. China number 1
Didn't say they were self sufficient, but they do contribute to economy.
Even the welfare leeches contribute to economy by consuming. How health is that behavior is a whole another subject.
You can of course be against immigration for thousands of reasons, many I would say justified, but economy is not one of them. That is my sole chinesecartoonposter opinion though.
That period was an anomaly, most of the world was devastated by the world war, the closest competition to US of A was soviets and they were also heavily raped.
You cannot have pre 1964 standards today, unless you destroy the production capabilities and most of the manpower of the world.
If you close borders, you will be destroyed by the world competition. Unless you destroy the world first.
Being ahead of another country in one city is easy. Even visiting Astana (since renamed) in shithole Kazakhstan was better than any American city I have been to. I'm not sure why but they don't seem to like making their cities nice
To add, in defense of what you said, that doesn't mean USA will starve like DPRK if it acts like that.
But the cost of goods would be higher, you would have a homogeneous nation but the price of a iphone would be in 5000$ since you cant outsource it to chinks, the labor in general will cost more etc. So you would have fewer goods, consumer toys, cars would be replaced in 15-20 years rather than every few.
Basically life under 60s-70s soviets, before they were fucked by overspending in military.
I live in Shenzhen, unironically the best modern city in the World
>its a Jow Forums defends a literal botnet surveillance state that cuts corners on its shit but apple is bad because they spy and cut corners
private companies are an artificial construction of the state whom obey the states every command you moron, there is no difference.
Did you visit the beaches? They wouldn't let you in without identification