What happened to good icon design?
What happened to good icon design?
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Normies took over.
Niggers and jannies.
pic not related
What happened to executables being called programs?
More than 16 colors + bigger canvas than 32x32 pixels.
Limitations usually stimulate creativity.
>What happened to good icon design?
It actually died out in the 18th century
It was mainly a thing around the 13th to 17th centuries
religious icons were really big
I agree
Lack of limitations and designers redesigning shit constantly for no reason just to keep their shit jobs.
Graphics hardware got better and we moved into the 21st century.
>and we moved into the 21st century
Exactly. Because it's 2015!
Vector graphics
Cycles of bullshit, as with everything.
The old Windows icons were nice, simple, descriptive.
Then came the glossy photorealistic era. Icons became extremely busy which hindered quick recognition. Display resolutions were still poor and the icons looked like a blurry mess. They also had too many colors so no help on that front either.
Then came early flatshit, which was actually good because it greatly simplified the icons down to easily identifiable ideas, shapes, and colours. I really liked this period in icon design and it reminded me of the old Windows icons, but now with the benefit of more than 8 colors.
But the UX designers were just too vain and self-important, and so came the late-flatshit blasphemy. They simplified the shapes even more and removed all color. This greatly hinders quick recognition of the icons because of obscure metaphors, little difference between similar icons, and you don't have color to help you out. But Google does it so it must be good!!!
I predict the next stage is busy photorealistic bullshit again, after which we'll hopefully have something nice again.
They kicked out susan kare :(
Agreed. Design should be foremost functional.
>Design should be foremost functional.
Says the same person who absolutely hates flat design and reees about it all the time
Double standards everywhere
There are examples of good design for legacy OSes but the shit you're showing isn't one of them.
>ugly cmyk+grayscale color palette
>bastard flat/isometric perspective
>too much details on for the icon style
>size uniformity nightmare
Honestly the best example are win 95 and even original bw MacOS icons
>Says the same person who absolutely hates flat design and reees about it all the time
Says fucking who?
Orthodox church keeps to draw icons
Flat design is dysfunctional.
I blame the IT tradition of unaccountability.
In every other field, like engineering, you have to be certified in one way or another and are legally accountable for misdeeds.
In IT you can produce whatever bullshit you like while claiming to be an important software engineer/UX artist/code artisan/etc., while you don't have any accountability at all and can blame everything on the user.
It really attracts the snake oil salesmen.
That's some impressive projecting.
Everything needs to be scalable nowadays. Flat and material icons are easy to draw in vector. That's what happen.
We got more than 16 colors.
>witnessed plus! 95
Totally agree, btw.
it moved to KDE
It's not just OS Icons. It's others as well.
macOS does not have this problem.
Everyone fell for the minimalism meme.
Those are shit tho.
Too much information to something simple, no exact pattern or colors and obviously not a single use of color or shape theory.
she reminds me a lot of that stoner chick from the one apple ad:
Old good
New bad
What happened to Directories? thanks to normies they are called "Folders"...
That name is so full of faggotry!
And the icons suffered such fate thanks to AppleFags and LUnixfags
LMAO, UX designer detected.
Btw, your JS filled "web experiences" run like shit and looks like unicorn barf
She looks like she gives zero fucks.
Susan left MS
>good icon designs died with CRTs
Back when women who worked with computers gave it the same love that a good mother has when cooking for her children.
Flat meme shit happened
Those complex designs scare millennials who grew up on cartoons like Adventure Time
I'd say 256 color limitation was still pretty good. Same aesthetic as before, but with a layer of polish on top.
classic design =/= flatshit
I personally liked the 3d icons of the 7 era... It's the flat shit now I don't like.
There stopped being real-world things to base the icons off. What is the icon for "thing that plays music"? A phone. What is the icon for "thing that reads mail"? A phone.
>That meme of someone thinking a floppy disk was a 3d printed save icon.
the fact you used the term "UX artist" proves you know nothing about UX and especially accountability for designers