(html (title "Degeneracy") (center (h1 "Degeneracy") (img (src "sicp...

(html (title "Degeneracy") (center (h1 "Degeneracy") (img (src "sicp.gif"))) (p "Anyone who thinks HTML or any other retarded markup format is better than lisp is a fucking " (b "degenerate") ".") (p "The reason they are popular is because the IT industry is run by degenerates."))

Attached: sicp.gif (511x494, 9K)

HTML or virtually any other markup format is better than lisp.

name 1 (one) thing HTML does better than s-expressions


how is any more readable than (foo (bar) (baz :qux snap))

It is. Literally everyone knows that sexprs are unreadable mess, everyone but lisp wankers.

There was this FOSS voice synth library. A comment from author said that its output is not too pretty but easily understandable. And then there were audio samples attached and you literally have no idea what the synthesized voice in them is saying. It's impossible to understand. I pondered over it for a while and realized that author worked on his garbage for so long that he learned understand it, so from his perspective it is understandable, even if not pretty.

This is how it is with lisp people. HTML is easy to read, sexpres are not. And to a person who trained himself to work with that garbage, it's impossible to understand. Your sexprs will never be accepted, so it's best to move on.

>I'm right because I'm right
>literally no argument
spamming a load of slashes everywhere and making you repeat yourself is the opposite of readability, faggot

What argument did you have again?

I gave it right there. Slashes and redundant closing tags are completely unnecessary syntactic noise. Angle brackets over parens is also an eyesore.

Redundancy is all over natural languages so it clearly helps readability.

>Angle brackets over parens is also an eyesore.
Zero self awareness.


One language instead of js and css and json and anything server side. One simple parser for everything. Perfect interoperability. No DOM bullshit.

(button (onclick (lambda (e) (alert "fuck off"))))

Of course it should be a simpler lisp dialect. CL is garbage.

>Redundancy is all over natural languages so it clearly helps readability.
Can you name some programming languages with similar levels of redundancy?

This too.

you are confusing programming languages and markup languages
please pay attention

they're the same thing

This is your brain on lisp.

>code is data is a bad idea

In every way.

In what way are they not? Telling computer what to do using special text constructs is programming. That's what HTML is.

HTML is not telling computer what to do. Well done not understanding basics.

Cringe boomer
Based zoomer

Lisp is the language of GODS

Attached: IMG_20190805_123107.jpg (603x243, 64K)

Yes it is. It's a sequential nested set of state switches.

Unironically, all programming languages, markup and data formats should be replaced by lisp.

Attached: r.jpg (500x606, 59K)

Just because you choose to interpret it as such doesn't mean it is.

(no sense (of (a(e(s(t(h(e(t(i(c(s))))))))))))

I can't understand the math in the first few pages of sicp.


Attached: (PNG Image, 560 × 352 pixels).png (560x352, 6K)

Same can be said to html.
People so used to it that they understand it despite being shit to understand.

Neither is lisp.
Both html and lisp are declarative.

is lisp a markup language

you can use s-expressiosn as one, yes

Why isn't it?
HTML is a declarative programing language. It's no longer just markup.

that's not an answer to my question

HTML is a markup language. It was and it still is. Not sure where you're getting your cool aid from.

Aesthetics over flexibility?

Attached: mrrobottvseriessnapqhd.jpg.png (1680x1050, 270K)