>Adds a constant 40 watts to your electricity bill
Unless you live in Bumfuck Nowhere and get 20 power cuts a day, there is literally no reason for a consumer to own a UPS
>Adds a constant 40 watts to your electricity bill
Unless you live in Bumfuck Nowhere and get 20 power cuts a day, there is literally no reason for a consumer to own a UPS
>America has power cuts
>America isn't third world
Choose one (1)
That's $10 per month where I live.
Thanks Merkel.
I live in Ontario, Canada and for some reason the house I am renting gets power outages or at least brownouts once every couple of days, I was thinking about buying a UPS so it would stop my media server from dying constantly
Where I live 40w would be ~0.4 cents per hour.
About $2.88 per month of 24/7 use.
>>America isn't third world
The whole infrastructure is last century. You'll commonly find physical archives in hotels and shit, things that are extinct in superior places like Europe.
>40 watts
where are you getting this figure
Because only in bumfuck nowhere there are :
>lightning/wind/hail/flooding/ice storms
>telsa chargers
>line disturbances and transients (thanks smokeless component standard!)
>bad wiring/old breakers and other infrastructure
> car vs power pole/roadside transformer/switch yards
>corrosion of any metal and/or contamination/breakdown of insulators outdoors
>solar flares
>electrical hobbyists with tesla coils/radios or my favorite, the balls to test phase to phase faults on +138kv
>you want more?
Sure sure the city protects you from all this right? Of course this is Murrica! That one surge or bump won't kill your pc right? That only happens in a shit hole country.
>living in such an energy poor shithole that it matters
>Solar flares
Um what?
It's not common but blackouts because the Sun is angry at us do happen occasionally. In theory, a large enough solar flare could destroy our entire technological civilization.
Can we stop comparing America to third world countries? Comparing civil war ridden failed states to america still is an insult they don't deserve. The US is much worse than that.
Holy fuck is this a tech board or summertime?
>One of the largest energy exporters in the world
The absolute state of Mutt education I guess.
Maybe you should export less so your own people aren't paying out the fucking nose then
Oh no we are one of the richest countries in the world but we pay 3-4 cents more per kWh! How will we ever deal with this oh no! Oh the humanity I am devastated.
>he doesn't know what a pure sine wave output at a constant nominal voltage does for his PC
factor in cost of battery replacement too
>only 40w
enjoy those fried hard drives I guess
Every 3 years for a new battery. So like 11 cents a day USD. Or $3.3 a month for stable power.
fugg, i thought you were kidding.
>3-4c more per kWh
10c more than Euro average (30% higher) and LITERALLY TRIPLE the cost of electricity in America (on average)
Do your own fucking research Hans, your electricity sector is the most Jewish fucking highway robbery in the history of power. You make less than me, pay more taxes then me, and pay more for power than me.
>30 cents per kWh
What the actual fuck? I pay 22 cents. But I guess the same retards that use Telekom also use 30 fucking cents per kWh power providers.
Not know that there are computer viruses waiting a a flipped memory bit from a solar events that goes way back.
shut up and just accept the cost fuckboys, gotta spend more on migrants, germany is so rich and brave
>America has power cuts
Does it? I always heard your power grid was so much better than the European one it's not even funny, and we basically never get power cuts.
Germany here. Eon's classic tariff offers 1kw/h at a price of approx 27,2cent.
fucking ripoff. fucking Greens cucking us into oblivion with electricity bills.
Shut the fuck up you damn haoles and be thankful you don't have to pay 40 cents to the kilowatt or 6 dollars for a gallon of milk.
America gets dirt cheap power through shoddy infrastructure. Europe gets expensive power through bomb proof infrastructure. A big part of the problem is how spread out America is. Underground lines aren't viable in suburban and rural areas, so America just shits out cheap and cheerful wooden power poles.
I am German as well. I am . I genuinely don't get how people here manage to pay 30 fucking cents per kWh. Are you all too fucking retarded to Google for 3 seconds to find something that isn't Rhein Energie or Eon?
Where does this happen outside of the Canadian Territories
>constant 40 watts
Maybe when it's charging, but there's no way a consumer UPS uses anywhere close to that just running normally.
hawaii, hence the use of the word "haole"
i thought you canucks were cultured and whatnot
Canadians are just lost Californians desu, including desperate red counties trying to flee the impending/ongoing leftageddon
this desu
another german here, when i first moved out and started a contract i thought i was gonna spend most of my money on energy until i stuck my finger 3 cm under the layer of bullshit. Reasonable prices at plans that probably fit your bill. Did you guys let yourselves get spoonfed offers?
Since you seem to be the only other German in this thread that hasn't recently been declared clinically brain dead maybe you can answer me this one. Who the fuck are these people? Are they genuinely the same people that buy 70€ / month Telekom phone contracts?
No idea, i've never met people like this, but i think this is exactly the demographic all of those fucking billboard and bus station ads are for. You know the ones you desperately try to avoid looking at while driving ? These guys pull a Gefahrenbremsung to take a picture of a literal scam.
Nazis won't infiltrate Jow Forums on my watch! Begone!
Yeah just pull a Vollbremsung to look at some poor guy having a Panne causing a 4 KM fucking Stau in the process. I hate that the biggest danger to me in my day to day life is the way other people drive their cars. But yeah those probably are the same people single handedly keeping the Telekom alive.
Here is a site that shows you how many are currently without power now.
Meanwhile I genuinely fail to recall a single power outage in the last 20 years. I guess that is the consequence of spending trillions on your military but throwing a shitfit when asked to spend 20 cents on vital infrastructure.
I'm not in bumfuck nowhere but I'm in the southeast (suburb of Charlotte, NC) and thunderstorms in the summer can cause the power to have cuts.
Redpill me, I have no fucking clue about sinewave vs other electrical currents.
Unless you live in India and drive like a madman, there is no reason for the average person to have car insurance.
>live in failed European state
>pay 6 cents per kWh
Wild, huh.
Sorry for paying for our own AND your security, Europoor
Uh huh, isn't it time already for the second bi hourly office shooting already? Better get the Kevlar vest ready Mutt.
>>/containment board/
>40 watts
>literally a light bulb
chill out you penny pinching weirdo
Almost like the state is the cause of a lot of man's issues or something.
>>/rent free/
Florida frequently has thunderstorms and power tends to cut off often during them, for anywhere between 1 seconds to 10 minutes, fucking annoying as hell.
yea, still important to have good projections
nobody asked you to do it
>Oy vey I got called out better break out the script
Enjoy the immigrants
You'd all be speaking either Russian or German if it weren't for the US.
40W is the power consumption of an online double-conversion UPS with a decent load. Consumer grade offline UPSes are more like 5-10W.
CSB GPL batteries last >5 years for me and cost $25 a piece
>t. never left """""""""tHe GrEaTeSt CoUnTrY oN eArTh""""""""" but is a total expert on Europe™
Uh huh, hope you got that Kevlar vest on already. Tick tick Mutt.
I agree, if my server goes offline it'll sometimes be days before I notice so it's not worth it for me
what's wrong with speaking german?
I'm actually the first child of a naturalized immigrant. Immigration keeps a good flow of skilled workers moving between countries. Let me rephrase. Enjoy the asylum seekers.
So I see irony isn't something that Mutts are able to appreciate either. Interesting.
Tick tock.
I sure hope your UPS doesn't draw 40W while in standby.
Should be more like 4W.
These are mandatory for professionals like me
>Adds a constant 40 watts to your electricity bill
This is pulled out of your ass, right? A consumer UPS will connect mains power directly (or almost, it should at least go through some surge protection first) to its outlets when mains power is available, there is no inefficiency introduced. Beyond that it should only use a very small amount of power while the battery is charged since only control electronics will be running, plus some minor trickle charge to keep the battery topped off.
Cope and dilate
But their security is your concern as you're the ones who keeps destabilizing their neighboors, retard.
The manufacturer recommends replacement every 3 years but that's just to cover their ass when people abuse their batteries. From experience lead cells are far more resilient than that. I've got some going on 8 years that I've manually tested and they still manage well over 3/4 of their capacity at full load. And I bet I could still shock them back up to 90%+ with a few break-in cycles.
Don't mess with my uptime.
Can't tell if low quality bait or if OP is just unfathomably this fucking retarded.
...and that's a good thing!
amerifag, whats this>?
good thing I live on the worst coast and have my power drop out every day just about
this thing is a lifesaver for my PC, I dont think we get blackouts though, its more brownouts from all the salt corrosion on the power infrastructure most likely
>Rhein Energie or Eon?
Its by law
renewable energies reallocation charge is killing the middleclass in Germnay.
6,4 ct/kWh EEG-Umlage renewable energies reallocation charge
2,05 ct/kWh Tax basic
0,416 ct/kW EnWG offshore tax
0,305 ct/kWh StromNEV PowerGrid tax
0,280 ct/kWh (KWKG-Umlage) power-heat coupling tax
100ct is 1.12US $
God I admire you math Chads
After the battery is charged, does a UPS draw more power?
The strongest case ive ever heard for a UPS is that it smooths out power drawn from the wall which can range from 117-122V and pumps out a consistent 120v which takes some strain off your PSU.
This case wasn't compelling enough to make me buy one, but it did make me want one.
Even when the batteries are charged it still uses some energy all on its own. The fancy dual-conversion ones (which give the best power filtering) use the most, because the way they do that is by running everything from the inverter (the thing that converts DC to AC) all the time. When you have mains power, the inverter is fed from the rectifier (which converts AC to DC). When the power goes out, it just draws from the batteries instead of the rectifier. With a bit of cleverness you can wire these in parallel so that there's no cutover delay. Cheaper UPSes take X milliseconds to notice the power is gone and switch over to batteries, which can leave you in the fun situation of having a beeping UPS powering your rebooting computer because the cutover delay was longer than your PSU's holdup time. The rectifier and inverter are not 100% efficient so the UPS uses power on its own, plus more on top if the batteries aren't full and it has to charge them.
anyway switchmode PSUs are actually pretty tolerant of junk in the mains. You need very shitty power indeed to bother them. The UPS is less to ease the PSU's life and more to make sure that your storage devices don't have the power yanked from under them during a write. The storage devices themselves don't mind, but partial or corrupted writes are a good way to poleaxe a whole filesystem at once. The other reason is that if you have equipment that's sufficiently expensive that the cost of a UPS to protect it is trivial in comparison, so you might as well, even if its unlikely to be needed. But you probably don't have a million-dollar electron microscope or anything.
Almost everything in Europe is post-WW2, when it comes to infrastructure.
Almost everything in USA is pre-WW2, when it comes to infrastructure.
It's amazing that you can have so many power cuts in a big US city in even a single month, not even talking about small rural areas.
I lived 6 years in a few different places in the US, I got more power outages a year there than I ever did living in Northern Europe.
my raspberry + network switch + router + IP cam + synology + UPS amounts to ~40W
In France that's 4.32€/month, and I still think french prices are too high; I mean come on we have like 50 nukes and yet we pay 0.14-0.15€/kwh... all this because we keep exporting ...
I own a cheap UPS that will keep my TV and video game consoles going for ~10 minutes. That way, if I lose power, it won't hard kill my console. I can save and power it down.
america is the richest third world shithole on earth
but that's besides OP's point
>You'd all be speaking either Russian or German if it weren't for the US.
you say that like it's a bad thing
>killing innocent people
>destroying countries
>and now say thank you world
yeah, fuck you
So, in a country of 330,000,000, spread out over 9,147,593 sq km, literally 0.0088312% of its people are without power?
I just bought one of this. My home suffers 1-3 power surge a day. It's a nightmare
I use the 1400 version of pic related, no problems so far
du hurensohn
>physical archives in hotels and shit, things that are extinct in superior places like Europe.
I see you haven't been to France.
That's a mutt pretending to be european.
>there is literally no reason for a consumer to own a UPS
Valid reason #1: They want one.
I suggest practicing procreation to decrease your hysterical reaction to others actions.
Israel and Saudi Arabia are not in Europe.But mutt and geography dont go together,so you are excused little golem
>>there is literally no reason for a consumer to own a UPS.
OP has clearly never lost a RAID array due to an unclean shutdown.
>tfw 5-6 power blips per week because my town is too concerned with taking in refugees than maintaining basic infrastructure
>get memed into not using a UPS
>lose two mobos and a laptop cpu to a power outage
Never again.
How can your mobos and CPU gets messed up from a power outage? I thought only storage devices are affected by it