Why do rich kid socialists love apple products so much?

Why do rich kid socialists love apple products so much?

Apple products are made by one of the most profitable companies on the planet, their products are made in 3rd world countries for practical slave labor, they don't allow you to fix your own machines, they are incredibly expensive (to the point they are status symbols).

Are these rich kids just larping or are they actually retarded?

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>are they actually retarded?
>apple users

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because ideology is something to preach in order to make yourself morally superior

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what the actually frick is this?
>we have a lot of disabled comrades
that sounds about right

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Because some socialists are tech illiterate just like others from any other political ideology. Don't mistake their poor choices as commodity fetishism. It's not a god damn mystery. That said, there's a lot of hate for apple.

>hurr socialists
Stop dragging Jow Forums BS into Jow Forums, you fucking child. Just say what it really is: DUMB FUCKING RICHFUCK KIDS WITH MORE MONEY THAN BRAINS.


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In order to be a functional member of society one has to engage in it. It doesn't make one a hypocrite even if one criticizes the society one participates in. As for why apple over something better, it's because most people just don't care as long as they have something functional.

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Because Apple and socialism are both fashionable.

Why don't they at least cover up the logo?


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>muh socialism

Rich dumb hypocrites that live inside their tiny bubble

Why bother? In their eyes it's probably just another commodity. Those who are more aware of apple's shitty practices probably avoid their products altogether. But there are of course champagne socialists who merely preach it without proper theoretical understanding for the sake of appearances. These are just liberals disguised as "socialists".

Do you think actually rich people give a shit that it's expensive or unfixable? For them $2000 is peanuts.

That does NOT explain the question OP asked, it can be applied to all other groups of people.

>It doesn't make one a hypocrite even if one criticizes the society one participates in.
Well, that is true. But you can participate in society without supporting Apple or other companies whos practices you fundamentally oppose.
If there is an alternative (eg. fairphone) and you do not choose it over apple THAT is what makes you a hypocrite.
You do not need to starve yourself, just because you oppose the way that food is produced. But if the point comes at which you can choose between two alternatives and you do not choose the one which further aligns with your demands THEN you are a hypocrite.

"""""Socialism"'""" in the US is weird as fuck, not to mention the "democratic socialism" is just run-of-the-mill social democracy at best. It's mostly just branding to appeal to counterculture

Well as user explained, it's because of ignorance and/or not seeing it as making a difference. A lot of socialists think there's no ethical consumption under socialism.

>it's because of ignorance
Yes, exactly.

Even better question is why the hell does Apple decide how shit works? Look at all the times the tech industry copied Apple's retarded decisions.

>pls stop hissing it triggers my anxiety
wtf is wrong with americans?

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It just works. Every app they need works flawless on ios, it's easy to use, no tinkering or any bullshit, that's what the zoomers want from their tech products, to work right out of the box.

I prefer macOS to any other UNIX and their glass retina displays are really, really good. Other than that it's just cash, it's meant to be spent. Living in chains and counting pennies is no life to live.

What oppresses you so, user? Stop buying cheap trash and lifting "freedoms" as a shield.

"It just works" that's the same argument windows fags use when comparing windows to Linux. I call bullshit because Linux has been easier to install, more secure and supports more hardware out of the box.

so it's people who refuse to look life in the face
fucking commie scum

Wanna tell me again how linux supports my nvidia GPU with the newest drivers?

Please no one shout here, it's a safe space, hence typing in ALL CAPS will get you banned or maybe fired from your job.
Refer everyone as "comrade".
Fuck capitalists and capitalism which creates poor people.
Thanks for listening to my keynote that I typed on my Macbook when I was sipping some coffee at Starbucks.

with people like that any country hasn't any future like that shit is designed very specifically to get conquered by external forces

If a movie actor says he hates black people they would refuse to see any movie he is in.

If apple does every bad thing they are supposed to be against, it just works.

Because it makes them feel more like individuals. Also Apple places design/looks/gimmicks over function.

Just look how fanboys argue against the $999 stand criticism.
>it's not meant for you, you burger flipper. It's made for PROFESSIONALS

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>Every app they need works flawless on ios

How do I get Popcorn Time on my iPhone?

Maybe they don't want to stand out. If everyone has a macbook and iphone, there's less individuality, something that may align with their views. It's like wearing a uniform.

rich kids are retards who do nothing because they know daddy will give them money, so they just assume it's a bottomless pit and become socialites and other stupid do-nothing shit like starting a startup on some retarded and completely impractical idea.
They see the pretty ads that apple makes, see celebrity endorsements and that's enough for them to use that shit.
That's why apple advertises so much and advertises well. It appeals to morons like op's pic. His haircut could have probably fed an african child for 30 years.

I can't believe this is real

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did you miss the last few years of leftist retards on the internet or what

Exactly this.

aka socialists

>john steinbeck 1966

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proud capitalist pig who uses apple here, I wish they'd go too

>muh soshalist
>pls gobbymunt step in to defend me against corporations denying me service

not only is it real! ITS ISREAL!

>leftists in 2019 have turned their backs on free speech because it was convenient
oh, bless your heart

>american """socialists"""
yeah sure

I've seen that stuff around on the internet but I didn't think there were people actually saying that crap out loud.

fucking this. i remember stopping in place when i over heard someone say they "checked their privelege" before doing something

I live in toronto so I've been seeing this shit in person for over a decade. it's all real.


when this was being filmed I was two blocks away in a math class in sidney smith. these people are real, I've had to listen to them. my cousins talk like the video in OP.

This is so surreal to me.

to be a socialist is to be delusional.

at my college academic award ceremony (uoft has colleges within the university that are like sub-universities you have to belong to) in 2014 or maybe 2013 I remember the president was giving a speech and he said something along the lines of:
>this year the college is proud to announce that over 80% of undergraduate monetary grants have gone to female students
>we're proud of that and we think we can do even better next year!
followed by thunderous applause. the college already admits more women, gives more woman more money, and women get better grades, a

"doing better" means more women doing even better than that lol

>it's just murrican leftards

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The quintessential champagne socialist hypocrisy when they want to have their cake and eat it. What would you expect from degenerate mattoids who don't really believe in their shitty ideology other than for brownie points from other commies?

History shows that civilizations go down when they get too rich and cozy and this leads to a bizarre mix of consumerism/materialism and hypocritical, phony socialist "do goodism".

IMO the best book written about this was made by the great Russian mathematician Igor Shafarevich, it's called "The Socialist Phenomenon"...Shafarevich made several anti-semitic remarks in his career by the way...

you can see what they really think about the working class when they talk about the uneducated working class as if they are human garbage

They think welfare queens and fence-jumpers represent the working class.

>disable ads
>pirate software
>demand that all software be free
>complain about the most successful tech companies
>complain about mindless consumerism
>complain about champagne socialists
>worship an unkempt bearded marxist (Stallman)
You better believe in socialism. Because you are one.

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What the actual fuck America

where's the part where linux users drain everybody else's wealth, suppress the entire market, and advocate mass censorship

why do people think that america is a first world nation?

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this a fake video made by the altright

no need to open your eyes.
just keep sleeping, my sweet little snowflake.

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I guess because of the largest military, the largest political control, the wealthiest population, the highest income, the most dominant corporations and universities, and hundreds of years of cultural and technological inventions that have spread to the rest of the world. it might be for some other reason though.

oh ok, you're right it's nothing like socialism then. I agree thanks.

the part which states that free software is incompatible with capitalism because capitalism coerces everyone to work for profit.

do you have a single digit iq or did you somehow fail to understand that free software not only came into existence in capitalist societies but also thrives
it doesn't matter what you think with your retarded theory when reality says there's no problem at all having free software in capitalism

They're not socialists they don't understand the ideology if you ask them questions about Marx most of them don't know anything.
Buying Apple products is just a symbol status "think different" not just leftists buy it

oh you socialists are always just adorable when you argue how each other socialist just doesn't understand socialism and isn't a true socialist. you're just too cute.

>buying a video card from a company that offers the shittiest driver

You criticize society, yet you live in one. Curious!

>we had NO CHOICE but to use the products of the largest corporation in the world

unethical mkultra brainwashing
>pirate software
i don't use software that needs to be pirated
>demand that all software be free
not free of cost.
>complain about the most successful tech companies
i don't complain about their success, i complain about their unethical practices.
>complain about mindless consumerism
imagine supporting mindless consumerism
>complain about champagne socialists
fuck libtards
>worship stallman
i value his work but i dislike him

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You criticize owning slaves, yet you own slaves. Curious!

why the fuck are they doing jazz hands up to the lord? these people are 100% atheist. Why do they do it on every other word someone says? this shit is a parody of itself, sad that a satire on them has to be yurope levels of dystopianism.

clapping is inconsiderate to people triggered by loud sounds. not a joke btw.

The fell for the gay ceo and woke pandering I guess.

tech is one of those fields that would unironically be better off if it was collectivized.
That is ran by the workers.
A lot of the breakthroughs come from hackathons, that is coders coming up with stuff for the corporation.
The same could be said abut any creative profession really.
Here's a link on the subject:

>cant build workers paradise without blue bubbles

lol fuck off retard, there's nothing more stifling than collectivization. you aren't giving anybody freedom by forcing them all to be part of an enormous machine that they have zero real power in influencing.
>capitalism sucks guys, so let's all form a giant monopoly instead that will be sweet just trust me tee hee monopolies are the best

>world controlled by Jews
>"lil why do you drink water? Jews control the banks and by extension the water supply"
>"you're a hypocrite for drinking like water, lmao"
I'm not a "communist", but I can't see how you can blame them for exploiting the system they were born into to it's fullest potential.

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yea they're sure sticking it to the system buying apple products

>Open up application launcher
>type “Additional Drivers”
>click it
>it asks whether you want nouveau or proprietary
>choose one
Wow that was hard

yea they're sure sticking it to the system buying kike water and using currency

They like hardware as flexible as their ideology.

you're comparing using a product and service with hundreds of easy and viable alternatives to using services with extremely untenable alternatives. I guess you're slow enough to not see the difference. makes sense given your ideology.

>Cash is ment to be spent
>Therefore spending it poorly is justified

My fucking sides.

>Thinking liberals are socialists.

Actual socialists don't like apple, they just like to scream about child labour on their galaxy.

t. Post left anarchist.

every fucking time
>they're not TRUE leftists like me
every. fucking. time.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. There's no hypocrisy to a socialist using an Apple product because the socialist understands this. Also, Apple products do, or did, provide good value for money. They're widely available, easy to use, and fairly reliable. A MacBook lasts many years and has a high resale value. And most people are not very interested in computers, even if they are tech literate. They just want to do their work, which might not have anything to do with technology. Someone who is a tech enthusiast/hobbyist for its own sake would probably have different hardware preferences, but this is a niche subculture.

>There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
Consider suicide

why is there a Jow Forums thread here?

I'm not a socialist or leftist faggot.

dios mio

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It's over.

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imagine living in a capitalist society that has provided you with such luxury and easy living that this is possible

Rich kids use netflix/amazon video/hulu etc. Popcorn time on android is a bugfest.

Currency and the sale of clean drinking water predates Jews as a whole.

I think it's ASL clap

It's all bullshit anyway Jews or powerful figures control everything.
I hate all of those LGBT faggots and Neo retards just like everyone else but sadly there nothing we can do about it.

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That's the defeatist attitude we want to see, good goy!