You are now the owner of Jow What will be your first executive decision or change to the site ?

You are now the owner of Jow What will be your first executive decision or change to the site ?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-06 4chan.png (580x232, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread: 04:00:00

Shut it down. You're finally free anons.

forward Jow Forums to 8ch

remove the following boards

delete Jow Forums.

ban this guy for life

I would recommend you come to school with me at, and change all the interface, you look ugly, desgn it better, take your time you are already rolling, can you tell me where are you hosted?

Just down vote the comment tard.

no u

you fool, then they will just post on the other boards

blow the entire thing up, django style

Do I get 4channel too

Unironically let everything stay as it is, just exchange the mods to some that actually enforce the rules.

Take a look, develop an iframe to embed this thing correctly 04:00:00

based i would do the same

I answered OP's question.
Trouble reading and understanding what you read?

Each post has a "Yay" and "Nay" button. Whenever someone clicks either button, the person who made the post (i.e. nobody else) gets a live notification if they got a yay or a nay.

Attached: f196579776.png (470x331, 41K)

An embeed option for a thread

permanently rangeban this guy
followed by removing captcha

Permaban every IP that has posted on Jow Forums, delete the board, and block mobile user agents.


erase it.

>I answered OP's question
By not responding to op?
Ban yourself from life gayboi.


Use Windows to serve it, and charge anons per post.

yay :D

so /a/ is a ghost town now?

Posting on reddit gets you an automatic 7 day ban on Jow Forums. I have no idea how you would organise this, but it is literally the only thing that can save this website.

what if I sometimes visit porn subreddits and only lurk?


Yes, but at least the ghosts know their fucking kanji.
Kana would probably be enough really.

Undo some of the changes moot made before he fucked off, like bring the subject and email fields back.

Then delete some pointless boards.

Delete it.

Kana captchas, where you have to solve hiragana captchas with katakana, and katakana captchas with hiragana. This would eliminate most phoneposters.

Move to Moldova and allow cute 2d naked lolis everywhere.

Oh this reminds me, I'd also permaban anyone who uses "r*ddit" in a message as I am sick of the obsession people have with that place.

make more inclusive

Attached: DidiMew1534551506.jpg (2048x1457, 358K)

Also ban any faggot that censors their words like this.

I will sell it.

You're aware you cant type Jow Forumseddit on here right?

>they dont already


Sometimes you can other times it gets filtered as spam. Very strange.

how dare you

filtered. redditor.

Move it to Tor/I2P and create a differential equation captcha. This would filter 99% of brainlets.

Fire all the reddit mods

restore Jow Forums to what it was before
restore /l/
move technology board to new home /prog/
ban all general threads on Jow Forums
Jow Forums merger with /lgbt/

sell nice tripcodes

Delete everything BUT Jow Forums and Jow Forums
It's okay, they're not smart enough to move on to whatever superior site others move to


i don't know I don't have any experience with running image-boards I would probably do something dumb that would result in wave of angry anons. Better to just keep it like it is currently

Attached: 1511224794214.jpg (134x200, 5K)

so what hiro is doing


Merge it into Reddit

Bring back /mlpol/


/tv/ - Television & Film
2. All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.


The dumbest most cancerous rule on the entire site


make a safe place to filterfags

this, I love the porn on reddit

Never moderate this site just add an identificator of the user of then post and let them delete de message

Attached: 5ced815d698ca.jpg (1004x565, 42K)

Your ideas seem stupid.


Ban frogposters and wojakposters.
Officially declare it an anime website.
Recreate /l/ and unlist it.
Revert any code that reencodes jpegs or strips exif or changes the hash of uploaded files in any way.
Tolerate lewd content on all blue boards to a further extent rather than blindly deleting anything that contains nipples or genitalia in it.

ban pepes and wojaks

they already tried that once tho

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 5K)

Remove (You)

>Officially declare it an anime website.

He said owner of Jow Forums, not 4chanx.

w-what is it?

do we still have post links?

Who fucking cares about that neutered shithole, newfag?

Attached: 2018 November 23 - Everyone is still a newfag.jpg (1683x1690, 281K)

>not neutered

this but reddit

>fire every j*nny
>replace it with AI

rm -rf /

Attached: .jpg (408x632, 32K)

but just think about their families! How will they eat without getting paid for moderating for this place?

ban anime
ban videogames
ban homosex lgbt tranny shit
ban Jow Forums
keep /diy/, /out/ and Jow Forums but ban the faggots

Retard filter similar to sad panda. Ban all mobile networks. Two minute post timer, when you make a post it is queued and posted after 60s, then you wait another 60 before you can post again.

Remove all images and bloat javashit and user data theft. Optimize software and servers for text only. Provide a client you can use in some terminal emulator to connect to Jow Forums.

When you want to post an image, you can write shit like satania.img and then if its an approved image on the server you get to see it.

There will be no boards, no names or tripcodes. There will be waiting time between posts to stop spam and china and iraq and australia IPs etc. are of course banned, but no captchas.

Threads are all there is, and they survive for as long as the last post in it are less than 6 hours old.

Allowed mature content an all boards.

Attached: 1550459218604.webm (700x392, 556K)

This. Fuck the brand whore spillover and gaymergater "crying about women in tech." It's fucking tiresome.

Nuke /reddit9k/

Every week the least popular images are refreshed via a vote thread. Something like 100 000 images should be enough.

Whats the point of this webm? Is godot a tranny engine?

That's called Usenet.

Instantly ban weebshits, foot and other retard fetishists, people pretending lunix is good for desktops and other cancer

ban all Rust related posts

Remove the javascript and go back to frames.

>optimise an image board for text

I will introduce webshops for each board.

Hardware for Jow Forums
Games for /v/
Music for /m/
And so on.

user driven?

Not sure. I do want people to actually get their goods delivered. So I would probably use established parties to provide the goods.

>ban Jow Forums
>limited number of porn threads on /b/

Delete Jow Forums

What happened with the /leftypol/ campaign to spam this all over /qa/?

Attached: Average qa poster busy at work.png (500x461, 161K)

>Permaban every IP that has posted on Jow Forums, delete the board, and block mobile user agents.
This plus Wojak and Pepe edits being instabans

ban all the fricking racists