Guys guys listen

Guys guys listen
Make a SHA-1 sum of your data directory
Upload it to google Drive
SHA-1 is broken, so you can always brute-force back your data
Cheap off-site backups

Attached: 1564836707117.jpg (521x550, 25K)

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This may be the best idea i've seen all night

Botnet, just print the hashes as qrcodes

that's not off-site though
Just pgp your hash before you upload to botnet

hash collisions don't guarantee that you can recover the data do they?

>SHA-1 is broken, so you can always brute-force back your data
The dunning-kruger is strong in this one.

right, but having them in paper means easier faster duplication, just photocopy them. you can also send your hashes through sneakernet or even snail mail (after encryption)

Dude i'm only now beginning to see it's practical applications. We could send Terabytes of data over snail mail.

not funny retards

are you pretending or are you actually retarded?

alternatively you can convert your data to numbers and then find that sequence of numbers inside pi, and then save where it is, and how long it is. pi has every single file so you don't have to worry about losing anything

>snap a Polaroid of my root directory
>Have an analog backup of a digital system

This makes no sense at all

>pi has every single file
This is implied, but not proven.

oh dear, i hope you had backups!

>free and unlimited storage for limited quality images
>convert all your data into images using steganography
>upload to Google Photos

Attached: 20113921171679.jpg (1024x605, 23K)

>limited quality images
google compression will destroy the steganography

I do the same but with Google Play Music. I hate/love the retardation of beta silicon valley idiots because their services are sometimes easy as fuck to exploit


literally just stop thinking that everything you own matters

>mfw all my data is in rainbow tables

Attached: 1564828938002.png (136x102, 33K)

I don't think you're grappling the point, I mean you need to analogies the data and ame oft he goejrnnoo

Yeah I'm waiting for the day play music realizes that all those albums encoded with deezloader are suspicious

not if your algorithm is tailored to it

absolutely right

True. SHA-1 being broken simply means it's feasible for someone to forge a message to give a particular hash value, not that you can reverse engineer the source text.

The key claim with cryptographic hashes is not that there's only one sequence of bytes that produces a specific hash value, but that it's infeasible to design a payload to a particular hash value.

It won't if your encoding and decoding algorithm can compensate for compression. There is actually a functional project which was mentioned here a few weeks ago. It uploads data to YouTube in video format. Looks like a bunch of static on video, but it's actual data. The algorithm takes compression into consideration and can decode normally. But the pixels are somewhat big, so if I recall correctly, it's very inefficient. But it does work.

Attached: david.jpg (475x315, 27K)

lol that's awesome

I tried to find the video URL with actual data but I couldn't. It's probably too far down on my view history, and I think it was also unlisted. But I bet you'll find something relevant if you Google 'video steganography".

Attached: 220px-Linus_Sebastian_Screenshot_From_Youtube_August_5_2013.png (220x255, 73K)

True for you.

yeah but that's not even the reason

PI contains CP. Shut it down.

Attached: 1553615342866.jpg (301x330, 14K)

This is trivial if Goog is just down sampling, or using lossless compression like deflate (PNG)/or LZW.

This is not possible if Google is compressing with jpeg (dct)

pi does not contain every sequence even though it's infinitely long

>particular hash value
this isn't true, we are unable to cause a hash of our choosing to result from the function. when we say 'collision' we mean that we are able to make two or more different messages result in the same arbitrary hash. this works by just appending garbage data to the two messages such that it doesn't affect the messages, however it causes the internal state of the hash at the final block of each message to be the same. we still can't predict what this hash will be but you can do some interesting tricks with e.g. the pdf file that contains its own md5sum value, or the recent shattered project from google.

It's called BitGlitter and it's a Python project on github.

Retarded mouth breather incel.