Am I nordic?

My mother is a potatonigger who says that she is descended from the the vikings. I believe her. She has a square head shape, blue eyes and blonde hair. Dad is an Italian. I have most of my mother's features, except blonde hair. My hair is dark brown. I am 6 ft in height, which is tall for my age (not going to say because of the mods). I have blue eyes.

Attached: vikings.jpg (480x360, 36K)

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am I nordic? Both my parents are Swedish with blue eyes, BUT I HAVE BROWN EYES!

No you're not Caucasian

Attached: 1545958492128.jpg (616x461, 85K)


Attached: tenor.gif (220x140, 362K)

Your mother is a retard and so are you.


Nice contribution there. Fucking nigger.

You are adopted.. or your dad is not your real dad..

If both parents have blue eyes, their children will have blue eyes

Both my parents are Nordic but I’m short, black curly haired, brown eyed, round faced, brown skinned, and 80 IQ. Am I Nordic? My ancestry test cane back only 30% African.

It says Caucasian, there are white caucasians and brown caucasians, just like there are pale asians and jungle asians

Attached: Letterkenny.jpg (3779x3050, 1.55M)

You aren't a viking but most likely a viking rape baby, kek.