Why haven't you joined the XMPP masterrace yet?

Why haven't you joined the XMPP masterrace yet?
>no google in it
>secure as hell
>can use a server maintained by a fellow Jow Forums autist
>true multi-device architecture
There's literally not a single downside

Attached: Xmpp.png (1200x1234, 86K)

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I prefer Matrix


I like it and its features regardless of how bloated the fully-featured server and client are.

this, irc is better

openfire is a piece of shiit
source: maintain an openfire server

Considered harmful.

>based on XML
Into the trash it goes.

Missed it by 11.

[email protected]

Feel free to join our group, yes we're a bunch of transsexuals but at least we're not on discord

Don't raid me boys


Name a single thing wrong with xml

its not Json

I much prefer xml over json. I dont know why json became popular in the first place. I guess size of file?

json is fucking garbage

XMPP and Matrix both are complete and utter dogshit. Tried both with a group of friends, consensus was the same both times.
The poster child for "secure" and "private" messaging that fails at everything and worst of all both of them have a ton of security and privacy let's favourably call them "problems" thanks due to the imbeciles maintaining the server source code.

XMPP has worked for me for years, same as EMail. What was the problem for you?

For me? Maintaining the singing dancing shitshow that is XMPPs backend and my friends had their own list of problems with both the backend and clients available.
Sure it was not as bad as Matrix but that's not exactly something to boast about.

There's nothing wrong with JSON. It's simpler, more readable and has the benefit of having smaller sizes than XML.

Backend maintenance?

So you take a prosody or ejabberd container [or if you prefer deploy it normally on your distro, but why not go the lazy way]. And what's the problem after that?

It should run pretty stable. Well okay, I haven't tested if these don't have any funky behaviour with millions of users, but that's not a common problem.

Actually, thanks to containers, it doesn't even seem very different from running a pleroma or misskey instance. Which also can be fun with friends.

If you want to try:
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/rroemhild/docker-ejabberd/master/examples/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up

Or this (again suggesting docker-compose, copy paste and edit the example): github.com/unclev/prosody-docker-extended

Why do people act like federalisation is a feature not a giant red flag screaming this shit will never see mainstream adoption?
I want to get family and friends off facebook/whatsapp but there is nothing besides Signal that even comes close to being an option.

Email is federated and works fine

Email really isn't comparable to the federated chat protocols around today.

>Why do people act like federalisation is a feature not a giant red flag screaming this shit will never see mainstream adoption?
Why not? There are no large obstacles to such adoption

Apart from that, the most successful federated thing around Mastodon, Pleroma, Misskey, Gnu Social and so on has ~5 million active users at this point - it is mainstream enough and people are obviously finding this easy to pick up.

>Why haven't you joined the XMPP masterrace yet?
I don't even know what it is. Using obscure shit doesn't make you cool, user.

Can someone explain to a brainlet how this garbage works?
Why do you need to trust the server? (I am saying this because I recall anons saying you need to set up your own instance if you want to be secure). Isn't the whole point of end to end encryption not to have to trust the server in the first place?
Also, how does the federation thing work? Suppose I set up an account at my email provider (they have XMPP too), will I be able to talk (with OMEMO) to my friends on other servers without having to configure anything?
Does XMPP have a standardized way of sending files (images, voice, etc.) that works across all clients, encrypted?
Thanks in advance XMPP anons.

>Can someone explain to a brainlet how this garbage works?
It lets you send chat messages like you send email - even between different XMPP servers. And like with email, everyone can run a server.

> Why do you need to trust the server?
You don't need to trust the server. If all involved use OMEMO (or if you want, OTR) encryption, only the people at the end points can read the actual message anyhow.

> Suppose I set up an account at my email provider (they have XMPP too), will I be able to talk (with OMEMO) to my friends on other servers without having to configure anything?
Yes, the servers just need to support the features you want to use.

This is not a bad starting point for features you might want, it'll also show you what server daemons you might want to use:

> Does XMPP have a standardized way of sending files (images, voice, etc.) that works across all clients, encrypted?
You want clients and servers that support OMEMO (encryption) and Jingle (voice chat, arguably not necessarily using OMEMO encryption but it does want to establish end to end encryption).

Other than that, yes it should work.

Much apreciated, thank you.
Since you did not mention it, does OMEMO encrypt files sent too?
As for clients, from my quick research I assume that Conversations for Fdroid, weechat for desktop and monal.im (for iToddler friends) are the best choices, am I correct on that?
Is there a culture with public chatrooms similar to what I'm used to with IRC on XMPP?

>Since you did not mention it, does OMEMO encrypt files sent too?

>As for clients, from my quick research I assume that Conversations for Fdroid, weechat for desktop and monal.im (for iToddler friends) are the best choices, am I correct on that?
I did not try them all. Pix-Art and maybe Quicksy might be applicable forks on Android.
I have doubts weechat will be accepted by all, maybe it's more like Gajim, aTalk, Psi[+], ...

> Is there a culture with public chatrooms similar to what I'm used to with IRC on XMPP?
It's more the instant messenger culture.

Most servers certainly allow such chat rooms, but only few populations actually use them. IDK, there might generally be too little focus on sharing images and other files or something. Mastodon / Pleroma and friends (as well as the conventional botnets like Twitter, Instagram, Discord, ...) sure draw in more people than the XMPP chat rooms at this point.

Thanks again, I will look into those.
One last question: How does it handle message history and multiple devices? Will I need to set anything up additionally for that to work?

i dunno. i just did 'pkg install prosody' on BSD and set up a certificate and had my friends connect to it with pidgin. we've been happily using it for years.

>How does it handle message history and multiple devices?
Message history is XEP-0313 and I think server owners can configure how much is retained. Multiple clients are XEP-0280.

Both and also offline messages and other stuff are covered if you pick a compliant server.

Behind the scenes, most chat and mail protocols end up being very similar.
