Welcome to another video from explainingcomputers DOT COM

Welcome to another video from explainingcomputers DOT COM

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The original incel.

dial 8

Looks more like a volcel like tesla who has more interest and passion for their hobbies than chasing worn out roastie pussy.

Based Christopher

I like him.

based and techpilled

everyone wants that youtube money

Looks like a diddler.

Based bill gates twin

cucoon/coconut head

He's alright in my book.

he has exceptional taste in hentai

Tell me more.

>Your in the club and this guy smacks your girlfriends ass with his floppy disc

What do you do?

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I need to see an example of his work.

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hahaha look everybody he posted the forced meme again


He's the only tech-tuber i've never seen Jow Forums say anything bad about, which is highly unusual. How does he do it?

I've unironically learned things from him.

>implying Jow Forums watches any tech youtuber besides product reviewers

He is married + kids with 80 % probability. And what about your sex life ?

>i've never seen Jow Forums say anything bad about, which is highly unusual
They're afraid of Mr. scissors.

I work in the health field and he literally looks like an advanced AIDS patient.

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He has a kind of soothing informative voice so I imagine most people fall asleep or trance out before they manage to even think about complaining about his videos.

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I'm stealing this.

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He's one of the more based tech youtubers

Only a real fan knows this

More like explaining single board computers dot com

>They're afraid of Mr. scissors.


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he does a thorough job, just not an accurate one

Oi, don't make me bring in Stanley knife.

I imagine this guy would be the host of a "How to use a computer/internet" show on the BBC in the early 1990s.

And this is good.

Or maybe from the 1980's with a German dub.

This guy looks so fucking old for a 52 year old jesus christ.

Elon Musk isnt an incel, dumbass

Good educational content. I learned a lot about network protocol from him and Eli the computer guy

What is this?



Go back.


Buy him a drink and let him have a crack at her.

disc is optical, disk is magnetic
its a floppy disk
you zoomer


he is business, guy who explain shit to retarded normies, and is able to make easy bank money doing consulting. He is an original meme man getting paid for making futurist memes.

He's a chad in disguise br0

I can stand cringe better than most, but I HAVE to mute that guy's intro.