Why did it took so long to get shut down...

Why did it took so long to get shut down? It received media attention as far back as 2015 and I assume it was crawling with FBIs ever since. How did it survived?

Attached: 200px-InfiniteChan∞chanLogo.svg.png (200x152, 8K)

Same way mid-late-00's Jow Forums did

>not giving shooters, pedos, racists, nazis, etc a platform is """"""""censorship""""""""

my god, they absolutely love to make hyper-objective spins on things to turn "racist pedo forum got taken down" into "free speech is being censored!!!!!!!!"


And the Vice shills are here
Dilate, tranny

>maga gamer anime boy coping with his """loss"""
go find another hideout

At least it was shut down. The owner of the site looks exactly like what I'd except someone who owns the site to look like.

That's their dog whistle.

Feel good about yourself? How about actually refuting the claims he's made.

So tell me which one is it, xir? Resetera? HN? Geekfeminism? Or just good ol reddit? I hope you join the 40% soon.

Because Trump. They want to shut anything that supports Trump down.

Normies see Jow Forums the same way. So you are also one of those pedos, racists, nazis, blabla buzzword. Reminder that "hate speech" is also free speech.

>The owner of the site looks exactly like what I'd except someone who owns the site to look like
Not only you're a newfag, it seems you're pretty bigoted about disabled people too! Oy vey!
>How about actually refuting the claims he's made.
Xey didn't make any """claims""" worth refuting. Go dilate.

Old school libertarians:
>the government is evil for forcing bakers to bake the cake
New libertarians:
>the government must force corporations to provide services to conservatives for the greater good

>playin the ol "anyone that says "shooters and nazi's are bad is a dilating tranny" instrument

>not giving racists a platform
Is censorship. They can say what they want unless they're calling for racial cleansing or anything that physically threatens another person.

But shooters and national socialists are good. Wrong website, sweaty.


>racial cleansing or anything that physically threatens another person, should be protected speech


Because back2back mass murder within 24 hours ignited this. If it was just a normal mass murder that happens few times a month in US, it would be fine, the timing was the issue here

They can, though, just not on Cloudflare’s platform. Stop acting so entitled.

>just build your own power distribution infrastructure bigot

Paedophile network investigation agains jeffrie epstein in /qanon/ 8ch spend years in private island temple of epstein media start to report a lot weird thing about epstein and support network.

same weeks a lot attacks agains voat for v/pizzagate

Pedo, Nazi and Loli fags BTFO. Hopefully it will be burried for good after the congress hearing

Attached: 32f.jpg (251x242, 10K)

If you want to. Or don’t. You’re not my problem.

how do I access it again? I was there for the interracial porn

They needed some time to mount a false flag.

>wtf was marsh v. alabama?

It's almost like the people who preach about free market and free speech don't understand that corporations have freedom of speech as well. Make your own alternative and let the free market decide then. As if anyone OWES you anything.

Get your life together my dude. I'm guessing you're here because you've been shunned from the real world, right? "Clean your room, bucko." - DOCTOR Peterson.

You misinterpreted my post. It shouldn't be. But they should be able to spout off whatever racist shit they want in their own little containment center on the internet, as they always have. But the shooters/pedos fuck it up for the rest of the anons.

In '15 it was gg'ers and those tired of shit moderation and google captcha.

It was posted on Instagram first, for some reason every authority seems to ignore that fact, I wonder why...hum....

You're bad at pretending, commie

The problem is they're bad faith actors. They know exactly what they're doing. It's not some "meme" to them. They genuinely believe it and are happy about being the worst of humanity. Then they just radicalize each other further and further seeing who is more edgy. Ironically, they're not even happy with each other. They're constantly attacking each other in the same threads. Look at what happened to Ted Kaczynski. People can't handle constantly being around so much negativity. Look at the story on Facebook's moderation team and how mentally destroyed they all were. It's not funny to anyone.

These people will use everything available to them to hide behind. They're not playing the game fairly and expect others to play fair the same way.


libertarians: conflict and competition are safeguards against the tyranny of the powerful

"libertarians": freedom is for monopolies and cartels, not for you.