So one of the EDMs at work didn't want to boot up, displaying this.
So one of the EDMs at work didn't want to boot up, displaying this
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I had a peek under the skirt to replace the battery and found some nice ribbon cable management.
Not sure where the battery is though...
Is it this?
Why open a machine if you are clearly clueless
'cause I'm getting paid by the hour.
Why reply to this thread if you are just as useless?
What will happen when one of the parts finally fail? Do you shop at ebay or something?
When the POST actually displayed information and happily beeped once to tell you everything was fine, those were the times
have you never seen a battery in your life before?
Check if it's soldered.
I saw dozens of this with Socket7 cheap boards.
Some of this have a small battery and a RTC chip inside that cage, maybe you can open it and change the battery (it could break tho)
This is your JOB? Someone is paying you to do this, on an hourly rate, and you don't know how to find a fucking CMOS battery?
Fucking google a part number next time
battery is built into RTC
Now that's a big chip
Pretty much. Right now I'm trying to source one of those with quicker shipping than 2 weeks (not USA, that's why quick shipping is such an issue ) and isn't like hundreds of dollars.
FUCK no. I'm not even the EDM guy.
Yes that’s it, go ahead and pull that right off and put it back on and it should work. Don’t worry if you feel like you’re gonna break something, you’re not, just give it a solid pull like you’re pulling out a key on a keyboard. Make sure the computer is off when you do it though, you don’t want to short the motherboard or give yourself a shock.
buy a new one and change it.
>battery is built into RTC
I gave it a good tug and it didn't budge. I'll pull harder tomorrow (off now). I didn't pull harder before because I was worried it was soldered in and I didn't want to damage the mobo. Yeah obviously everything was off.
>Hitachi Travelstar
There were corners there once. They were cut.
I'd love to see the power-on hours count.
>contains lithium cell
IDE cables are so fucking ugly
You can ignore it anyways
>caring about what the insides of your computer look like
hey, those broad cables would reflect your 30watts in RGB LEDs pretty neatly!
To keep time when there's no power
so replace the battery dumbass
You can get ones that aren't ribbons
They only came around when IDE was in its death throes, to make a quick buck of ricers who still didn't make the jump to SATA back in the day. And they were shot for all intents and purposes, IDE is not shielded so crushing the tape together into a narrow shrink tube was fucking all sorts of things up.
>IDE cables are so fucking ugly
imagine giving a fuck about what a cable looks like? please stay away from all forms of computers and electronics. it is clear to us all that you're dangerously incompetent when this is a priority.
Erm, no. I have a couple of computers that have IDE drives, never had a single problem with those "thin" cables. Have some basic understanding of electrical engineering, and note how ATA/66 and later has 80 wires, to figure out why.
Yeah, the 80-wire ones were "shielded" by the extra wires but that doesn't matter when you roll up or crush the tape to make it into a "cable".
(You still checked them)
Try "grounded", so as to not sound like pic related.
>nitpicking the word choice
Call it what you wish, my point still stands, with many years of experience behind it.
>demonstrate over three posts that i have absolutely no fucking idea what im talking about
>many years of experience
wow i love electronic dance music