Are there any instant messaging programs that let you see what the other person is typing in real time rather than...

Are there any instant messaging programs that let you see what the other person is typing in real time rather than relying on ENTER to send a message?

I remember it was possible with ICQ in the past (not sure exactly how) but I have never seen it anywhere since then

Attached: 1564866447109.jpg (1024x1024, 108K)

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I hear the drums echoing tonight

Jesus christ why would you ever want that?

Seems Caribbean rather than African

"Collaborative editing" is possibly what you want.

But people will not use software with that, it's too annoying.

teamviewer + notepad

Kids use google docs etc as IM programs at schools where they can't get access to normal clients.

Why the fuck is she wearing an apple watch

>Jesus christ why would you ever want that?
Well, partly for nostalgia, but I can also think of other reasons.

Perhaps I am writing with my mom who is prone to take a lot time to answer and all I need to see is a "yes/no"

If I was near these kids, I'd teach them how to run their own damn servers (I did that when I was a kid too).

But I still wouldn't recommend them to use real time typing, it's STILL annoying.

same thing

This sounds kinda fun. What if instead of hitting enter, you hit clear so it's like talking in real time but with text. The text is only there until you hit enter and then it clears


I dont know about other caribbean countries but in the bahamas we have 'junkanoo' which is drum based and linked to african heritage so it can apply to us too
needless to say, this lady is fine

because her is a bitch.

6/10 would not bang

>but in the bahamas we have 'junkanoo' which is drum based and linked to african heritage so it can apply to us too
Bahased Bahamian

>be travel nurse
>pick Atlanta at least once a year to rail black qts

Cute monkey op

yeah, there are even imageboards with this feature
have a look at the meguca engine, you can try it out at

She is supposed to be a nurse, yet she poses for the camera like a child.
Christ, we are doomed.

What a travesty!!

Attached: einstein.jpg (1184x1500, 246K)

ya i dont get it why would a woman act like a child? weird!

How the fuck does running your own servers do anything if you can't install any applications and have severely restricted DNS?

Can mods do something about all the cumbrains itt please?

She a RN

You mean she didn't do 200k instagram selfies to nail the perfect slut pose every time? What a huge issue.

On top of that, you know where in the hospital hierarchy nurses are? They're usually even below second year medical students.

You can. Not only can you just bring your own computers [shit, you even do have rooted android phones and what not], you can also run VMs in a browser and endless other workarounds IT didn't block.

You really don't have any idea how advanced restrictions have gotten, do you? I work in educational IT for an MSP. That's not how shit works anymore.

Also, you didn't know about all of this as a kid. No kids do. You and I know we just like to pretend we did.

Is she a RN?

This makes me sad. When I was in high school they just asked a couple of smart kids to maintain servers after some contract employee set them up. They installed Delta Force on a network drive.

Sorry, I thought we were talking like middle schoolers and shit. I guess in High School I was competent.

>You really don't have any idea how advanced restrictions have gotten, do you?
You mean like in every last place in the world, or just a general idea of the average? Because I'm working with the latter. We're not exactly dealing with super amazing security deployed against even the smartphone clients in the LAN etc.

> Also, you didn't know about all of this as a kid. No kids do. You and I know we just like to pretend we did.
Yea, I did. And from around age 13-14 I also had 1 and then somewhat later 2 buddies who could, plus a group of LAN gamers who were at least good at the basics (better than IT in most companies and on campus, heh) and games.

i would eat her ass out


> Sorry, I thought we were talking like middle schoolers and shit.
Me personally - yes actually. Age six and up, eh. There are more kids as clever as I was than you think out there even now.

she is pretty.

anyway OP, check this out:

Have any of you Jow Forumsents ever seen a black woman who doesn't look totally like a slimmer version of agorilla/negro? If so where can I find someone like what the op posted?

Are there pictures of her without a shirt on? She looks like she has a delicious tummy but I can't really tell with those scrubs in the way :(

this is the best kind of black girl, the one evolved enough to have a job and look like human. Would colonize.

>pretty girl is best girl
wow what a risky thing you said. i dont think anybody else likes pretty girls. too edgy for Jow Forums I think.


I wrote my first compiler at age two.

Unless you're an AI, I find that a bit hard to believe - but who knows.

I'd imagine for the same reason anyone wears a smartwatch

im not into african women but she's at least a high 7/10

IMO messenger is what you want.
keep listening at least until the chorus.


Attached: 1537160697862.png (645x773, 10K) lol

see for yourself man

Attached: 44788215_508052306273107_4473838658031332858_n.jpg (1080x1288, 121K)

Think I found this on pinterest (jewish, no account, not sure if full res.)

Attached: she_can_do_both_22071597_131437077583830_2941575087590998016_n.jpg (600x600, 57K)


Attached: 1561180378801.png (596x1079, 1.01M)

Microsoft teams