name her favourite technology
Name her favourite technology
dragon dildo with rainbow LED light.
Sex change operation and plastic surgery
powered by machine learning engines that recognize her moans
birthcontrol judging by that jawline
my dick
she's a child you sick fuck
How do you know?
but her physical form is signalling readiness to breed
These two things combined.
Doesn't look like one.
that bulge
Instadildo and snatchchat
You'll be surprised about modern day kids
Copyright that shit right now.
phones and cameras
Even better
breast implants
Kill yourself you fucking cuck.
came here to say this. instagram 1000%
>hot girl
>look at hands
phat fingas are maximum turn off for me
Blue bubbles
She's Emily Feld from Australia and she's an adult 16+
emily.feld on insta, which is likely her favourite 'technology'
Facebook XD
>he doesn't want a phat finga gf to finga his ass
iPhone X and blue text.
What a babe.
LED lights + hydroponics
Yes. I changed my mind.
the western legal system
>low key stalker alert.
kike or germ father?
i want to fug emily's cunny
>sHe'S a ChIlD yOu SiCk FuCk
You're a child.
Biology doesn't give two shits about your opinion.
If she bleeds she can fuck.
Me too Jesus Christ yes!
Go to bed Arnie, it’s late.
Isn't Instagram based off of some pretty complicated algorithms? Their research team are all PhDs.
Old and Serious
iChad a.k.a Tinder/Instagram/Snapchat/FB/TikTok etc...
probably the camera filters.
I had an otherwise grown and world savvy woman confess to me that she loved the crappy smoothing and even cat/big eyes filters because it makes her feel better about herself... She is fully aware that filters are bullshit and that shit doesn't fly IRL (duh) but she loves presenting herself that way regardless.
Basically, even though at her age she should know better, she doesn't mind "false advertising" if it gets her a bit of temporary online male attention...
IRL she would only need to up her skin care game a notch to get more attention but she can't be bothered...
her body indicates that she is indeed a grown woman. now, if she feels like a child, it is a matter of education.
All women are children.
in that case it would be wiser to treat them as such and have her parents pick a husband for her.
Yes I should have an arranged marriage with a lg
So many pedos on here
Ok what complicated technology?
>muh PhD
Yes newfag. Sorry I guess youre upset you got btfo in the other thread so hard. Kill yourself cunt.
In defense of hebephiles. Don't bunch them in with pedophiles. is explicitly proclaiming why he's attracted and its the root of hebephilia.
Doesn't mean they can consent still.
But fuck off with pretending these two things are the same you're only serving the pedos hopes for aoc reduction.
>consent myth
Cringe. I hope you know the average cunt has no issue lumping hebes and pedos together. Think about that before throwing people under the bus.
>why yes, i got range banned on /tv/ so that's why im posting on Jow Forums right now, how did you know?
hymen reconstruction surgery
>people confuse it
>think about that before you want pedophiles punished
Hello pedo. No I don't care to protect you because there might be some collateral damage.
You deserve to be literally thrown under a bus. The separation I call for is so we can hurt you more, not less.
>average cunt
Oh no it's far more spread than that. You're way more hated than you appreciate.
Good to hear some backstory but it's probably a group of pedophiles.
>you deserve to be thrown under the bus
Me and at minimum another 25 percent of the male population? Okay roasty toasty. I guess youre still sneething from last thread.
Is this like sneed+seethe?
>Doesn't mean they can consent still.
Of course 16 year olds can consent you prude fuck. I consented with 15 and it was legal because my country is not run by evangelical incels
Yes. The ultimate combo