ZeroNet General - First Amendment Edition



We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it.
No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors.
Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere.
Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is unavailable.


Real-time updated sites
Namecoin .bit domains support
Easy to setup: unpack & run
Clone websites in one click
Password-less BIP32 based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site development and faster page load times
Anonymity: Full Tor ntwrk support with .onion hidden services instead of IPv4 addresses
TLS encrypted connections
Automatic uPnP port opening
Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) supprt
Works with any browser

>How does it work?

When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent network so it can download the site files (html, css, js...) from them.
Each visited site is also served by you.
Every site contains a content.json file which holds all other files in a sha512 hash and a signature generated using the site's private key.
If the site owner (who has the private key for the site address) modifies the site, then he/she signs the new content.json and publishes it to the peers. Afterwards, the peers verify the content.json integrity (using the signature), they download the modified files and publish the new content to other peers.



What WILL happen in the next posts:
>glowies will flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling with CNN talking points
>fantasy fan fiction with no source for (((reasons))) why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

Attached: file.png (512x512, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Use tor as well

Obviously, if they spooked you with the FUD use Tor.
For all else, mute any retard you see uploading content you don't want to see/d.

Can I use it to browse Jow Forums?

>glowies will flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling with CNN talking points
>fantasy fan fiction with no source for (((reasons))) why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out
Your butthurt is showing.

Read the OP before asking mind numbing beyond retarded questions please.
It begins.

> Python
Thanks, no.

newfag shill inb4'ing as op, sage

Please post the decentralized network that you coded on a superior language.
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

> Please post the decentralized network that you coded on a superior language.
It's not a good argument. I have a shitty router with 4Gb RAM and 1037u CPU. I don't think any python app will work there with decent performance.

can you crawl it with YaCy?

Zeronet is pretty comfy.

You are the one getting mad kek.

I think someone tried to hack in support years ago but it never really got anywhere.

Wait, so everyone can post as they please, or they post it via some server scripts? Can you ban on such a website? How do you prevent people from posting cp? You need captcha, or expect wipes daily.

Last time i went on ZeroNet in 2017/18 it was literally 60% Chinese people

sadly china figure out how to block zeronet.

that was your fault
you didn't inb4 OP can't inb4

Alright, since it's being shilled so much. Did they fix the fundamental design flaw that allowed something like enumerating everything someone has ever done thanks to immutable permanent public IDs, or something similar I don't quite remember?

Because reminder that IPFS and Gnunet both exist and have never had such flaws in the first place. The former has to be routed through i2p, the latter has anonymity built in but is less developed.

>Password-less BIP32 based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
how about like, you know
not using an account

really? I stopped using it because China was pretty much taking it over but that's unfortunate. I wonder how they managed to do that

it's a blank wallet, it just uses the same public/private key format as btc because that had been proven secure for many years

>Please post the decentralized network that you coded on a superior language.
Do you have to be a master chef to know food is bad? Saying "do x better then complain" has no merit.

I think this is neat though. Good work.

It's there exactly to be easy to mute people, but you can go around that (fresh vm image with clean install will generate new zeroID, so if you're not planning on hosting a site you want to update later just do that)

how about like, you know
not using individual keys

why does a transport level protocol need to implement authentication? that should be entirely up to the application(s)

>they will never take down Jow Forums, there is no need to worry! Everywhere else is just a bunch of pedos! YOU WILL BE IN PRISON BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!

Attached: file.png (916x1200, 1.05M)

imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food

>Please post the decentralized network that you coded on a superior language

Thats for files, you retarded crayon muncher.

whats the difference between a file and a website

And what's HTTP for, genius?

because that's how you update your websites, the address is the public key and you push updates with the private key. otherwise anyone seeding your site could tamper with it or take it over

HTTP is for files too
Oh no I guess the internet can't exist

This looks interesting. Feels like a return to form to the old internet with personal webpages instead of everyone going to YT/FB/Ggl.

I might give this a try.

>has to use a centralized ID server to stop spamming
Nice decentralized network, fag.

just make a new identity?

beautiful. the internet has been needing this for a long time.

Go back to /b/ please.
>fantasy fan fiction with no source for (((reasons))) why you should not use it

>sadly china figure out how to block zeronet
fantastic news for everyone.
that's the jew's plan. they will never win.

calm down terry

>fantastic news for everyone.
Oh cool yes because a blockable, censorable network is exactly what everyone here wants. Thank goodness zeronet fits that!

how can I use it with Tor?
any user here can link me to a tutorial or something?

Attached: 9924587176892652.jpg (174x290, 11K)

>no reasons not to use it
If you are rooting for decentralization, using a single point of failure centralized authentication server is pretty hypocritical.

Any sites that I should visit on ZeroNet besides porn stuff?

Imagine being this stupid and so bad at lying.

08ch /tech/ is pretty comfy.

Attached: 1565293991358.png (644x800, 15K)

Jow Forumstard

I can't get it to connect to I tried forwarding my ports, installing different python versions and disabling windows firewall but nothing. Anyone have any ideas?

Attached: file.png (960x554, 23K)

Did you try another browser?

Anything interesting on there other than inf chan and cp?

>Anything interesting
ZeroNet itself is whats interesting IMO, we are in the early stages of taking back the internet from them.
You can be a part of it now or wait until they take down Jow Forums too.

Yeah, no different in Edge, Firefox or Chrome. I also tried running it as admin, running the py files directly, changing the DNS server, running on tor and some other shit but had no luck.

I called to police you dirty pedos.


are you legitimately this fucking retarded

No, but you are, seeing as you can't differentiate between a system to deliver big files and a system to deliver fast, updateable, responsive webpages.

without i2p zeronet is just bittorrent on steroids like ipfs.
i'll wait the fully i2p integration, unlike the tor half assed.

Bittorrent isn't a super safe anonymous protocol. What happens if I sharing a website and it just so happens to have illegal content on it, wouldn't I be inadvertently be sharing illegal content? This concerns me. I've never used Zeronet, so I don't know if you gotta opt-in to sharing any particular website or what. I stopped torrenting movies and games several years ago. I'm clean as a whistle.

keep on falseflagging then, my jew friend

>zeronet is just bittorrent on steroids like ipfs.
You are a retard.
>so I don't know if you gotta opt-in to sharing any particular website or what
You only seed what you see, you have to opt-in to do it "en masse".
You can also mute any user forever and delete all his files from your seed with a single click.
You can also delete an entire "Zite" from your seed with a single click, don't believe the FUD they are fucking terrified of a web they can't control.

I'm finding really difficult these days to believe that a Certain piece of software cannot be compromised by government.

So, I'll not play with fire until and unless I understand it completely in and out.

Will I encounter more freedom lovers than on this cancerous shithole site?

Attached: ff.jpg (640x480, 84K)

I like freedom, but don't like python software with emphasis on "using Bitcoin crypto".

Attached: 56775.png (412x1662, 340K)

This, can't wait for i2p with ipfs integration.
inb4 java
i2p is also implemented in c++ and go

Reverse glowies exist?

Can someone with zeronet confirm if there is a CP board on 08 chan or not? Last thread was deleted before I could get an answer.
shows there is but one user from the other thread posted a screenshot with no such thing.
Is it glowniggers spreading FUD or not? I'd rather not end up with pedo shit on my pc

took from an archive of a post:

Attached: 1556176660345.png (1578x824, 279K)

daily beast is already doxing you retards

Getting IPs available to everyone is not doxing, faggot.

post your IP then if you have nothing to hide

Yes, there is one, you can just not access it and click the board name to block it entirely from ever downloading.
If no one seeds, it dies.


For you to lmaodenialofserviceXD me? Nope.

And thus you see the problem with Zeronet

Oh yes, someone is going to launch denial of service attacks against thousands of IPs...
Are you fucking retarded?

you do realize zeronet works over tor, right?

not particularly well, and it seems most people aren't using tor and instead are just using zeronet in the clear.

Why would anyone care if they aren't posting or hosting illegal shit?

because the moment you visit something that has illegal shit, whether or not you intended to, you're now hosting illegal shit

Videos and full images need user confirmation to be seeded, it's not automatic.
You can delete and mute users, boards and sites.

not particularly well? huh? but yeah, your argument about most people using zeronet from their home ip is correct, but for the most part it isn't an issue until you get to a site like cripchan where you'll have crazy lefty twitter retards trying to ddos or exploit or further dox people for posting on it. however: it wont show individual post ips, and they could be getting a fellow lefty seeding a thread/board (theres always anti pol fags in every pol thread, or leftpol, etc) so just collecting all ips isn't exactly useful for them.

the media (user images, webms) you have to manually click to dl/seed. otherwise you're only seeding the main site, and you can hide each board which won't make you seed any part of it or dl it onto your computer. so it's not an instant seed.

How do we deal with freedom agents uploading cp?

Why do 08ch cp boards even exist like just block the board nigga lmao like

call them niggers

God i wish that were me

there is a porn site blacklist which blocks all the porn sites id recommend that to keep away from the cp

Attached: 1497453190740.jpg (900x720, 120K)

>2 whole chans being represented as Jow Forums

Attached: 13358893_p0.jpg (1980x1080, 789K)

I'm a brainlet but since deepnude is a thing couldn't someone just develop an AI that runs next to your zeronet and automatically mute all images it perceives as pornographic? Based on the thumbnail? Then you would for sure never host any of that garbage

the auth server is decentralized tho. and there's a bunch to choose from or you can just clone one
I need to load up my old znet boxes but there are some good ones, will add to thread later or make a new one

the only thing from bitcoin is the pub/priv key format

so run it in a whonix vm. I thought you guys were good with tech WTF happened to this board

You can also run it on a vps and have a password protected login for you and a few trusted friends. Gitgud

you mean website

The same problem torrent has, the most used protocol on earth.

You only seed what you see, you have to opt-in to do it "en masse".
You can also mute any user forever and delete all his files from your seed with a single click.
You can also delete an entire "Zite" from your seed with a single click, don't believe the FUD they are fucking terrified of a web they can't control.

whole chans being represented as Jow Forums
>2 whole chans being represented by their most popular and influential board*
/b/ userbase (what made Jow Forums known) grew up and moved to Jow Forums
They are terrified of Jow Forums because it has a big influence IRL.

>so run it in a whonix vm. I thought you guys were good with tech WTF happened to this board
They are not Jow Forums anons, they are paid glowies that spread FUD to stop people from using ZeroNet, thats why they know jackshit about tech.

>This, can't wait for i2p with ipfs integration
ipfs can't do what ZeroNet does, it wasn't designed to.


Attached: ill-spout-simplistic-opinions-for-hours-on-end-ridicule-anyone-34009448.png (500x513, 77K)

Honestly this ID to mute people sounds dumb.
>be normal user
>have lax opsec
>be tracked half the time
>be pedo
>reset ID between every post because you're used to being paranoid
>probably develop a helper plugin or even fork to auto-reset it easier, or use one it someone else ever makes one
>be impossible to mute, filter or track