How does a shut-in NEET who dislikes proprietary software and being spied upon socialize?

How does a shut-in NEET who dislikes proprietary software and being spied upon socialize?

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You don't

Socialize with your wifu's

Get a job fatass

Jow Forums

Use good software instead of free software.
You'd be surprised how much good software is actually free.
When you change your viewpoint you can start being a proper person.

I'm not fat. Nice projecting.
Software that doesn't respect your freedom is never good. You sound uninformed.

socialize with your own kind? how connected are you to your group?
>Software that doesn't respect your freedom is never good
i dont respect myself so...

h-hi uwu

I've only met one person I could connect with, and our personality differences were too much for a relationship to develop.

Disliking proprietary software openly is probably not helping your situation. I would be pissed if I worked with someone who spouted half the viewpoints I see in here. Suck it up, accept the world for what it is and find something else to define yourself by. You can still dislike that shit but defining yourself as 'someone who dislikes proprietary software and being spied on'... I can't imagine a person I'm less interested in meeting.

t. Disliker of proprietary software and being spied on, among other things.

Do stuff. Like joining a sports club. Or hiking club. Or reading club. You get the idea.

I'm not defining myself by anything. I'm asking advice on socialization techniques that don't require using proprietary software.

Okay, maybe you shouldn't socialise at all

go to bar
chat with other patrons
talk about all 10000000 things in the world there are to talk about that aren't proprietary software

t. google employee

haha just drink some poison dude
like turn your brain off and loosen up
did you see that sportsball game?
that was so epic

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have sex



OK. Get a job that pays cash, take that cash and go to a bar, when you meet people just give them the number of a payphone to reach you on. They'll think you're Tyler Durden.

you don't have to drink
this is something that many people like to talk about

reading comprehension

If you find sportsball engaging you're probably a fool.

you don't have to find it engaging to watch it

>pretend to be interested in something so you can talk to people you have nothing in common with
I have too much self respect for this approach. If it works for you then more power to you.

not him, but I said this the idea was to find something you are interested in (instead of pretending) and do it with other people

fucking based

Most solid advice in the thread. Unfortunately I live in a flyover state so opportunities like clubs and group excursions are hard to find. Maybe I should move...

>everything i don't like is bad
christ almighty have sex already

Ok so what I think OP means is that they would like to connect with people through means that do no involve proprietary software (all this communication we're doing at the moment on Jow Forums aside)

honestly, i think an answer would revolve around two parts:

1 - You're a NEET. You don't know how to socialize. Even if you did meet someone with your similar interests, it would not mean that they would carry the NEET tag as well. You're essential left to figure out social cues and stuff, to which you can practice with just about anyone. If you goal is to truly socialize, then I'd suggest trading a bit of the self-respect for shallow relationships as, through these, you'd begin to develop a sense of what you're lacking. After all, part of socializing involves small, sometimes meaningless transactions that form a part of the bigger picture

2 - Although easy access technology has significantly shaped interactions across the board, not everyone grew up in a time where this was the norm. In short, talk to older people who are used to interacting without technology so that you can siphon off some of those skill. Generally speaking, I feel like they'd welcome you even, as the older people tend to have some kind of skepticism towards all tech general

good luck!

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>accept the world for what it is


thx fren

Don't reply to bots and NPCs

Don't tell me what to do

I see I broke my own rule.

Invent a fake normie and tell the people IRL that it is a fake normie created to fuck with facebook, this way you lie to the machine, but not to the people.

just go out or play a /v/ game

>Software that doesn't respect your freedom is never good

The world doesn't respect you either, yet you want to learn how to socialize at least to get what you want?

You meet socialization half-way, don't get consumed by it and whore yourself becoming friends with everyone yet friends with no-one.

Closed software is much the same. You meet it half-way on your own terms. No amount of using your AnCom Jow Forumsentoo meme distro will get you what you want, however morally comfortable it might be.

Behind every neurosis is a suppressed desire, overcome your schizoidal tendencies, ethics be damned.


Start talking to yourself

Unironicaly go to church and talk to people.

Funny because people like in your pic hate sports and alcohol as well as unironically use the term sportsball, which means that you're a fucking numale.

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change your prefs

Jow Forums spies on you