Desktop Thread /dt/ - desktop threads are dead edition

Last one died at 100 replies or something
I'm thinking ricing is dead

Attached: 2019-08-10-13:53:58.png (2390x768, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bless to this thread

KDE for me.

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nooo why did you do that? it was gonna die from OP and it was going to be beautiful
you just had to bump it, didnt you?

What happened?

Attached: 2019-08-08-010018_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

I think it's just getting more and more boring for those of us that stick with the same OS. I am posting less because my OS and desktop is the same.

Now that I've found a setup that works for me, posting the same thing the whole time gets dull and I'm not going to change my setup just so I can post something new in desktop threads.

recently switched over from snap to flatpak. flatpak is better.

>I'm not going to change my setup just so I can post something new in desktop threads
this is totally sensible. i feel the same way.

Attached: fdl;nl npij.png (1920x1080, 319K)

oooh open wrt, fancy!

Attached: 1550788002586.png (1920x1080, 423K)

Desktop threads are for trannies

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felt for emacs meme

Attached: 2019-08-10T19:03:35.png (2557x1077, 103K)

the actual router i'm using is pretty shit, but my wrt54gl died on me a couple of months back, so it'll have to do. openwrt itself is fantastic, and with it, the low memory on that new-ish router is not such an issue. it's really meant to be a travel router, but i tweaked it out a lot so it's only running the bare necessities, along with some luci modules to block ad-servers, malicious IP addresses and bogons.

get if you don't like it here, faggot.

Attached: 2019-08-10-182553_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 414K)

very similar to mine, nice. what dock do you use? I'm using Latte, it's hard to tell which one you're using because they can all be configured to look similar

nice actually working ranger, it had troubles in some terminals i found

>using shaded windows
you're a dying breed

does flatpak also have the issue of not respecting gtk/cursor theme?
nice lubuntu, but you could probably run a DE with more features with those specs.

>makes it look like GNU/Linux

>gentoo+emacs OS
you did fall for the memes

>harmful bitmap fonts

Attached: Screenshot_20190810_121151.png (3640x1920, 1.22M)

Yep :P

i miss the generic police fags :(

The trajectory of my daily driver lignux distro over the past 15 years has been KDE under Slackware with shit hardware > Xfce with decent hardware under Ubuntu > Unity > LXQt. Absolutely loving the latter. No need to save resources or anything, but Openbox + LXQt panel with the default Qt applications is by far the comfiest setup I've ever used.

Flatpak has less problems with DE and WM integration than snaps do actually! Have had no problem with it respecting my cursor, gtk theme, and qt theme. It's one of the reasons I switched. Thankfully Lubuntu does not depend on any Snap packages like vanilla ubuntu does, so removing all the snap and snapd related packages didn't cause any issues.

nice, thanks for sharing.

Interesting about the flatpaks, I'll have to look into it. I know Ubuntu is all about the snaps (what about our snaps?) but I guess there's no harm in using flatpak instead, it just won't be officially supported.

>makes it look like macos

Attached: 2019-08-10-140116_1440x900_scrot.png (1440x900, 21K)

I was thinking about changing it, what do you think of this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190810_132308.png (967x590, 66K)

Yeah but that shadow looks off, but maybe thats just the screenshot.

> desktop threads are dead
It is no that is dying is that these thread should not be made consecutively. i mean, how many people here do you think browse this place that change their desktops everyday, do you think people will change their workflows every time just to post a capture? do you want to see always the exactly same images every time? these threads should be bi-monthly so anons will have time to have a new desktop while new people come.

dug out the ol' X230 at my parents' house and started a quick rice.

Attached: 2019-08-10-215121_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 369K)

you underestimate linuxtards. they have no workflow. all they do is spend hours on end ricing to post in desktop threads. that is the SOLE purpose of ricing

Manjaro Xfce with i3wm. I didn't think I'd ever get used to tiling windows but it's been comfy since I started using i3.

Attached: manjaro-xfce-i3wm.png (1600x900, 153K)

Based Emacsir. What do you think about vterm?

>t. windows 10 gayming neet

based minimal xmonad

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and the reason desktop threads are dead is cause all the regular trannies killed themselves

>two clocks
but why

To disturb others tism.

ricing is dead and cringe

back2 kys
we all know who the real trannies are:

btw, Jow Forums has always liked traps, not trannies. traps are by definition extremely passable. trannies can look terrible. traps, by nature, cannot.

is this the new desktop thread

Attached: Bowsette is a qt.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

ok newfag

no you

what os and theme is this? I love it.

I don't post in this thread much

Attached: 2019-08-10-101359_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 1.26M)

Nice wallpaper, do you have a link?

basierter blinder user

Attached: dance!!!.gif (305x360, 233K)

>basierter blinder
Care to elaborate? I can't find anything...

im screenshot steht fenster x :)

not him but it doesn't say anything about the theme in the screenshot

its bbzero if u hadnt figured that out yet

its windows 10. no theme, just rainmeter and quickview the fetch is a rainmeter script im working on, and heres the bar and winaero tweaker to change the size of the titlebars.
its just default windows.

also the bar is tweaked a lot.

I like it so far

systemd :DDDDDDDD

Attached: CinScreen.png (960x540, 696K)

ment for

Thanks a lot pal.

huh i didnt know there was a windows version of polybar

Can I have a lead on where to start tweaking? That bar is really sexy,


Attached: Screenshot at 2019-08-10 08-45-47.png (1400x1050, 317K)

Its pretty good.
I can post mine later.

Love it. Pape?
Very nice

Attached: 2019-08-10-201836_3840x2160_scrot.jpg (3840x2160, 3.67M)

Very macshit-esque

That would be neato. Thank you.

Thanks for the compliment kbrother

how'd you get the globo(homo)menu working? Does it work in GIMP? No matter what guide i tried I couldn't get it working in GIMP so I gave up on the global menu dream. Also what is next to your globalmenu, I know it's an application name widget but which one?

Is that the doujins folder

Do you have the link for the wallpaper?

Since GIMP is GTK you probably need to install appmenu-gtk-module.

appmenu-gtk3-module & appmenu-gtk2-module both installed

still no luck on GIMP. Visual Studio Code works fine, and that's GTK, as does Firefox, but GIMP is pesky and refuses to work]

WAIT I just added the global menu again and now GIMP is working with it. happy day!

now I just need to tell me what Application Name widget he's using

Active Window Control

Thanks, I found Application Title because AWC was crashing plasma when I went into the settings. Seems to work nicely, but konsole doesn't want to show the globalmenu... weird. Oh well, as long as GIMPs working I'm happy, I don't really use the menubar on Konsole anyways.

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