Telephone Number spoofing possible?

I'm wondering if I was party to a MITM attack over the phone..

Attached: lingerie1.jpg (683x908, 84K)

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Spoofing is possible, you might also be able to MITM attack people if you use a cellular extender and fuck with the firmware.

have you literally ever heard of telemarketing

she's fat :3

have sex


>have you literally ever heard of telemarketing
I've but seen a telemarketer do this by spoofing the number- only the ID


kys thats just shy of perfect maybe 5 more kgs

Who's this semon demon?

she's normal; mid-tier wife material

>do google image search on OP image
>see this:
>Possible related search: trans women in lingerie

So, that's a man, baby!

hang up the phone, tyrone

Attached: 2525253.png (1546x424, 668K)

If it goes on the ass and hips, I hear you brother. Hips are a little on the narrow side.


pretty sure this is one of the people from warmfrestpaint

I'd still hit it

She looks like me if I'd have boobs and put on makeup and shave my gorilla body hair 2bh

Lingerie Libra, finalist in the Curvy Kate - Star in a Bra 2012 contest.
Female, doesn't do those things and beware, a lot of fat acceptance in her blog.
In the photo she's 27 if you take her word for it.

Telephone number spoofing is 100% possible.
Legality depends on jurisdiction.
I used to support call center/IVR application software. Way easier than you would think.

Would totally wreck his asshole.

Attached: CWczlAm.jpg (540x540, 85K)

Here's her competition interview

There was a 32C3 (or 33C3 or 34C3) talk on gaining SS7 access and using it to spoof various telecommunications. Look it up.