Use glorious Yandex search!

Use glorious Yandex search!

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It is pretty decent for finding cosplay sets


russian botnet
state department warned us not to use it 11 search engines in one

What is he researching? OwO

> state department
What a retard.

it is good in that it actually seems to use neural networks to search images unlike google which seems to just compare images 1:1

Blocked in my country.

cringe "1337 h4xx0r" aesthetics

I use their mail instead of gmail just to spite the jews

I use it for image search because it's much better and faster than google's
>state department
I hope you are joking
their mail is good because I can create an account in less than 5 minutes no bs verification.

Proprietary stuff I guess. I actually found their employees on Linkedin but apparently they are not allowed to list their company name haha.

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already a thing

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Your leader fucks kids, the Army fucks and abuses its young recruits and you can't handle radioactive materials without killing yourselves. Fucking Russia; the only thing you're good at is bullshit and propaganda. Now, fuck off back to Jow Forums and take that disidant Yaxley-Lennon with you.

>Your leader fucks kids
stopped reading right there

source in any of the claims you posted?

Yandex reverse image search is God tier, but I don't use it for normal searching

Is it good for cunny

99.2% of Yandex users or Russian leaders are peadophiles, period. Fucking kids is the #1 pass time for most of Russians political class and mob leadership. Peado deviants use Yandex as they're scared of using more mainstream service providers. Just to reiterate, Putin and Yandex users are kiddy fiddlers.

Thats good. Pedobros are based.

What are some search terms?

ok mr fbi , i don't live in the USA

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Yandex browser + search is unironically the best interwebz browsing combo.

Also ROSA Linux is 2x better than hippie-nigger Ubuntu

Some ex-Soviet shithole with a society full of America-worshiping negro-peasants that got into some kind of physical and/or geo-political fight with Russia?


This isn't thick sexy bread

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Leningrad troll bot. get cancer.

so what? if you never plan on visiting russia and live in a country that russia doesnt share intelligence with then whats the deal if they know your porn habits?

Nice propaganda outlets.

OH YES IT IS!!!!!!

Shut the fuck up agent rod.

>unironically shilling for a service which forces people to give their phone numbers
Yeah uh how about you kys slavshit?

Fuck off daft cunt. Fucking idiot cunts such as yourself voted for the likes of Putin. You voted for a child molester. As for Russia in general, what fucking happened? When did you lose your common decency? Letting a bunch of kiddy fiddlers take control of your country and then openly boast about it as if it's a good thing! Fucking degenerates. Your country is a far right wing shithole, your armed forces are shit compared to the likes of the US and China, your economy sucks dick and you can't win at sports without injecting horse steroids. You're a fucking disgrace and a laughing stock on the world stage. Enjoy your sanctions, faggots.


the westcuck roastie hag sneething

The east wasn’t, isn’t and will never be based. Your average monthly wages are fucking shit and you are always inmigrating to west europe or America for a good bunch of reasons. You guys
think you are so big and dindu nuffin wrong and have been cucked eternally by either commies or turkroaches. So stop with your superiority complex and stop shilling your shitty botnet on Jow Forums already

>muh moneys

Oh no they have to make do with less Chinese consumer electronics per year how will they ever manage?

Let's see in 30 years when the west is neo Brazil if youre singing the same tune hag.

And your security services were supposed to be the best in the world! At least when the US do wet work, it stays dark. Sending two imbeciles to kill off the Skripals wasn't the greatest work of tradecraft was it. The fact that their entire route around the country was recorded on CCTV just goes to show how fucking inept Russian intelligence services are. Using a traceable chemical agent wasn't the best decision either. Fucking Russian idiots.

You and your kind fuck kids. How you can come on here and fucking pontificate on how your shitty search engine is the greatest fucking astounds me. Your country is a criminal, degenerate state led by peadophiles. Fucking live with that, cunt.

Nice Reddit spacing.

>NOOOOO no one wants to fuck me any more because I'm old roast beef! I know I'll insult them that will work!

Bahahhahaha. Reminder hags like you only get anything because of the laws you people made. Nasty roasty!

Even Brazil is better than the shithole that is Slavistan. Get the fuck out from my board already faggot.

Kill yourself newfag shill rat

Reddit spacing

Banned from uploading images here.

>Brazil better than the east

Your brain on westkike mind control

So have Russians stopped fucking kids?

Not an argument slavshit

I think youre confused roasty. Cunny is the best. Cunny is the past and future. Only in the close present are people like you around. This world will soon revert.

Your time is nigh roastoid.

What's all this toasty shit! You finger your children yet you justify it by claiming I have bobs and vergin and I'm salty that you'd rather have the sex with minors! Fucking Russian nonce. Shit country, shit economy, shit deviant people and a shit search engine.

You first but do it quick boy. There's a special place in hell for nonces like you.

>nooooooooo get with cock carousel riding old whores like me! Pay for my child!

What's wrong with you Ivan? Did Uncle Josef put his thumb inside you when you were 5yrs old? I wouldn't be surprised. I bet the photos are available on Yandex or whatever the fuck you Russian, peado, nonce, search engine is called.

Nice try, Yandex marketing team, nice try indeed

>pedo man bad

We all know its you Agent, you all made the big mistake of confirming what everyone already knew.


super cringe

good post

Fuck children

Don't fiddle with kids

Fucking children is based sweety. I think you should go back.

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Go prep that paki Nigel! I will move to glorious Russia and have a beautiful Slavic little girl wife.

The absolute state of Putin's Russia; peado Slavs.

Pedos are based. Back to pleddit

No, you're deviant scum.


Go back there! With haste roasty

It's very good for image searches in general. In fact I would say it's the best search engine for images, startpage/goog is still best for general searches.

I totally swear by yandex reverse image search and I really like their browser

i use startpage and yandex for image search obv

Theres a bunch of cp in the nudity section wtf

I see no cp anywhere when searching for imgsrc on yandex

It is nice to have a search engine not encumbered by sjw and busybodies trying to tell you how to think.

Thats what based pedobros get you.

Just change the background, it's nice

It's really sad that people should be trusting Russia more than silicone valley

kiss your sister?

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