how do i get a free computer?
i am starting community college and have no money
i do not think my phone will suffice
How do i get a free computer?
>being this poor
Get a job, dumb phoneposter.
how do you think i am paying for this bullshit college
there are optiplexes for $39 on ebay
>how do you think i am paying for this bullshit college
get rekt faggot, it's your fault you fell for the college scam
Where are you from?
My country has public colleges/universities/schools. All you need to do to enter is pass an exam which is used to prevent low IQ retards from clogging up resources. If you're a small brain, you'll need to go to a private one.
How does it work in your country?
Get a thinkpad x230 or t420, change screen to IPS, RAM to 8gb and ssd
Nah, he should get a T60 instead. Much more economical, and it respects your freedoms.
don't fall for the thinkpad meme
just use your college's computer lab computers
Just buy an optiplex
Wow this is next level pathetic.
Still, a T420 could be had for less than 100 bucks, and if you really that desparate, an optiplex is like 30 bucks sans the hard drive. You could try dumpster diving in yo local recycle centre but I don't think you'll find anything worth your time
buy a bluetooth keyboard
type notes on your phone
do your work on the uni computers
Depends what for
>Humanities cuck
Get at cheap chink 2in1 or a tablet, keyboard, print mounts and holders on your library's 3D printers, embrace pajeet-life
>Design/graphics/art whatever
Get an IPAD or at least core m laptop and a graphics tablet keyboard too
Get an used office computer anywhere or business laptop (not necessary thinkpad) and upgrade with a SSD
>Get an IPAD or at least core m laptop and a graphics tablet keyboard too
Fucking disgusting. Just get an X200t
how the fuck do you live in (((((current year)))))
and not have a computer?
there are kids out there right now whose only computer is their cellphone
Save up. Buy a cheap $100 eBay laptop later.
Use the uni computer labs/library in the meantime
Go to any utilisation point and ask people that come there if it's still working and just old, they will give it to you, plenty of 4-5 year old working hw gets dumped
hard to find seconds hand laptop that are new enough for anything
people get rid of things for the smallest of reasons
i recently picked up a 2012 laptop for $30 from a friends' parents, because it BSOD'd on startup and they just got a new one
it works fine except for the battery
Fluffy boy!
>hard to find seconds hand laptop that are new enough for anything
easy to find second hand laptops that are new enough to run anything
just woke up
Yes but
op is a kid
What country? This is important. If you’re a burger, you can use your Pell money for a computer. Otherwise, just use the lab or ask relatives and friends if they have an old shitbox they’d like to get rid of.
Does college start before 18 in some countries?
If you’re smart enough, but I doubt OP is.
>thinking anyone asking for a free computer on Jow Forums is capable of performing the cable mods for old dinkpads to support a non-shit screen
go dumpster diving and maybe you will get lucky. Also from what I understand some companies are actually paying other companies for safe disposal of their "outdated" hardware
What a fucking stupid idea.
Go dumpster diving around office parks or data centers. Often times they'll have desktops just sitting around next to a dumpster waiting to be taken
probably your best bet
Steal one from your local library.
Not q MacBook tho
There are *free* computers to use on campuses. If you want something to tell home you need to get a job, use your federal grant money on it or get lucky and buy something dirt cheap but decent.
suck dick for $10 bucks
raspberry pi 4 4GB is good enough
Most university libraries have laptops and/or PCs, there will probably be a PC lab as well. Use those if you cant afford your own.
Our school provides you with a thinkpad if you need one for the course
might as well buy a new cheap laptop you fucking imbecile
>amerilards first need to get a job to get a college degree
The absolute state of amerilards. How is murica not falling apart at this point is seriously beyond me, what a fucking shithole of a country.
RasPi 4.
I think there's a grant for that, and some organizations that will give you what you need.
That thinkpad would be way better, new things aren't always better you know.
I wouldn't really recommend buying either though in this case.
you get plenty scholarships for just having an iq of 90 or above, op must be subhuman
i've seen anons dumpster diving and scoring some decent systems. i'm sure there's some granny you can help by getting her groceries and she will give you her old computer. depending on what you study you could install something like xubuntu and you'll be golden.
there are a lot of americans coming to study here in europe, though.
It is. That just takes time. America has multiple big problems, I like to compare it a bit with the problems the Roman republic faced before the 100 years of civil wars.
-The gap between rich and poor widens each day. The pay of lower and mid income workers hasnt effectively changed in 50 years.
-The changing demographics are hitting hard. Racial tension is at an all time high and by being mixed more this is going to increase.
-The state has amassed a lot of debt that could further cripple the nations stability.
-The position of global dominance the US enjoyed after the second world War is threatened by China. Even if the US manages to keep their status that conflict will be costly and will likely further destabilize the country.
-The internal structure of US society has massive problems. Their academic youth has to make huge debts just to get fully educated, insurance is still not sufficient, the population is extremely obese and has a rather high rate of drug abuse and last but not least the society has proven unable to properly include parts of their youth, resulting in an ever increasing amount of school shootings.
-There are 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the US that are living in bad conditions and are working for little to no money. Even worse there are millions of people who would like to immigrate into the US due to its wealth, making the situation worse.
-The political system is an embarrassment for the name "democracy", the people only have rather limited control over its government, Washington has some serious corruption problems and the nation is ruled by a guy that is mostly focused on fighting for his public image with the press. The voting system is an absolute joke, e.g. in order to challenge trump a candidate has to first win in the democratic party, which requires him/her to support left wing policies. However the presidential election is decided in the middle, where the candidate fails since he already had to be left-wing
For foreign benis and bajina