Do you think vr will be advanced enough in our lifetime so that people could actually 'move' to a virtual world?
Virtual World
Sure hope so. Imagine a society without psychos, spergs, loners, and other rabble.
You're already inside one. For the love of God user, wake up. Turn off your headgear right now.
not till machine-brain interface gets developed, I would say that is at least 100 years away.
It's already happening. Rich live the real life, poor have already moved most of their lives online. Just look at us here.
High end VR is pretty much there hardware wise, but it is expensive and requires a tower and there is not a lot of content for it.
Look how fucking addicted people are to text image boards on a monitor, vr is going to ruin a generation when it comes out in force with cheap hardware and compelling content/worlds to inhabit and ways to interact with others
It will kill all motivation to live in the real world. Look at this generation, my friends and I spent a good portion of our day in a virtual world like world of warcraft. I did not care about grades or real life accomplishments, a good deal of my energy went into my WoW character.
Now imagine that with a perfect virtual reality. People already overuse escapism today because the real world is shitty. Why bother trying to get a job or degree or get in shape when you can spend your time as a rich model banging sluts in VR? Nobody will have any drive to work or start a family whatsoever. Once VS becomes cheap enough, people will do just enough to afford that, and spend the rest of the day in VR.
way, way back in the 90's? The magazine Heavy Metal had a short graphic story like this picture. A woman wears VR goggles in a run-down, dilapidated apartment. She pays for her own online VR experience by letting sensors probe her body to create somebody else's VR experience realistic material.
It was really good for its era.
It is a stupid concept hahahaha Imagine if you lived in the virtual world and some niggers robbed you in the real world hahaha - Then you would be broke in the real world and would have no computers for the virtual world
even if it wasn't advanced at all, neets would move in to escape reality
Developed already
Introduced in 10 years
Mainstream in 20
Screencap this
I actually started working on a VR of my childhood city, i wanna be back with my highschool love who i consider the love of my life and the only person that ever made me happy. I just wanna live on a constant loop of when i was happy meeting him everyday at school, i miss those has been complete apathy since then.
Take a look at VRChat. People are willing to move to that shitty world.
The baseline is close, still need slightly better than valve index level hardware with significant resolution increases (HP Reverb RES - 2160x2160) and probably foviated rendering so 2080ti level hardware can push that 90fps with modern games.
There are no true gen 2.0 headsets out imo, the index, hp reverb and pimax stuff are 1.5 and all have their own quirks and flaws.
Still perhaps 10 years away from the VR and PC hardware being where it needs to be, ie is sub 300-500 all in for everything.
A top of the line VR rig and PC hardware isnt going to leave you much change from 3k right now imo, 1000 for a headset, 1000 for a gpu and 1000 for the rest of the computer.
People think of VR as absolute freedom.
Wouldn't being hooked to a computer (assuming you are online) be quite the opposite?
Well by that logic you're not free as long as you're alive. You're reliant on oxygen, food, water, etc.
VR makes you the god of your own reality, the only limits right now are how primitive the hardware is and how non accessable the software tools are to manipulate your reality in VR.
Once there is some kind of multiclient vector/voxel/math based web api that interfaces with the 2d web that allows multiusers to connect to an admins world, not a lot is going to change, more cores and vector/voxel type world building tools will help i guess.
Think of websites being like instanced minecraft type worlds, amazon might end up viewable as a virtual shopping mall where you can look at 3d representations of objects and so on, netflix might be a virtual theater.
Everybody else will have control over their social/or unsocial version of reality, some people might chose to exist in a weird neuromancer like mix of google earth and ar mixed in with real life, other might interact in a complete vr fantasy reality like some anime my little pony cartoon reality.
i wonder if the silly ready player one avatar and world type thing is not to far from where its heading.
anybody who has tried vr chat can see how that might work if websites and services were their own room/reality in VR.
>High end VR is pretty much there hardware wise, but it is expensive and requires a tower and there is not a lot of content for it.
Its like comparing a 2 story tall mud house to a 50 story tall buildings you see in any city today. Sure 2 story tall mud house may be the "high end" mud house, but its not anywhere close to what OP is referring to for actual virtual world migration.
no it's not it's like saying video cards will get smaller and more powerful in the next 5 to 10 years and the software will become more sophisticated and more optimized
computer power scaling and becoming smaller is nothing like large buildings, get real user
Lol, just get a comfy chair and put a blanket on you. Why is this image so dramatic ? If this retard can afford electricity he can afford a chair as well.
the fuck?
i think you are about right but my brother has a $300 oculus that does not physically hook up to a tower and it's not terrible, I think we are 5 years away from really seeing a lot of this stuff around and 8-10 years away from it being annoyingly everywhere and ubiquitous
also think about google stadia and how they are attempting to push all the processing off site and make the hardware thin client, that could really change things too if everyone has 200mbps low latency internet at home in 5-10 years
im honestly half thinking of holding off on a valve index because the hardware will be out of date by 2020.
It really needed 2k x 2k per eye and foveation.
because he stops caring about that shit, a heroin addict could keep his house tidy but doesn't because his world is heroin now and does not care
This is a retarded dramatization you moron, if your VR headset doesn't completely turn off feelings to your body you're gonna be really uncomfortable sitting on the floor like that for hours. A more real representation would be a dirty mattress on the floor, even heroin junkies don't sit on the empty floor like they're trying to prove something.
i guess you have never seen user's post pics of their rooms with piss bottles before to show what current computer addiction has done to them, lurk more newfriend
Its not a more powerful/small gpu problem. Its a lack of direct access to brain issue. Which will be solved most likely by a BCI device. BCI device is the holy grail of Virtual Reality. When we have the ability to directly interface with our vision/sound/speech/memory(read and write) etc through our neurons and not have to use cameras/displays/mics, that's when the real virtual reality begins.
we barely know how the brain works, what it's equivalent to 1s and 0s are and how the software works, we are forever away from what you are talking about
when I can live in a virtual world with an anime cat girl my life will be complete.
Piss bottles are nothing compared to the horrible limb and back pain you'd have from sitting 12+ on hard wood in the corner of your room.
No, you're wrong. We know how to construct images in the brain. Retrieve memory. Write memory. Send memory over wireless. Etc. Small minor rudimentary proof of concept things have been tested in labs. These things will be converging rapidly once enough key components are researched properly. I would guess it will take no less than 5-10 years for rudimentary consumer level BCI device that does memory read/write.
> Retrieve memory. Write memory. Send memory over wireless.
lol none of that has ever happened lololol
I think by "we know how" you mean "i heard on a blog some guy say" LOLOL
>no less than 5-10 years
Imagine being this delusional, lmao. More like no less than 100 years, screencap this, remind me in 2020 to laugh at user's stupidity.
>2020 is 5 years away
I think you don't know what time scale is,
I also thought 2020 is 5 years away.
>Restoring Active Memory (RAM)
> The RAM program aims to develop and test a wireless, fully implantable neural-interface medical device for human clinical use. The device would facilitate the formation of new memories and retrieval of existing ones in individuals who have lost these capacities as a result of traumatic brain injury or neurological disease.
>Restoring Active Memory – Replay (RAM Replay)
>The RAM Replay program will investigate the role of neural “replay” in the formation and recall of memory, with the goal of helping individuals better remember specific episodic events and learned skills. The program aims to develop novel and rigorous computational methods to help investigators determine not only which brain components matter in memory formation and recall, but also how much they matter.
>Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3)
> The N3 program aims to develop a safe, portable neural interface system capable of reading from and writing to multiple points in the brain at once. Whereas the most advanced existing neurotechnology requires surgical implantation of electrodes, N3 is pursuing high-resolution technology that works without the requirement for surgery so that it can be used by able-bodied people.
Hello retard.
those are all fantasy proposals just shit talking like musk terraforming mars
humans don't even know what consciousness actually is or how it manifests
Right. Somehow Musk has convinced the world's most leading military tech researchers about the usefulness of BCI. Get real.
>muh consciousness
No one cares about this in BCI research. This is just you coping by inserting random buzzwords.
We now have a general understanding of how memories form via statistical model. I think that's what the new generation of BCI is going after with the order of more magnitude of connections added to the brain to tap into the neural noise.
nothing you posted or cited shows we know how memories are laid down in the mechanical and descriptive sense, and we don't, you don't actually know what you are talking about and are just cope googling shit you think proves your point out of ignorance
>no u
But isn't the world inside the headset supposed to be good?
>inside headset
By the time you can live in a virtual world you will not want to live in one.
Like the candy rack at the grocery store.
You could buy that whole rack but you don't want it.
Same with the virtual worlds, they will bore you.
>Technology will get better every decade
I don't think the screencap is necessary.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
nobody screencap this
Hell yeah, I want to be a little girl
>implying we don't already live in a simulation
Only when people can jack in and have all their senses submerged in VR. When that is achieved, meatspace is only relevant so far as it can serve as a gateway to VR, at least to some people. I'd hook myself up to a experience machine in a second if I could guarantee that I can stay there. Of course this will cause massive problems as the masses become even more alienated from real world problems. But it's nothing new really, kind of like the TV for boomers and the internet for younger generations, just way more effective.
Well, people also live on Jow Forums.
damn ur gay
Like Ready Player One yes, could happen next year if anyone cared, like Black Mirror Striking Vipers probably no time soon.
If gta 6 on ps5 is psvr ready, then it's going to be awesome.
This is the virtual world.