Why is C considered too hard for modern programmers?

Why is C considered too hard for modern programmers?

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It's like manual car vs automatic car fren.

No object orientation and buffer overflow heavy. Use c++ instead

NES can't run your POO garbage.

Exactly. i.e. it's not hard, it's just retarded.

But learn it anyway if you want to be a l33t h4x0r

>I'm too fucking dumb to know how to use it, thus its retarded
the state of (You)

What would motivate someone to use a language with less demand and a higher workload to learn than other languages?

If you cniles could be useful for once and write drivers for linux that'd be great, thanks.

not much point learning it unless you get into embedded systems

Because people have low standarts on software quality, so developers does not need to put effort on actually learning it. Why even bother if people nowadays find acceptable having desktop applications running on that Electron thing?

Try and make a Linux ioctl with Python. It's like trying to fit a square too big into a circle. Anything is easy when it's used in its proper use case.

>Why even bother if people nowadays find acceptable having desktop applications running on that Electron thing?

C is for inCels ahhahaha

I like that one
t. inCel

real talk, why do you use C?

Cause everyone is a programmer these days. Programmers with three digit IQs use normal languages, not the modern object oriented crap.

easy to learn and use syntax
low system overhead
inherently portable
tons of support and open source examples to reference
most other programming paradigms can be implemented trivially

It just werks, and if you don't use stupid circus tricks with it, you get a code that is cleaner and easy to read than anything else but BASIC.

This. If you make a library then you want users of it to be able to use it with any language they want (pretty much every language can interface with C) on any platform and hardware they wish (within reasonable limitations). I hate devs who have no respect for people with less capable hardware or dont care about battery life

What is C used for other than drivers?

its not???? like every university teaches C. imo i think one thing is that most now-a-days ppl start programming entirely on their own early on, and they end up with something like py/ruby/php/etc; so when they look at or use C it can be a lot to handle especially with memory management.

lots of ppl could benefit from learning an ASM (HLASM prob easiest) or forth or something but zoomers just wanna make ebin skripts or k1ll3r appz with libraries that make u require 0 work, and not actually anything interesting or requires technical proficiency.

btw oop is a cult and ppl love 2 stick to their cult shit


Pure C is not used for much, but most stuffs use C++ that is basically C with more features that can be used to either make a cleaner code, or make OO hell.

Libraries that are meant to be usable on as many platforms as possible and from any programming language. Here is an example github.com/htacg/tidy-html5 you can even run it on the web by compiling c to javascript

C is also used commonly behind the scenes for python libraries. So it's possible that whatever library you are using, you are actually using just a frontend to a c library

Python is basically a huge C library.

Why is HolyC considered too based for modern programmers?

Attached: tad.png (1046x675, 760K)

>low standarts on software quality
I would believe it, but cniles are the ones always oppossing formal verification, compile time checks, anything that isn't in place bit twidling for microoptimization, etc.

I've learned it(and still learning,this lang will never end) as my first lang and to be honest,it gives you more satisfaction than other languages.
If you learn C and then switch to another lang like PyThOn,you'll feel without control
In C you have freedom of doing literally whatever the fuck you want

Perl and Ruby too.
>also the JVM

Because it has a lot of pitfalls (buffer overflow, memory leaks, segfaults). A less performant language like python can be more enjoyable.

what the fuck are you talking about lol, the world runs on C and will forever. like cobol, c isn't going anywhere so there's no use in downplaying it's usage, usefulness and frequency in application.

If you know C++, ideally you know C too.
And your C++ code ideally looks mostly like C.

well ya IF you know C++, but there's so much (RACIAL SLUR) shit in it then why even bother unless it's mission critical for your project? who in the real world learns C++ before C, like honestly? how many C programmers are using C++? how many ppl would chose to use C++ over C?

shits retarded bro

>who in the real world learns C++ before C, like honestly?
Sadly many, many, many, many, many people.
And they always do horrid OO messes that are the modern equivalent of goto spaguetti code, now with the multifile twist.

Modern automatics have much better timed and faster shifts than choffeurs and taxi drivers, let alone avg. citizen. Fuel economy is amazing and it doesn't wear out your left leg and right arm for nothing.

What's wrong with electron, vscode with several addons uses less than 50mb. That's literally nothing, I can run 100 vscodes on my android phone.

And I have no respect for poorfags who bitch and whine my perfectly functioning app uses a couple extra megabytes of RAM on their trash core solo openbsd setup.

havent seen it yet so ill take ur word for it, yes oop is a cult i agree tho

>OOP cult
You guys are legitimately mentally ill. Get help.

When people learn C++ before C it's not that bad, the problem is when people learn a fancy hipster language (like Python) and cannot program anything beyond games and apps.

Guess malloc and free are too much for those dumb monkeys.

It's not too hard, it's just faulty. C is full of features that cause even the most talented people in peer reviewed programs to sneak in basic, but high impact vulnerabilities like overflows, memory-related crashes and memory leaks.

is what one of you Dunning-Kruger victims will tell me, but EVERYONE, no matter how talented, no matter how many decades of C they've written, no matter how careful they are, makes these mistakes. And that's not even talking about regular program errors which are just as common because C contains nothing to help with managing program state or anything else.

>C programs need a security layer to be safe
C is far safer than most modern languages, it only lacks many obligatory layers of safety features.

cause they ate too much onions


we write more complex software now.

>Talented people
>buffer overflows and memory leaks
Kys retard.

It's not that it's too hard, it's just that there are better options -- C++ and Rust are both "harder" and objectively better for 99% of applications

>twitter/medium shitheads != real life programmers
Most don't talk about their sexuality, trump and programming within the same twitter account.
Stop giving a fuck about """trends"""" you see on twitter.
C is NOT considered hard by anyone with a brain, it's just a fucking tool and often the only one available so you deal with it like the fucking literate you're suppossed to be and do your job.
I know zoomermen will not like this one but the most competent people I found on the internet were on irc channels, find the right ones about things you like and befriend the dudes (women don't exist on the internet) there.

It's not "harder"; it's just an inefficient use of coders' time.

C isn't considered too hard by just about anyone. It's a simple language for all but the average frogposter. It's missing several features that are available in most other commonly in-use languages though which would make it much nicer to use. Stuff like namespaces, classes and generics for example. It also allows for several classes of memory related vulnerabilities that other languages don't.

Stop talking sense. The brain dead zoomers that infest this board won't be able to keep up with you

Less of them are white which is a prerequisit of C.

There's no reason to not use C++ but there's also no reason to use a 99.9% of C++ features. standard containers are the only good addition.

It is an old language very strict

But Python is programmed in C.

Because modern programmers use Python, the backbone of most Artificial Intelligence systems.

> l33t h4x0r
neet hackor?

>And your C++ code ideally looks mostly like C
ideally your c++ code should look like everything that's being shilled since c++14/17

It's not hard every half-fecent programmer can write and read C code. Problem is its unsafety and lack of features which makes programming in other languages more pleasant.
C used to be a general programming language but it fell to the category of system language. Now it's only used to write drivers, kernels and libraries that are called by other langs like python.
There's also Rust coming after it, offering new feature and memory safety without overhead.

It's dangerous.
Yes, it's the best language and you can do absolutely everything you want in it.
But do you want those you are working with to also be able to do everything they want? How much do you trust other programmers? What about "coders" or "modern programmers"? What if you are employed and you get a pajeet or someone from Jow Forums as coworker?

Implementing a C compiler for some new hardware is so well understood it's almost trivial.

In fact, most hardware is designed to make it easy to implement a C compiler on it.

This means that C will always be with us until a better language that's even easier to implement is created, and it dislodges C by sheer force.

Not holding my breath, instead, learning C.

It's not hard. In the first semester of uni our professor made us write a game with 1k lines of code. Could be done in less, for sure. It was a nice experience. We used Allegro.

I'm thankful that I learned C instead of Java or Python in the first semester desu