do i need 16gb of ram on a laptop for programming and shitposting or is 8gb enough?
Do i need 16gb of ram on a laptop for programming and shitposting or is 8gb enough?
4GB is enough
Depends exactly what you work on. 8GB is certainly enough for a lot of things.
you could probably get away with 2GB if you don't open too many tabs
Try running a local DB, a server, a compiler in hot reload mode, your browser, an IDE and some other electron shit at the same time and suddenly 8GB isn't so great anymore.
I have an old as shit 6GB laptop, if I had to buy a new one, I'd settle for at least 12 GB.
why the fuck would you rape your RAM like that?
Just don't add chrome add-ons and you'll be fine
language, ide and what kinda shit do you create
my machine - right now eclipse CDT consumes 22 out of 32 GB RAM
ci farm - 4 servers 384 GB RAM each
>Try running a local DB, a server, a compiler in hot reload mode, your browser, an IDE and some other electron shit at the same time and suddenly 8GB isn't so great anymore.
eh, if i really need servers for fucking around i'd try to get some AWS free tier stuff, not sure about the compiling stuff, but i could also send it to AWS if i really needed, and i don't really know what electron is, so i think 8GB should be good for me.
about the 12GB meme, which models even offer that? i was checking some Asus and some Lenovo and all seem to jump from 8 to 16GB
i don't think i can even carry a 32GB ram laptop, or probably even pay for it
Depends on the programming if android then yeah cause android studio loves ram more then chrome. I advise 16gb min though no joke if you run multiple instances and an emulator or 2, 32gb of ram (if you also want to run a browser and other stuff. My work laptop under heavy load can go up to 16gb ram and then like 8gb of swap. Luckily macos has some magical swap bs and it still works smoothly never even noticed I ran out of ram.
>Get out iToddler
I only have a macbook pro from the company which is used exclusively for work.
Lol wtf? Either you are insanely weak or you think ram ways a ton. My laptop has 32gb of ram and it ways like 2-3kg. Just had to put in the extra ram myself after I got sick and tired of running out with 8gb.
Copy-pasting from Stack Overflow won't require more than 4GB of RAM
12kb is enough
>having RAM problems
calm down Chad
You can actually manage alot of stuff with 8gb, i worked at a company were the business laptops all had 4gb of ram, 8 if you were lucky
for shitposting you need 69gb
Honestly I'd say go for 16gb. There really isn't any reason you *SHOULD* need more than 8gb, unless doing something special, but that's just not reality. The reality is we get tons of bloated software that chews through ram and doesn't bother with optimization, because they just expect you to buy more instead. Especially true when it comes to web browsers, partly because of the browsers themselves and partly because 99% of websites are designed in such an atrocious manner that you'll quickly eat through all your ram without doing much at all.
I have 8gb on my computer, but I'd want more if I were upgrading. Luckily browser ram usage can be effectively minimized by running ublock/umatrix and blocking a fuckton of scripts that bloat things to the moon.
because you want to use it to actually develop something instead of browsing reddit?
i still have no reason to upgrade to 8gb, maxing out 4gb is maximum comfy
>pajeet tier shitposting - 2gb
>neet tier shitposting - 8gb
>god tier shitposting - 32gb
>mt. Olympia tier shitposting - 128gb
buy 32 GB.
i'm not even joking.
why would i ever need 32gb of shitposting
Depends on what you mean by programming. If you use programming for analysis of large data sets (e.g. scientific computing) then you might even want 32gb. If it's just for webdev stuff, I would still go for 16gb just in case since browsers alone these days hog a fuckton of RAM if you use a lot of tabs.
i have 12 gb of ram and it is over the top, 16gb faggots
My work laptop has 4gb. If you need more your workflow sucks or your tools are shit. Emacs and a browser plus a few com clients takes up 2gb at best.
50 chrome tabs + 5 terminals + 16 pdf docs + IDE can easily max out 16GB. If you run VMs it’s another story
not everyone has the luxury or time to make a le haxor workflow with tools designed in the 50s
2gb is enough if you are not a zoomer, 8 if you are.
what do you even do with 50 tabs? i get annoyed at 10
how many tabs do you like to keep open?
sometimes i have several full windows of tabs in several browsers - hundreds of tabs opened.
What if they all suddenly start playing sound?
>mfw am absolutely fine with 2GB and an SSD
umm no.
I fill my 8GB extremely easily by using Firefox with overleaf open, some pdfs, Spotify and vscode.
And this is on Arch, on windows it must be even worse.
4GB is hell for me with only by browser + hydrus open.
You will never have all of that on your laptop under any circumstances, fuck off
Except I constantly have all of that, + a GUI tool for the DB + a image editor.
I feel like that's fair, particularly if you are a programmer/developer working in the real world and just wanna test shit quickly.
I am always spinning up local VMs for shit