
are cardboard box PC cases cyberpunk?

if not, what is cyberpunk?

is it just a buzzword to categorize movies?

Attached: cardboard.jpg (2560x1440, 568K)

>are cardboard box PC cases cyberpunk?

>if not, what is cyberpunk?
libreboot X60

>what is cyberpunk
Integration of technology into biology

Cyberpunk is when you speak like everything you say is a jew
>(have? (you) (watch 'lain))

thinkpads are cyberpunk

Cyberpunk is many things.

Attached: 3fypNdc.jpg (1280x800, 503K)

Attached: 1390185258323.jpg (1583x1000, 1.44M)

although I myself am partial to my x200

you mean lisp?

high tech low life.
Everything else is not cyberpunk but might be related.

Also a reminder to sage baity shitposts like this.

No, but cyberdecks are.

Attached: cyberdeck.jpg (1328x747, 185K)

>what is cyberpunk?

>Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a futuristic setting that tends to focus on a "combination of lowlife and high tech" featuring advanced technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.

That's hobopunk.

The problem with you op is that you can afford a decent case if you can afford a decent computer you fucking mong.
There is no real low-life here, you're just being a dickhead.

I-I have no words, I'm just angry now.

while this is technically true from a superficial definition of all the terms involved, it really isn't correct at all

the entire purpose of neural-computer connections in Neuromancer was a very very ham fisted and hyper-futuristic way to represent a concept of how people view the internet as a physical space, 'cyberspace,' except from a period of time before the internet even existed. from a time when computers connected to different bulletin boards through a different phone lines. im not saying that it isn't part of what has become cyberpunk, but the entire conceptual framework that william gibson built that is what birthed cyberpunk is pretty much entirely capable of being described without technology mixing with biology.

it is more about a focus on low status people and how the lower classes will deal with high tech stuff, the consequences of monolithic capitalism and what happens when corporations have more power than the government, and what happens when information becomes a more valued commodity than the technology itself.

I..I haven’t asked for this...but I want it

Cool bicycle grip, bro.

Cyberdecks are pretty gay

Jow Forums is cyberpunk, is what i'm saying. pretty much everything about this forum is like some kind of pale reflection of what cyberpunk was dreampt up to be but in the weird post-9/11 world we're in

we all carry computers around except most people just use them as the next generation of television, passive brainwashing

i mean cyberpunk ultimately idolizes the people that do not have the means to get by in society. its kind of a weird escapism where people get to pretend they're living like a hood nigga except in Shenzen in 2147. it would actually be fucking terrible to have a lifestyle like that and so its not really a good thing to try and emulate

No, cyberpunk is a PC case made out of parts that were ripped off a junkyard Tesla (or possibly stolen from a non-junkyard Tesla).

>if not, what is cyberpunk?
high tech, low life

more along the punk side than the cyber side i'd say. it fits a certain aesthetic. Gibson said "the street always finds its own use for things"

The brain computer interfaces weren't necessarily that ham fisted. There was a lot of experimentation in the USA with that type of thing during the 80's that Gibson himself was aware of. He wasn't really a "tech guy" though so he took everything he saw that was new and jammed it in the story as if it would all be successful tech in the future. Brain computer interfaces were garbage back then and only now being reconsidered by people like Elon Musk.

While most of the "new age" science fiction and previous authors had the totalitarian government as the oppressive figure, I agree that cyberpunk introduced instead the unfettered capitalism as the dystopian oppressor and the world governments as weak and vestigial. really cool concepts that I think Gibson and other authors stated were influenced by the history of the Dutch VOC.

Also, I'd like to point out some things that are Cyberpunk as fuck that most people here probably haven't thought about and whether there are literary cognate

1. user culture itself. Panther Moderns from Neuromancer were similar. 2ch was around long before Jow Forums and was a direct inspiration for the Ghost in the Shell Stand alone complex series. Stand alone complex IS the ideal of being user in the story since it centered around terrorist activity coming directly from anonymous message boards on the internet and everyone believing THEY are the laughing man (user). Was a much stronger concept back in the day with raids and the green man in the suit user imagery.

2.Temple OS. A deranged genius programmer creating an OS as a digital temple to his god? Software that is intended to interface directly with the prayer and gods voice? Then that lunatic creating a cult following before killing himself? That shit belongs in a Cyberpunk novel.

3. Twitch streamers. Shouldn't need to explain why this is cyberpunk and dystopian as fuck.

4. smartphone technology. If you grew up in the early computer age likeC64s and nintendos and shit, modern smartphones are about as futuristic as it gets. The fact that modern life for young people seems to revolve 100% around this insidious device is fucking unnerving to everyone that didn't grow up with them. The fact that they are listening to everything you do and say and pinging constantly off of towers with all of your meta data letting the government and corporations know your every move is something that might have inspired terrorism in previous generations of Americans. We are all tagged cattle.

5. AI and self driving cars, duh. Shit is black magic.

Kinda wanna build one of those...

cyberpunk is a made up universe created by one man

similar to the DC universe and Star Wars universe

any deviation from what is Cannon is not part of the universe