Do you use ccleaner?

do you use ccleaner?

Attached: disable-ccleaner-alerts.png (1200x1200, 25K)

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Yes. It's good, don't listen to Jow Forums

I use ccleaner browser

Occasionally to easily remove the shitapps that come with a fresh windows install

no, it's useless for me because i can delete the %temps% folder with ease

Why? I just delete and reclone the original.

It has been a botnet for the last 10 years

For me, it's BleachBit.

Attached: Hillary-Clinton-Smug.jpg (618x410, 67K)

5.32 latest before Avast bought them

Yes, on wine, it helps me to keep my GNU/Linux gentoo init.d clean

I use bleachbit with that winapp2 thing enabled

i use what's called 'triple Cs' they come in a box at walmart and clean your brain

> he's using spyware
adorable. use bleachbit, you fucking faggot.

based Hilldawg opting for free and open-source software

if she did the same for her email server she wouldn't have got hacked.

Good to run a scan on PCs that are 3+ years old. You don't really need it more than that though.

if you dual boot, don't use CCshit

if you single boot, it's fine, it's good

Hell NO!
Even the damn M$ Space cleaner does a better job.
And if you want to clean your porn browsing history, use the browser to clean that or use an anonymous window.

Windows is spyware.

there's no better app than ccleaner to scrub all traces of CP from you computer :3

10/10 would recommend

I stopped using this shit the moment it was bought by avast. It's better to use bleachbit

Fuck me haven't done DXM in probably 10 i wanna robotrip again.

Does this explain the ckdsk running on every disk whenever I do a registry clean?

Yes, and block it with firewall, so no phone-home issues
also, i use it with CCEnhancer

Attached: 451.jpg (720x423, 83K)

Pretty much the only good reason to. Typically I just use bleachbit for anything else. Hope you’re having a good day user

What is "phone-home issue"?

Not anymore (unless I really have to) now that I've replaced my hdd with ssd. Using ccleaner or bleachbit would cause unnecessary cycle on ssd.

Is this Jow Forums version of fuddlore

the two options "Allow usage data to be shared with 3rd parties for anlytics purposes " and the "Show offers for our other products" are available only in the Pro edition.

>do you use ccleaner?
Yes, I boot it up at least once a week.