Never heard of krita

>never heard of krita
>suddenly everyone recommends it and it's way better than gimp
What happened?

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Jow Forums furfags discovered it

That is the power of furry for you, accept it.

Who recommends it? Where?

I'm not doubting, I'm just not in the scene to even realize this.

Unlike gimp, which is just a shitty ps clone made by some nerds for the hell of it, it has actual artist working on it and the sexy mascot attracted furries to beta test it.

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I've seen a number of drawfags I follow on twitter switch to Krita

post the pic where she's spread to the point her feet are up to her head

Wait is it actually better than Gimp? How so?

When you say this do you mean Jow Forums artists or the uber social people who put "preferred pronouns" in their bio.

wasnt its mascot a tranny? these colors though

Kiki craves human dick.

none of the artists I follow have preferred pronouns specified in their bio, so I assume they're normal

it's not bad.
grease pencil in blender has the potential to shutdown the 2d industry.

Ok well desu I don't know how you escape that. It's everywhere. I basically left social things for two years (including Jow Forums) and now everyone talks about trannies, including on Jow Forums since people say "dilate" now.

>grease pencil in blender has the potential to shutdown the 2d industry.
quick rundown?

dilate is an insult mocking trannies after the horrifying image explaining how butchered meat holes are open wounds and must be constantly stretched and separated to prevent the body from healing and stitching it closed.

They are a turbo minority being bolstered larger than they are. 1 to 2% of the world population about the same that are autistic are faggots but someone with lots of money is just trying to make it seem more popular to influence public behavior and perception.

These people have an illness, and instead of being helped they are encouraged to mutilate their bodies into an abomination. it is impossible to help those people when you have so many virtue signalling retards reinforcing their destructive behavior. check their suicide rates, HIV and STD rates, and general public behavior.

Personally I don't even care except for the fact that it heralds dissent being impossible. I haven't seen a single person anywhere actually value using their words to justify anything; they just surround themselves with yes men, and violently assert what their opinions are.

Anyway that's not even the point. I don't even think it's sponsored by anything. It entered the consciousness of the youth, and they ran with it. I would be able to avoid it if Jow Forums didn't also pick up spreading awarness of trannies whenever they can.

we may be surrounded by faggots right now, but all memes die eventually
we'll make it through, user

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despite the awful mascot the program is really good but its more for drawing than photoediting

krita is a paint program, and gimp is the GNU image manipuation program. If somebody is telling you krita (or gnome) is "better" than the other, ignore them, because they obviously don't know how to use either program.

Click the links to Mahvin (gimp) and Deevad's (krita) blogs. They know their shit.

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They're under the mistaken impression that by trashing gimp and exaggerating the capabilities of krita, they're being dedicated and faithful little KDE shills.
GTK stands for gimp tool kit. It's not gimp's fault that gnome is shit.

>quotes neutral party and anti-party
>calls them both trannies
good job

>What happened?
It's really fucking good, that's what happened.

It's not "good for a freebie" it's really up to the standards of expensive commercial software.

I test Krita once every month and always come back to Sai 2.0 (01/2019) version

>Sai 2.0
Absolutely based and redpilled.
Anything else is bloated anyway

I've heard about krita for years and I don't give a shit about drawing or illustrations

kiki is awfully CUTE

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Exactly this. They serve different purposes and are at best complementary.

LMAO keep drinking the Kool-aid™ freetard. "Free" software is only free if your time is worthless.

>trying to be photoshop

for any other photographers here, darktable is better than LR imo


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picture the odor

>it's way better than gimp
It's weird how this comparison is always made. One is a drawing software, the other is a picture editing software.

A lot of artists draw with straight photoshop.

It's also not saying much either, since GIMP sucks so bad. Literally anything other than Paint is better than it.

well i like it and i've been using it for a while now

Krita would be alot better if it didn't pull in a million useless kde dependencies.

use the appimage, problem solved.

What is this, 2008?
If you are a drawfag and you are not using CSP you are doing it wrong.

Gimp stagnated. Also Krita is better in literally every way for illustration.

It's always been better than GIMP simply on the virtue that its developers don't have their heads up their ass when it comes to implementing features people actually want instead of autistically denying everything "MUH PHOTO EDITING OONLLYY REEE"
t. used it before the furfags got to it

Free as in freedom not free of charge

gimp is not good for photo editing either.
i tried to shrink a picture and it became all pixelated it.

I need this.

I use krita for photo editing, I haven't used gimp for 5+ years because I hated that it spawned a window for each toolbar in addition to the canvas. I'll never forgive them for that.

You can set it to use a single window

>I haven't used gimp for 5+ years because I hated that it spawned a window for each toolbar in addition to the canvas. I'll never forgive them for that.

That + no black theme

I've been using this setting for a while now. Holy shit is it so much better this way.
Why don't they make it the default? It's the dumbfuckest design to have a hidden "Make this software not suck" button hidden under a menu no one ever opens.

Die late

He's not wrong.

Yes. UX and workflow is far superior as it is made by people who actually know what they are doing as opposed to gimp and nerds who just badly copy photoshop. Krita however is a digital painting program with a feature set focused at that and is missing few useful photo editing features that gimp has

go heil hitler, nazi scum

3d2d is degenerate

nice trips, and i've been telling people all over the place about it f or the last couple monthes, so possible cascade effect
and also try Paint Dot Net with all the add ons, it's lightweight, free and works well for quick edits


darktable is the clear choice for photo editing, particularly RAWs

>tfw the keys of FOSS success are furries

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>bundled dependencies arent actually dependencies

these are GREAT mascots and libreoffice is a joke

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I've just tried it.
Seems like I can't copy and paste or resize my picture.

non destructive editing, aka adjustment layers
literally any software with this can shit on gimp
It also has a circle tool if that matters

>t. used it before the furfags got to it
So let me get this straight, you dropped krita because a demographic you don't like started using it?

I want to nakadashi libbie

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>spawned a window for each toolbar
You're barking up the wrong tree. If your window manager is trash, you replace it.

Calibrate your monitor instead.

>if someone shits on your plate, scrape it off

>That + no black theme
Both of these have nothing to do with reality in the year of our lord 2019.

I prefer it to GIMP, I don't draw but the layers are nice

I'm more of a RawTherapee man.
RawTherapee for basic edits and I toss it into Krita if I need to fuck around with layers

But I thought they did

It probably smells like recently manufactured chinese plastic.

Makeup and strawberries

you just hate furries.

>Ohno, it pulls a few tier 1 libraries developed under the kde team! It's bloat11!1!! xD
Things like this make me think Jow Forums is full children that can barely write a python shebang without stackoverflow. If you don't want to stain your precious 150 dollaroos thinkpad with a few tier 1 libs from kde then you also better drop any lib installed on your piece of shat too. They are the same shit as any library not from the kde umbrella and you are a very, very special boy for thinking different.
In fact, you can even use all of them for android development with no fucking downsides because they have zero dependencies on any kde and actually work cross platform. Unlike your gtk ilk.

What year do you live in where you think Nazis are still a thing lmfao

He never said that. Saying “used it UNTIL the furfags got to it” would imply he dropped it after the furfags started using it.


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Krita is waaaay better than GIMP when it comes to art. But for making memes, sketches and other basic stuff I would still recommend GIMP desu.

i switched from gimp to krita, its free and i recommend it

The Krita devs have posted here before by name so it's not unlikely that they do so anonymously as well.

It's actually a drawing program, but GIMP is so shit at its job that Krita is usually better at image manipulation, too.

I will because I'm not a tranny


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You furries are disgusting, go browse some site that offers nude chicks or at least some nice drawn 2d waifus instead of drawn animals for a fucking change

Closet Zoophiles t.t

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> What happened?
You crawled from under your rock where you've been for the last two or three years.

you learn about something, and suddenly it seems like everyone talks about it. coincidence? no, it simply wasn't on your radar. its been a recommended alternative for tablet artists for fucking years

This. fur fags + gays deserve death.

Are you saying an animal can't be a waifu?
This post was made by the /mlp/ gang.

FInally, a thread to post this in.

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you can do both. It takes a little while to figure out your workflow, but once you've favorited all the modules you use frequently and create presets it's really awesome

is this a drawfag thread? if so, does anyone know if the new cheap display cintiq from wacom is any good for more than beginner artists? i've been using an intuos pro for 5 years now but i think i'd like to try an actual display next.

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Underage tourist fuck off

Red pill status: dropped

>5 years

he asked its its "any good for *more* than beginner artists"

does krita suck on mac?

because the average Jow Forums drawfag thinks they know more about krita than krita devs, and say shit like "krita replaces gimp". krita isn't meant to do it, and it doesn't do it. Gimp does X, Krita does Y.

If you're not a brainlet who hates on gimp for whatever reason (many people like doing this because they don't know how to use it, or think it's like using photoshop and fail at it, or because it's a gnu package), you'll know using each program in conjunction for it's respective area is better.

There are some shit i do in gimp, usually some filters, that i don't have in krita, and that's ok.
And even with mypaint, krita's brushes are a lot better, and that's ok.
That's why i use both depending on what i'm doing.

Also use inkscape for artistic vector art, i use librecad when i need a precise vector (then import to inkscape), i use gimp for precise manipulation of images and filters, i draw my shit on krita, i edit my videos in blender's VSE (hoping that olive will be good), i do precise 3d in openscad, artistic 3d in blender, i write my plans and what to do on my work in emacs' org mode...

You don't need to have a single program for everything, you know? Division of labor and shit.