Walk through yellow-lit carpeted hallway

>walk through yellow-lit carpeted hallway
>arrive at your desk
>early morning
>window overlooking a cloudy spring day
>boot up your pc
>office is quiet aside from occasional typing or coworker chat
>look at the calendar
>april 1999
>ready to start a new day with win98

Does it get any comfier?

Attached: W98-2.png (800x600, 20K)

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I wasn't anywhere near old enough to be working in 1999, and neither was anyone else here, assuming they were born by then.
Quit LARPing.

that but you're working for id software, it's the year 1992 and you're developing doom on nextstep

Only office monkeys used Windows. Programmers used Unix.

You don't remember the pre-windows 95 days when DOS ruled. Running OS/2 to multitask DOS was pretty comfy.

>walk through candle-lit stoned hallway
>arrive at your desk
>early morning
>window overlooking a cloudy spring day
>open your book
>bureau is quiet aside from occasional scribing or coworker chat
>look at the calendar
>april 1499
>ready to start a new day with 98 pages

Does it get any comfier?

Attached: v.jpg (618x525, 48K)

>april 1999
>win98 in the office
Most would have switched to NT4 around that time.

boomer nostalgia thread #1289372186317263


take me back

>walk through torch lit propylaea
>arrive at your diphros okladias
>early morning
>window overlooking the Aegean sea
>produce your clay tablet
>academy is quiet aside for from occasional oration or rhetoric
>look at calendar
>Elaphebolion 330 BC
>ready to start a new day with 98 eromenos

Does it get any comfier?

Attached: pytho.jpg (290x314, 37K)

Where the fuck is my country - POLAND?

Based Microshit

Attached: polacks_get_out.jpg (600x539, 54K)

NeXTSTEP, IRIX, and SunOS weren't bad either.
MacOS has also been good since day one and remains so.

I wasn't working but I had a computer since I was 4 years old.
They work way better now, though they looked better then imo.

Anyone who says they were better back then has mental issues.

Attached: 156549427381.jpg (850x605, 135K)


Attached: jebac polakuw.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Write a novel with that sense of romance.

I genuinely feel sad that I know i'll never be that comfy.


I'm from 1999 (don't call me a zoomer, I don't even consider myself a millennial) and was brought up in my parents' office, with Windows 2000 only machines. My first PC ran Windows NT 4.0.
I would unironically use those systems today.

>ywn visit your father's 90's cubicle hell again as a young child
>ywn sit in a comparatively large spinny chair and get nauseatingly dizzy again

Attached: 1537553397201.jpg (317x212, 29K)

>Anyone who says they were better back then has mental issues.
he says while posting a trap