Why are so many people, especially among GNU/Linux users so fervently opposed to using the mouse at all...

Why are so many people, especially among GNU/Linux users so fervently opposed to using the mouse at all, to the point of deliberately avoiding software with proper mouse support?
Granted, keyboards are indeed more efficient for some tasks, but not for all. Sometimes, pointing and dragging really is the quickest way to do something.
Why cripple yourself at all?

>inb4 wintoddler/macfag
Been on GNU/Linux since before most of this board was born.

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They want to feel like hackers they saw in movies

GUI and mouse use only newfags

Linux nerds don't make much sense in general user.

They literally use the worst copy cat programs with not even 1/10 the features, simply because its not proprietary.
They literally eat shit simply because its free.

>not using only the mouse


because i have 3 giant fucking monitors and it's inefficient to keep moving my mouse across the whole span


because they have the trackpad for that.

and feels fucking great.

>Using spyware
>Can't even setup OS the way they want
>Have crappy, forced updates
>Pay for that spyware

> Copy cat programs
You do realize that most programming languages, emulators, some web browsers, VLC, vim, and Linux (which runs underneath Android and runs most servers, including Microsofts Azure) are all free software, right?

It's an illness, I've spent several hours installing libreboot and arch with i3wm for supreme efficiency while my room looks like Somalia

I'll have to agree, it's stupid. I think most serious power users nowadays (at least non-retarded ones) go through the three Hegelian phases:
>thesis, first time using computers: they use the mouse exclusively, since it's more intuitive, scared of keyboard shortcuts: they only use the keyboard for actually typing text, and nothing else
>antithesis, they learn more, possibly getting into programming, and recognize the power of keyboard-driven controls, especially when working with lots of text: however, they start avoiding the mouse as much as possible for the sake of avoiding it
>synthesis, after years of typing and workarounds for inherently visual software which would be better served by a pointing device, they finally give themselves a break and start using the mouse again whenever convenient, but still keeping their keyboard shortcuts whenever handy. finally, they can enjoy the best of both worlds: nobody was holding them back but themselves
I notice the same pattern with tiling wms: most people I've seen used them for a few years, then realized they are a meme.

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Because they mostly deal with tasks where the mouse is not really important.

>using 3 giant fucking monitors

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as in freedom, yes

It's a Vi problem. They don't want to move their hands from the home-row keys.

>cat program
Like what?

Finally someone who mentions the original and not the name of the Beast.

>he still uses a mouse instead of a cat
pic related is you

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gnu cat

It really depends on what I'm doing. Browsing Jow Forums is mostly mouse aside from some keybinds. Programing is almost all keyboard.

which one was the first, man page (less) or vi?

install qutebrowser

I use the mouse just for browsing web,but let's be honest
Shortcuts are more efficient than mouse pointing
Just think about clicking to save a txt file or Ctrl+S


it's only mr robot that actually resembles what these nerds are doing
so no

most linux users are programmers/systems administrators and for most tasks involving text keyboard-only is faster

her name is rio and she dances on the sand

I use a mouse if it's faster
I use a keyboard if it's faster
Browsing the web, switching workspaces and typing commands is generally faster
If you don't like it you can suck it up for being inferior in terms of performance

>mr robot
Hahahaha, yeah no.

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>fervently opposed to using the mouse at all
But we're not. We just use the keyboard when the keyboard makes more sense. Linux users spend less time playing games and are far more technical than Windows users so of course they use the mouse less.

As for the state of Windows users, I've seen one use a GUI git client.

Have you tried to configure things on Linux like mouse acceleration, speed, and the wheel, and have these settings work uniformly in all kind of applications? It's normal they avoid the mouse.

Sexy and brainpilled.

It doesn't help that many of the users in your second phase are using old thinkpads with poor quality touchpads and/or an ancient pointing device so using the mouse is actually painful.

Not sure if bait or not, but it's the fluidity and speed. My focus is a bit lost, when I have to move to the touchpad or mouse.

I have heard of programmers and other keyboard heavy professions getting aches and other issues from using the mouse as well.

And overall it's fun, for me at least.

>I've seen one use a GUI git client
Well every single person that uses an IDE for programming, which is approximately 100% of employed people, are effectively using a GUI git client.

Linux is a kernel.

I ain't bringing a fuckin mouse to the bathroom nigga

>Linux users spend less time playing games and are far more technical than Windows users

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my only complaint with the mouse is the amount of space it takes up on my desk but i still use kde anyway. on laptops i use tiling because touchpads and cucknipples are universally worthless.

This is actually a pretty good point.

glad to see something that isn't
>Macfaggot is X
>Wintoddler is Y
>Lincucks is Z
>Intlel is V
on this board...

This debate's old but gold, I just prefer keyboard, given how everything could be gone through macros like vim

Which is used on the Desktop by many people refered to as "Linux users", which might have habits different from users of other Kernels on other platforms.