I'm a beginner getting into digital art, should I go for a wacom or huion tablet...

I'm a beginner getting into digital art, should I go for a wacom or huion tablet? I see everyone talking about wacom but they're three times the price for not as much pressure sensitivity.

Attached: 860657_drossdrawings_jade.png (700x339, 157K)

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Draw with your keyboard like a true pro, using W-A-S-D

Don't be a fag OP

kys discord tranny

Huion is cheaper and as a noob you won't be able to tell the difference.

t. noob using a Huion for 2 years now

I have a 1060P from huion and i couldn't be happier

wacom if you have money to spare and get actual good customer support and a good archive for older drivers if you want to buy a used one.
huion or however its spelled if you want to get a tablet for an actual good price
your choice OP

Wacoms still have lag and wobble issues unless you want to buy their TOTL tablets. Older wacom's were garbage all around.

Huion have wacom's battery-free tech now that their patent is expired, but I'm guessing the lag and wobble issues are inherent to the tech. I haven't tried one out yet, they could be great.
"Battery-free" was a huge advantage in the '80s/'90s, but we have tiny li-ion batteries now that last 2 months between charges, and skips the parallax problems inductors have.

I had to learn digital art on a tiny 4"x3" wacom. It was bullshit. Huion's bigger sizes for less money and better digitizer make them defacto winner unless you're looking to drop $500.

Go look at /ic/ and their suggestions.

Huion works great for me for a fraction of the price.

Dialate, double tranny