Career Route

What's the best career route?
I can choose between two jobs.

Sysadmin or web developer?

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Sysadmin os priority, but won't cut the necessity of you be up to date with programming. Trust me.

Just start with McDonald's.

Yeah then move over to check at Wendy's when you have a few years of experience in the field.
300k job just like that.

My best bro went into a wild ride from IT support > Windows admin > Linux admin > Devops > project manager

Bump. I hope you Jow Forumseniuses will share your insights on this matter.

webdev is a terrible choice
literally millions of different fotm frameworks and shit that you should keep up with weekly or face an early retirement

Freelance security sounds cooler than either of those.

Doctor or an Engineer

Web dev for freelance, sysadmin for wage slave, software dev for slightly better wage slave. Just hustle and start a business. Screw (((them))).

Attached: 4d0.jpg (800x600, 87K)

I feel like I have to remain in the wage cage for a couple of years. such cases ;

why, user?

webdev is shit

better become a sysadmin and specialize in docker/k8s memes

I completed an Electrical Engineering degree and ended up in software QA anyway.
Where are Electrical Engineers in high demand?

Honestly, you are simply going to be working so much that you won't have the time to fully enjoy your riches. Enjoy being a trust fund parent though lol

Muh experience
I like work.

Shut up NEET

I came to realize this after hustling in finance for a decade so you can duly stfu.

React has been the go-to framework for years now.

sysadmin then jump into cybersecurity

By hipster front end """developers""" for sure.

Myself I just write straight JS/HTML/CSS with a Flask templating backend, fuck everything else. I?m glad I don't have to work on web shit very often.