#20190816 Colombia inaugura el túnel más largo de Latinoamérica

#20190816 Colombia inaugura el túnel más largo de Latinoamérica - El Universo
tridejur.uy/t123.php?id=2658312&alta=2019-08-15 22:55:50

Attached: 69886.jpg (600x450, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tridejur.uy/t123.php?id=2658796&alta=2019-08-15 22:33:32
tridejur.uy/t123.php?id=2658684&alta=2019-08-15 21:47:00

off by one my cocaine amigo.

speak english you dumb nigger

#20190816 Les enfants migrants en détention ont droit à du savon, confirme un tribunal américain - Le Monde
tridejur.uy/t123.php?id=2658796&alta=2019-08-15 22:33:32

Attached: 517518.jpg (644x322, 21K)

was this designed by elon musk

fucking speak american spic scum

Don't beat your mom's vagina


#20190816 Alemania: dos pingüinos machos adoptaron un huevo y podrían ser padres en septiembre - LA NACION
tridejur.uy/t123.php?id=2658684&alta=2019-08-15 21:47:00

Attached: 492066.jpg (2000x1333, 227K)

Macaron, donnez moi la visa

Elono Musko el btfo


is that your site? Some sort of news aggregator?

Gracias Raúl, muy frío.

Yes that's mine based at home. De nada.

Attached: 34241.jpg (620x413, 100K)

chida tu wea Jamundí
now fuck off



>american education


that's part of the joke, user

t. only pretending

jokes on you i was only pretending