Finally gets 1 friend

> Finally gets 1 friend
> Finds out friend can program
> Notices he puts his curly brackets on new lines
> Got 0 friends again...

Attached: crying_pepe.png (734x506, 312K)

Dumb frogposter.

You thinking of frogfag

I can tell from a mile you're american.

Think you might wanna get a few meters closer because you're wrong :)

Attached: pranking_pepe.png (1280x1280, 67K)

if the curly brace is opening a function that's where they belong

dumb frogshit

How dare you say something like that about legend Pepe...

Attached: roped_pepe.png (655x509, 22K)

That's apustaja

I can tell from a kilometer away you are too

>puts his curly brackets on new lines

you are right

only if you like kissing boys

who says I don't like kissing pretty boys, you fucking faggot?

>if the curly brace is opening a function
the curly braces do not open anything other than a code block
the code block is just a way to bundle a bunch of lines together so that the collection of lines can be associated with the statement on the previous line (if, function, while)
this is why skipping the braces is perfectly fine (although questionable) if you only have one line to associate

it is not like the colon in python which literally does "open" whatever comes after it (together with the indentation)

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projecting much faggot?
no grill will even look at a guy that doesn't tap enter before {

you know what he means, stop being a asshole

dumb {

I know what he means
but the thing is thinking of it as "opening the if/function" is a pretty big part of a lot of the arguments or (sub)conscious reasonings for placing it on the same line
giving the false impression that it is somehow related to the statement

I'm glad the company I work in puts them on the same line. On the next line is just fucking ugly

I used to put the opening brace on same line, but it makes looking for mesed up braces annoying.

Which one is the best then?




If you need to ask this, you're already a lost cause

>it makes looking for mesed up braces annoying.
to me they feel like a nuisance and I bet the ones placing it on the first line are doing it just to hide it away and not have to look at it
doing away with an opening brace and replacing the closing brace with something like endif (or even just end) seems ideal (the opening brace is already implied either way)

2 obviously

true, but that's no use to him, since he can't figure that out

Attached: noooooo.jpg (669x197, 16K)

Who the fuck still uses curly braces?
Python master race.

1st IMO, at least as a C and java programmer seems to me the best

Wtf he might be just new at coding

No wonder no one can be friend with you when you don't put curly brackets on new lines, that's fucking basics of readability.

2 evidently

doesn't matter. they're all disgustingly forced to the left margin